• I’ve been playing a lot of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (6th game in the series) lately. It’s a really fun game, I’m only playing normal mode as of now (I haven’t beat the game to unlock hard mode) but the game is really enjoyable, a nice blend of good music, storytelling and easy to understand gameplay make it (and the other games) really fun

  • When I first played Melee (years ago) I thought Marth and Roy were brothers, for similar reason to why some people thought Ganondorf was C. Falcons dad. (move set similarities) Another reason is that in Melee when Marth does his Up-B sometimes you get a voice line that sounds like he is saying “Roy!” He does not. I know this now

  • I love Wall-E, one of my favorite movies. Nothing else, that’s all.

  • I don’t like Splatoons music, something about that techno “Woomy” just sparks a deep disliking in me

  • When BlockBuster was still around, I used to go weekly, and my mom would rent Kirbys Return to Dreamland on the Wii for me. I eventually got a copy Christmas of that year. I miss BlockBuster.

  • I really don’t like Doom (the original, I haven’t played any others)

    I don’t know why, but the spacey-FPS demon shooter just doesn’t appeal to me. The musics pretty cool though

    • jokes on you

      im still waiting for Minecraft caves and cliffs

      2020-11-16 23:25:12 UTC 1
      • Replying to: Collojokes on you im still waiting for Minecraft caves and cliff

        Same, can’t wait for it, it looks sick

        2020-11-16 23:25:35 UTC 2
    • 2020-11-16 23:27:38 UTC 1
    • finally, someone said it.

      2020-11-16 23:30:18 UTC 3
    • I agree, I tried it twice maybe even three times, DOOM Eternal i’m talking about and it was very boring.

      Shooters to me are boring in general especially in story. People who like action and guns tend to like it more but for me I don’t at all.

      Spending money on it was the worse decision I made over quarantine.

      2020-11-16 23:38:08 UTC 1
      • Replying to: Tastylemon16I agree, I tried it twice maybe even three times, DOOM Etern

        Same, I find most of them lacking in story, and I just don’t like shooters in general (competitive shooters aren’t bad)

        I feel bad for you and your money

        2020-11-16 23:39:43 UTC 0
        • Replying to: CussSame, I find most of them lacking in story, and I just don’t

          It’s fine, not a big deal.

          At least I know now.

          I liked the music originally and the montages and trailers looked great but actually playing was draggy and dull.

          2020-11-16 23:45:59 UTC 1
      • Replying to: Tastylemon16I agree, I tried it twice maybe even three times, DOOM Etern

        I prefer fighting games any day, but shooters are just OK in my opinion.

        2020-11-17 00:06:22 UTC 0
        • Replying to: 🦇🎃K-ZILLA🎃🦇 (Doing Commissions Now)I prefer fighting games any day, but shooters are just OK in

          Eh, I like Smash. That’s where my fighting game love ends, MK is cool I guess

          2020-11-17 00:20:41 UTC 0
        • Replying to: 🦇🎃K-ZILLA🎃🦇 (Doing Commissions Now)I prefer fighting games any day, but shooters are just OK in

          Fighting games for me personally tend to be quite enjoyable, I wouldn’t play on any online games though because it often is a large skill difference and they may spam actions.

          Some fighting games aren’t as traditional though, the Yakuza franchise is focused on gameplay, story and other open world experiences like Karaoke, Eating at restaurants, Bowling and all of which are quite enjoyable and has benefits.

          2020-11-17 00:55:32 UTC 1
  • I actually prefer the 3D Mario games over the 2D games. Odyssey, Galaxy 1 and 64 are all tied as my favorite Mario games, as well as some of my favorite games ever.

    I love music in games, and is actually a very big reason to why I enjoy some games. The 3D Mario games have some of the best and different music in the entire series. The 2D Mario games (Especially those in the New Super Mario Bros. Series of 2D Mario games) all have similar themes of music for each world, never varying much, however the 3D games do. As for platforming, some of it can be much more challenging than that of the 2D games, and the story is just Mario, so no real big additions to that, but these games control amazing and are just a great time for me whenever I play them.

    • I agree, Super mario galaxy was a huge part of my childhood. God, I wish nintendo made another galaxy game…

      2020-11-15 18:03:55 UTC 1
      • Replying to: 🍀Lucky🍀I agree, Super mario galaxy was a huge part of my childhood.

        I do too. My copy of Galaxy got lost, but when I played 2 I appreciated the Galaxy set of games so much more. They just felt amazing and were one helluva experience. 1 still stuck out as the better game though.

        2020-11-15 18:11:31 UTC 1
    • Same,I didn’t really like Mario games,(I prefered sonic)but odyssey was one of the first mario games I enjoyed other than mario kart.

      2020-11-15 18:04:04 UTC 1
      • Replying to: ItzQwertySame,I didn't really like Mario games,(I prefered sonic)but

        Yeah the launch year of the Switch had some amazing games, Odyssey being one.

        2020-11-15 18:12:36 UTC 1
    • True, Mario Galaxy 2 is my favourite traditional Mario game.

      You should check out user created 2D mario games though like Newer Super Mario Bros, they’re amazing and really unique with their design.

      The best Mario game to me is Paper Mario on the Wii.

      2020-11-16 00:26:08 UTC 1
  • I love tactical rpgs. Fire Emblem (yknow, the series 8 Smash characters are from) and Shining Force (Segas Fire Emblem knockoff) are games I enjoy and would play regularly if I had the time, but these games take like 60+ hours, and I’m usually busy with school lately.

  • I really don’t like most Shonen anime.

  • I think Ocarina of Time is the best game ever made

  • There is one thing that makes me cry, and this one thing is the Staff Roll of Super Mario 64. Such a beautiful piece to top off a phenomenal game.
