• Replying to comment by: Crazwhen you go down when you go down down


  • Just found this screenshot from 4 years ago. Was this an April Fools joke for those who were also here then?

  • For any of y’all who know me or used to know of me, I am hosting a QnA!

  • Replying to comment by: TynamoAfter 4 hours of building (sped up by the abilities of the T

    We will watch your career with great interest

  • Replying to comment by: NiceLife101For @mannyanims from @nicelife101

    I remember using that app for making those cat avatars like 7 years ago. You just unearthed a part of my childhood

  • Replying to comment by: Tastylemon16Yoo It’s been some time since I’ve seen you around, how hav

    Haven’t been the best. Doing what I can in college while also battling worsening depression since 2021

  • Replying to comment by: El Gigan Showa [The Posse]No

  • Oki. Imma give this a go.

    -Where do you want your home?
    Country. Ideally one side of the property would be forested and the rest would have flat land. The flatter side could be elevated a bit.

    -Pick 3 colors.
    White, light blue, dark grey

    -What’s the theme?
    Classic ranch-style house

    -How do you want your room decorated.
    Texas decor on one side, vaporwave art on another, and a bisexual flag would work well on the walls.
    A simple white bed works good.
    2 windows that still let in light
    LED interior lighting of purple and blue
    Potted ferns in corners.
    A white desk works as well with a modern white chair.

    -What is your main OC’s hobbies and personal interests?
    SlapStyle enjoys spending time alone a lot. He extensively researches whatever he finds interesting, though isn’t very good at talking about it with others. He likes to research weather, military hardware, and cars.
    He’s also a huge fan of the 80s and it’s aesthetics. He also likes spending time in nature, watching anime(though he never tells anyone), and communicating with friends online.
    He’s very pragmatic, and doesn’t need much pricey stuff or feel the need to show off.

    -Tell me extra notes that you think would be important to how everything is designed.
    Dotted throughout the house should be more potted ferns and LED lights.
    A large garage for his small but robust collection of cars should be available.

    • Yoo

      It’s been some time since I’ve seen you around, how have you been?

      2023-04-15 09:22:31 UTC 2
      • Replying to: Tastylemon16Yoo It’s been some time since I’ve seen you around, how hav

        Haven’t been the best. Doing what I can in college while also battling worsening depression since 2021

        2023-04-15 10:57:39 UTC 1
        • Replying to: SlapStyle AnimsHaven’t been the best. Doing what I can in college while als

          Sorry to hear that, hopefully once you get a chance to step away from college and into something secure career-wise and financially your mental health improves.

          Until then all the best

          2023-04-15 12:12:22 UTC 1
  • Profile picture of SlapStyle Anims

    SlapStyle Anims changed their profile picture 1 year, 6 months ago

  • Replying to comment by: El Gigan Showa [The Posse]What


  • Profile picture of SlapStyle Anims

    SlapStyle Anims changed their profile picture 1 year, 7 months ago

  • Replying to comment by: 🦇🎃K-ZILLA🎃🦇 (Doing Commissions Now)I cornflaked all over my keyboard when you said that.


  • I love the part where Thoughts said “What are we, in some kind of Cornflakes?” And Cornflaked everywhere. Truly one of the series of all time

  • Is this gonna start back up sometime?

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