• Replying to comment by: Ralph (Developer)nah that ain't me, i'm an enigma, a mystery behind a ragge


  • @ralph ??? Xd

  • Das deutsche Oberkommando genehmigt es 👍

  • Profile picture of Z-PLAY.U

    Z-PLAY.U commented 6 days ago

    Replying to comment by: ๊ง…๐’…ƒ๐’€ฑ๐ฐปž๊™ฎฮ›๏ฝ…๏ฝ’๏ฝ๊™ฎ๐ฐปž๐’€ฑ๐’…ƒ๊ง…hey guys I bashed my head against my bed because It wouldn'

    Eso te pasa por p3ndejo
    In English place:
    That\’s what makes you s7up1d

  • @telluretv olle :D! Puedes recrear mi OC a tu estilo? Siempre e estado interesado en saber como otros ubieran hecho a Z-NIX :3
    hey :D! Can you recreate my OC in your style? I\’ve always been interested in knowing how others would have made Z-NIX :3

  • @ralph Hello Ralph, I would like to ask if you would accept an interview for my YouTube channel, if you have time and of course, you want, you can contact me on either of these two platforms: Facebook and Discord
    DISCORD: zplay.u_02215

    • nah that ain’t me, i’m an enigma, a mystery behind a raggedy old FTL hat and sunglasses
      lots of ppl seem to want to interview me for some reason over the years even though im boring af
      thanks tho, maybe in the future

      2024-06-16 12:56:44 UTC 1
      • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)nah that ain't me, i'm an enigma, a mystery behind a ragge


        2024-06-16 12:58:11 UTC 0
  • Profile picture of Z-PLAY.U

    Z-PLAY.U's profile was updated 1 week ago

  • Replying to comment by: Ralph (Developer)definitely a fun idea but a whooole other type of app lmao t

    Supongo que Imao es una exprecion, el traductor no traduce muy bien pero entiendo que intentas decir que es una opcion compleja para una aplicaciรณn relativamente simple. Pero bueno esta bien. Y una idea que si se puede hacer, como poner los OC de la pantalla de carga en los Defalut?
    ENGLISH of Google:
    I guess lmao is an expression, the translator doesn\’t translate very well but I understand that you are trying to say that it is a complex option for a relatively simple application. But hey, that\’s fine. And an idea that can be done, how to put the loading screen OCs in the Defalut?

  • @ralph Hola!, Ralph el otro dia estaba animando cuando mi stk paso el piso y hay se me ocurrio la idea de stk solido, es una idea que te quiero dar para una actualizaciรณn, es bastante compleja segun yo pero seria bรกsicamente en aรฑadir una opcion que se pueda activar y desactivar y que cuando 2 stk se toquen no se puedan traspasar y que colisionen, esto seria muy รบtil para los suelos y otros obviamente que cuando unas dos stks no colisionen entre si, pero es una idea que te queria dar :). Saludos desde Cuba.
    English Version:
    Hello! Ralph, the other day I was animating when my stk passed the floor and I came up with the idea of โ€‹โ€‹solid stk, it is an idea that I want to give you for an update, it is quite complex according to me but it would basically be adding an option that It can be activated and deactivated and that when 2 stks touch each other they cannot be crossed and collide, this would be very useful for floors and others obviously that when two stks do not collide with each other, but it is an idea that I wanted to give you ๐Ÿ™‚ . Greetings from Cuba.

    • Thats actually a amazing idea

      esa es realmente una idea increรญble

      2024-06-12 23:19:04 UTC 7
    • definitely a fun idea but a whooole other type of app lmao
      that’s some physics engine action you’re talking about

      2024-06-13 11:54:02 UTC 1
      • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)definitely a fun idea but a whooole other type of app lmao t

        Supongo que Imao es una exprecion, el traductor no traduce muy bien pero entiendo que intentas decir que es una opcion compleja para una aplicaciรณn relativamente simple. Pero bueno esta bien. Y una idea que si se puede hacer, como poner los OC de la pantalla de carga en los Defalut?
        ENGLISH of Google:
        I guess lmao is an expression, the translator doesn’t translate very well but I understand that you are trying to say that it is a complex option for a relatively simple application. But hey, that’s fine. And an idea that can be done, how to put the loading screen OCs in the Defalut?

        2024-06-13 16:53:37 UTC 0
  • Profile picture of Z-PLAY.U

    Z-PLAY.U's profile was updated 1 week, 4 days ago

  • Hola Banda acabo de terminar con la stick figure de Shin Godzilla, ya la envie pero si quieren usarla ahora pรกsense por mi canal, el link de descarga esta en la descripcion :3
    English Version:
    Hello Friends I just finished with the Shin Godzilla stick figure, I already sent it but if you want to use it now, visit my channel, the download link is in the description :3

  • Califiquen nueva figura, a esperar 2 semanas porque si esto no es calidad entonces es frio, (mi telefono apenas aguato los filtros xd)
    Z-PLAY.U Trasladation o creo que se escribe asi xd: Rate new figure, wait 2 weeks because if this is not quality then it is cold, (my phone can barely hold the filters xd)

  • Profile picture of Z-PLAY.U

    Z-PLAY.U and Profile picture of KaiZillaKaiZilla are now friends 2 weeks, 1 day ago

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