• Need some thoughts and ideas.
    1. Arm Blade or Arm Gun
    2. What should I do for the gauntlet?
    I have some sparse ideas but Iโ€™m not a very organized person.

  • Job core was a bureaucratic nightmare that I gave up on after 6 loops of bs. Applying for jobs elsewhere. Will have the next Ramox update later tonight. Sorry to keep yโ€™all waiting.

  • Had some troubles with job core. 6 loops of people calling all saying the same stuff like I had the answers when I was trying to get the answers from them and honest to god I hate government mindless bureaucracy. So now Iโ€™m trying my local Union. Hopefully see yโ€™all soon with that new iPad

  • Alright almost close to new iPad. Moms helping me shop today with all the birthday stuff that happened yesterday. I am now 21

  • Replying to comment by: Ralph (Developer)a random lookup of that error had someone suggesting "This

    No but my phone is pushing 4 years now. However your different page link worked. Thank you

  • Yo @ralph Iโ€™m trying to open up the group โ€œPest Controlโ€ so I can read up on some of the stuff I missed there and I keep getting web page restarts and this error message. Idk if you know whatโ€™s going on but yeah.
    And yes Iโ€™ve restarted my web browser and cleared the cookies.

    • seems to be working fine on my end and i suppose everyone else?


      only thing i see that could be causing some unique issue is there are a LOT of embedded youtube videos

      try going to a different page like:

      does that load?

      2024-05-22 17:05:57 UTC 3
      • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)seems to be working fine on my end and i suppose everyone el

        a random lookup of that error had someone suggesting

        “This sounds like its caused by high GPU consumption.”

        which may be due to all the youtube embeds

        you got an old ass device/safari version?

        2024-05-22 17:06:58 UTC 2
        • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)a random lookup of that error had someone suggesting "This

          No but my phone is pushing 4 years now. However your different page link worked. Thank you

          2024-05-22 18:16:55 UTC 2
  • Replying to comment by: ScottIve returned to find out im extremely rusty

    Rusty my hairy behind. Good work

  • Replying to comment by: CrocodiiI'm glad the members of the community have matured the way

    Far better than when I was leading the drama at least

  • Replying to comment by: CrocodiiHe would NEVER admit he was wrong he had the supreme opinion

    *Immense pain at the mention of Golden Era* god I remember that shit. He sounded like a genuine supervillain whenever he said that and was convinced by getting rid of me that it would return. He hated all figures that werenโ€™t EB detailed or his own art style and mocked everyone for being sub par especially me.

  • Replying to comment by: ๐Ÿ’€-{89 CK1500 AN1MS}-๐Ÿ’€Damm, that sounds insane, civil war in sticknodes.... wow

    It sucked thatโ€™s what. 90% of the buddies I once had here where driven out because of my need to crusade on epitaph

  • Replying to comment by: El Gigan Showa [The Posse]I am going to eternally stun lock him

    Gigan I spent 2 years of nothing but drama fighting him. All he does is ruin and all he does is corrupt what he touches. Heโ€™s not worth it. Especially not to fight heโ€™s a mindless echo chamber that will drive you mad as you fire assault after assault at him. You could rally 20 people to your cause like i did it dosent matter you canโ€™t get through to him.

  • Replying to comment by: El Gigan Showa [The Posse]I need someone my age to bully today

    Donโ€™t bring HIM of all people back.

  • Replying to comment by: Ramoxfire V2About 4-5 years ago I was apart of the group of people known

    This is a very tldr a lot of shit happened when I was drama number 1 guy

  • Replying to comment by: ๐Ÿ’€-{89 CK1500 AN1MS}-๐Ÿ’€You were?

    About 4-5 years ago I was apart of the group of people known as โ€œ3rd Generation Usersโ€ on sticknodes. Back when the app was far simpler. I was bright, eager eyed and about 13 at the time of joining. For a year and a half shit was ok but not great. I had gotten in a few fights but nothing serious. Then came the day epitaph and I sparked, I donโ€™t remember the details but he said something about my figures and I said something back pissed off. For 2 years it was nothing but drama. Such was my fury at this one man I was determined to drive him off the website. Among me was (idk if itโ€™s their usernames now but hereโ€™s what I remember) Kaijulord (who took a neutral stance) explosive bullet (who was neutral and was agaisnt epitaph later on) cobalt (switched sides constantly), scorching Scorpio (who was on my side) bootleg snake (who was neutral) chimdi (who wasnโ€™t exactly on epitaphs side he just hated me) jackfly (who hated me) canโ€™t remember his name but he started the SN nation roleplay (that shit was a disaster day 1) kniferulz (neutral) gamerX (canโ€™t remember he just did a lot of stuff like EB), slapstyle anims (heโ€™s a long story), Toxic911 (he and I conspired with eachother to take down epitaph but he just vanished on me. Idk what happened there) many more users who I canโ€™t think off the top of my head. I essentially drove sticknodes into a 2 year long civil war that raged on and off as Epitaph became more degenerate and I became more furious at his hiding. Eventually I made a โ€œCeasefireโ€ with him after he abandoned the website and left for discord. He and I fought there a few times but I had mostly went to vanish off the internet for a few years because school. So yeah for a solid 2 years I did almost nothing but drama here trying to Yeet one dude out. Imagine my shock learning heโ€™s banned now for what I expected what would get him in trouble.

  • Replying to comment by: Tastylemon16This drama is incredibly stupid. Letโ€™s cover the points: &

    Good god this nonsense brings back painful memories of my crusading days on this site. Especially because I know shit got so bad an intense that I caused the vigilante rule. We gotta stop this, keyboard crusading fixes nothing.

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