• Here is my oc

  • Preview of deku vs overhaul animation.

    • this is really damn good wow lol

      i’d be pissed as hell if I hadn’t seen this yet but I guess even the dub of this episode is over a month old at this point

      best fight tho

      i can’t believe you’re gonna try to pull this off

      2020-02-12 12:18:20 UTC 3
    • What ralph said, looks amazing, but I don’t think that’s deku it’s lemillion..(if it starts with him and I just haven’t seen that episode or if that’s how ur anim is starting then please dont hurt me)

      2020-02-12 13:00:12 UTC 4
      • Replying to: SmileGuyWhat ralph said, looks amazing, but I don’t think that’s dek

        lol yeah its lemillion

        oof tho you gotta catch up, this episode/fight was hotness

        2020-02-12 13:43:24 UTC 1
    • Bruh, i wanna make this but archer using rho aias or archer vs shirou.
      Or even jotaro sp:tw. Teach me!

      2020-02-12 15:28:51 UTC 0
    • Just managed to finish animating the part where deku bursts through the wall and punches overhaul , adding the effects will take some time though…

      2020-02-13 15:33:24 UTC 0
  • Hello

  • Hey guys who\’s ur favorite character ? Mine is Tokoyami Fumikage

    • Mine is Tenya Iida

      2018-06-28 19:30:58 UTC 0
      • Replying to: PermaMine is Tenya Iida

        yeah is pretty cool too

        2018-06-28 20:04:27 UTC 0
    • I can’t remember name at the moment so I’ll call her zero gravity

      2018-06-28 21:23:25 UTC 0
      • Replying to: Ramoxfire V2I can't remember name at the moment so I'll call her zero

        Uraraka Ochaco

        2018-06-28 21:28:02 UTC 0
      • Replying to: Ramoxfire V2I can't remember name at the moment so I'll call her zero

        I think unravity

        2020-02-12 12:25:16 UTC 0
  • I\’m summoned lol

  • I\’m not a fan of \”My Hero Academia\”

    • We are boxing

      2018-06-25 10:59:49 UTC 0
    • Then why are you here

      2018-06-25 11:12:57 UTC 0
      • Replying to: Ramoxfire V2Then why are you here

        Cause you Invited me -_-

        2018-06-25 11:14:59 UTC 0
        • Replying to: IRevizerCause you Invited me -_-

          Don’t invite someone if they don’t fit in, jerk.

          2018-06-25 11:15:40 UTC 0
          • Replying to: IRevizerDon't invite someone if they don't fit in, jerk.

            You don’t have to announce it you could just reject the invitation

            2018-06-25 11:16:23 UTC 1
            • Replying to: Ramoxfire V2You don’t have to announce it you could just reject the invi

              Or maybe you shouldn’t have just sent an invitation twice.

              2018-06-25 11:56:06 UTC 0
              • Replying to: IRevizerOr maybe you shouldn't have just sent an invitation twice.

                I sent it once
                If another appeared it’s a site error

                2018-06-25 11:56:52 UTC 0
                • Replying to: Ramoxfire V2I sent it once If another appeared it’s a site error

                  This website really needs an upgrade.

                  2018-06-25 11:58:02 UTC 0
    • as someone who is just finished with Season 1


      well honestly I don’t feel strongly enough to insult you, give me a few more eps

      2018-06-25 11:53:00 UTC 0
      • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)as someone who is just finished with Season 1 um well hone

        I’m not a fan of it because I haven’t watched it nor do I plan to do so.

        2018-06-25 11:54:41 UTC 0
      • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)as someone who is just finished with Season 1 um well hone

        So… can this site handle Zalgo now?

        2018-06-25 11:56:30 UTC 0
        • Replying to: IRevizerSo... can this site handle Zalgo now?

          the hell is a zalgo

          2018-06-25 12:05:11 UTC 0
          • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)the hell is a zalgo

            Ț̷̢̢̟͔̜̟̖͙̝̜̜̫̭̤̻̼̤̩̘̄̓̈͐̆͌̾̀̏̀̑́͒̈́̅̏́͆̌̈́̑͐̏͌̏͒̓͐̕̚̕͜͠͠ḣ̴̡̨̛̼̬̘͉̣̼͇͕̠̳̮̰̯͔̮̪̤͇̭͓̤̟̳͚̭͓̰͂̽̓̒̐̐͆̒̾̽̌̑̇̂̓̎̀̇́̍̑̉̾̋̈̐̃̑̇͆͋̆̀̉̄̋̊͒̆̕̕͘͠͝͝͠͝ͅi̷̢̢̧̧̡̢̯͙̺͖̞̹͔̹̖͖͓̟̤̼͈̗͔̲͈̥̖̖̹̹̬̩̱̼̫̮͓̪͚̣͉͓͍̲̘̪̬̣̳̤̺͊̉̄̍̓̏̇̅̏̆̔̈̽̂̀̓̚͜s̷̡̨̧̧̢̢̧̢̡̨̢̨̨̢̨̨̧̨̛̺͍͙̩̤̥̬̖͇͈̮͔̝̘̣̳͖̤͚̭̲̼̗̜̦̘̥̥̱̣͇͓̱͍͖̹̝͓̥͈̯̙̥͎̗͉̹̼̟̮̯̟͙̖̩̮͚͖̮̙̟͚̜͉̙̬̝͔̗͈͖̲̘͚̣̠̭̠̟̱̼̫̗̲̙̪̻̼̩̤̪͚͍̬̬̦̰̰̮̗̹̗̮̳̱̜͍̰͎͇̺̰͓̮̤͉͉͍̪͔͚̭̼̖̬̙̘̘̝̮̖̙͚͕͎̜͙̖͚̲̩̮̮̘̳̙͎̙̬͙̉̊̋̉͒̒̍͗̉̍̀̑̊̿̈̆͗̒̈́́̌́̈́̈́͋̒̉̚̚͜͜͜͝͝ͅͅ ̷̢̨̢̛̛̛̛͉̱͓̜̙̹̖̠̠̜̪̩̠̺̪̬̞͍̻̝̠̭̫̣̠͔͉͍͎̥͖̯̥̖̜͓̘̭̹͖̝͎͇͚̙͌̉̓̾̋̇̿͂͗̏̅̀́́̉̆͊̋͊̿͊͒̈́̀̾͒̀̔̏̒̅̓́̑̓̊̆̐̃̽̿̈́̍͌͒͆̈́̈́̇̏̊̏̔̓͆̆̈́́̒̑̑͌͂̐͗̔̓̋̔̈́͂͌͒̄̀͗͗͐̀͗͐͒̃̀̿̾͂̑̿̀̂̅͊̇̓̌́̀̐͛͋̾͆̐̂͆͛̊̋̉̐̑͒̍̓̉͒͛͒̽͒̃̋̃̇̾͋͂̆̾̊̌̓̂́́͂̆͌͆̓͒͑͒̏̈̍̂͋́̓̃̒́͑̍͑͐̋̓͗͛̉̽̋̔͌͋̍̆͆̇̿̀͂̐̑͂͗̏̓̿͌̈̕̕̕̕̚͘̕̚͘͘̚̚̚̕͘̚͘͠͝͠͠͠͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝I̶̧̢̢̧̨̢̨̨̨̛̛͙̯̝͍͇̮͔̫͚̩̣͇̥̟̝͙͈̻͚̖̙͇̞̞̦͍̰̦̹͎̗͈͈̬̼͕͈̫͉͓̭̰̺̬͎̮̣̟̞̤̪̣͇̣̼̻̪̼̩̝̩̭̹͉͖̻̹͙͎̺̟̬̫͇͉͖̜̘̬͓͕̱̫̠͍̘̟̦͚̙̘̣̬̥̤̝̲̖̳͓̍̔̓͆͗͒̈͒̀̾͑͂͛͛̂͑̈́̎̔̎̈́͆̇͛̀̊̏̉̇̈́̑͌̾̌̈͐́͛̏́̽̆̈́͗͌̇̂̐́̆͐̐̎̒̔̃̓͒͒͒͗̍̿͗͐̇̀̈́̔̀̆̇̑̽̂͊̿̋́̔̽̾̽͌͆̍̎̃́̍̎́͊̅̑̅́̎͑̔̏̾̾̇̔͊̋̆͋͂̈͊̇́̍̂̀̽̄͑͒̊̂̾͆̎͑̂̽͂̏̉͐̂͗̓̄̿́͘̚̕͘̕̚͘̕͘̚͘̕̚͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅs̷̢̨̡̨̢̨̛̛̛̛̟̲̲͕̖̘̠̱̱̘̖̭̻̘͖̰̹͍̯̻̺̳̻̰̯̟̖̞̯̯̬̜̭͕̖̖̼͈͚̞̩̥͓̞̼͎̬̩̙̭͙̻͙̤̖͔̟̰̪̯͚͕͔͈̭̯̱̱̙͕̫͔̭̠͙͖̝̱̽̀̈́̍̐̑̿͒̍́̓̍͛͂̿̿̿͂̀̇̅͛͋̈̄͂̔̅̐̽͑̄̃̽̾̋̋̓͑̈́̐͑͛͗͛͑̿͊͂̈́̄̄̏͋͒͐̓̑̑̒̉̓̏̀̋͒̐̾̽̒́̋͗͗͗͊̊͛̈̂͌̽̈́̀̽͗͊͒͑̑͑̇͐̒̔̾̐̂̆̋̊͆́̏͐̍̐͆̌͌̂̈́͑̽̽̊͐̿͋͘̚͘͘͘͘̕̚͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅ

            2018-06-25 12:07:48 UTC 0
          • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)the hell is a zalgo

            Did I break the website?

            2018-06-25 12:08:00 UTC 0
          • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)the hell is a zalgo

            H̸̨̢̧̡̡̧̨̧̛̪͈͉̜̩̣̬̬̮͉̟̼̦̝̦͎͈͔͈̭̪̰̰̠̖͉̫̗̜͙͈̭̤̬̪̦̱͕͈̙̥̭̲̞̥̖͚̬̞̙̤̯͍̜̻͙̣̩̖̩͍͕̠͉̳̼͈͙̟̳̳͉͍̥̮̲̺͇͇͈̱͉̘͚̯͔̜͙̙̺͚͉̤̠̙͚̜̝̣̥̻̦̺̞̦̲͍̳̥̩̩̼͍͍͉̮̲͍̭͈̠̭͇̙͖̘̟̝̟̫̖̻̭̲̩̪̦̯̲̖̮͕̰̟̮͙͇̃̿͌̀͊͋͛̋͊́̈͌̑̑̊͊̈́͂̌̈́̋̊̓̅̈͌̉̈͆̓͗̈͗͐̍̋̑̄̊̃͐͆͛͌̊̇̉͌́̾̑̓̀̒̅͋͆̏̄͋̈́̓͒̊̿̈́̍̌̄́͊͊͂͛̎̓͆̈́́̐͛̃͋̾̄̿͗͒̕͘͘̕̚̕͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͠͝͠ͅͅͅờ̸̡̡̢̧̢̧̧̢̨̡̛̹̝̞̹̹̻͖̮̼̩͓̲̙͉͓̩̦͇̥̼̱̖̬͕̜͍͎͇̝͈̳̙̙͔̜͉̙͙̞͇͉̬͓̹̼̯͓͇͈̥̤̙̠̠͎̗͎͇̬͎̻̜͖̺͙̻̮̣̹̲̮̰̱̝̻̺̦͎̜͎͎̲̜͔̩̜̤͉̯̠̺͙̖̙͎̻͈̲̲̈́̄̇̔̂̄̍̀̀͒̌͌̆͒͛̍̎̅͌͋̃͗̌̀̿͗̉̈́̌̈́̋͂̓͋́̔̾̈́̾̓͌̏͑̕̕̚͘͜͠͠͠ͅͅp̴̨̡̢̧̢̧̨̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̟̼̩̤̖̼̦̘̹̘̥̤̙͓̝̪̠̠͇͙͖̤̝͔͇̜͚͍̳̞͙̲̹͚̪͉̭̼̟̙̝̲̾͒̑̏͐̈́̾̀͆̋̏̀̎̑͌͐̓̋͐͒̂̑̅̽̀̅̾̅͛̏̓̋͊̒͐͂͋̄͗͆͒͑̎͋̔̌́̾̿͊͆̅̓͌̈́̅͛̆̔̅̾̅̆̓͒́̐͌̾̀́̿̅̇́̃̏̐̋̆̎̈́́̏̉̅̂̈̌̉̐̊̈́͌̊͒͋̓̂̕̚̕̚͘͠͝͝͝ę̴̨̧̛͚͔̜̬̻͕͉͔͇͕͚͔̝͓̹͍̺̤̬͚̺̹̗̖̰̍̍̒̆̈͒͋̉͗̈́͂̔̔̀͆̃́͠͝͠ͅ ̶̨̢̡̢̢̡̡̢̢̠͚̰̤̮̭̜̼̟͎̟̘͓̤̖̙̱͓͚̦̱̟̯̮̺̫̭̭͇͈͎͙̣̝͍͕̪͇̠͖͔̣̜̤͚̝̳̰̦̜̺͙̘̺̥̥͙͍͓̹̠̠͍̯̥̰̜̻̳̠̣͇̫̙͚̱͙͚̬̣̪̠̺̠̮͍̮͚͓̻͎̋̋͋̆͌̈́̈́̑̋͑̂͗̇͂̂̅̔̿̉̌͒̏̓͌̌̓́̀̈́͌̇́̌̉̈́̉̽͌̽̓̑͐͆͊̏̌́͐̀́̄̔̈́̃̈́̇̏̀̓̋̀̀̍̌̋͒͆̉̈́̋͛̎̈͗́̀̇̀̀͑͌̔̌̃̎̌͛̀̾͛͊͑̋̏̆͘̕̕͜͜͠͝͝͝͠͠ͅN̴̢̨̨̢̧̢̢̢̢̧̨̨̢̦͙͈̻̼̟̜͔̺̼͙͍͔̫͖̠̝̯̺̤̱̘̝̳̗̘̪̝̖̠̝̥̲̙̪͖̹̘̬̩͚̤̭͇̺̺̱̭̼͉̭̜͙̟͇͚̬̎̓̔̃̅̋̊̆͜ͅờ̶̡̨̡̨̨̧̧̢̢̡̡̧̢̨̨̧̨̧̢̧̛̛͈̪̭͇̞̝̣̱̮̻̖̠͍͍̮̪̮̪͚̞̦͎̗̘̼͔̩̖̺̟̤̹̱̣̰̞̝͖̞̰̗͎͓̪̤̭̙̲̟̟̘͇̣̘̞̟̱̹̹͕̬̻̯̻͎̻̹͙͉̱̱̘͙̗̪̺̩̠̰̦̙̖̜̗̮̲̪͓̥͕̞͇̤̺͚̯̜̯̹͈̭̲̖͎̭̤͕̙̤̖̩̩͉͉̭̥̘̫̝͓̺͆̽̇̂̋̐͌̈́̿͐̽̐̀͛͆̋̿̇̌̈́̀̈́̌̂͆̀̉̓̓͐̋́͋̀͌̃̀͑͐͌͐͊͊̽̍͊̅́͋̈́̂͗͋̇̍̊̃̆̋̔̍̀̒̓́̂͛̿̀́͂̍̄̈́̏͗͊̋͐͋̇͋̿͘̕̚͘̚̕̕͘͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅt̶̢̨̨̨̛̛̛̗̤̣̺̟̯͖̩̳̘̳̺̣̖̱̮̠̰̺̫̘̦͔̭̮̬͎͍͈̥͇͙̠̼͍̺̹̠͙̝̖͎̖̖͉͎͕͇̽̓͌͌̾͆̑̆̈̃͛̾̋̊̉͑͐̽̋́̿͆̎̀̏̓̃͂̾̆́́̀̋̃̌͌̎̃͆͑̈́͊̿̈́̈́̓͑̈́͒̊̀̀̃̑̏̓̃͊̽͑͛̄̕̕̕̚͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅ.̸̧̧̛̛͔̘̟̖̗̥̩͍̠̭͖̼̦̯̯̯̮͍̙̼͙͓̺͕̞̰͉̮̪̘̯̦͎̙̼̹̠̝̙̼͈̯͈̙͍͎̗͎͙̳͙͎̻͕͎̼̭̼̣̩͓̫̪͈̜̺̭̃͗̈́̈́̈̀̇̉͑̔̊̒̄̍̈́̆͂̒͛̓́̾̋̅̇̌̏̔̊̓̀͋͒̌̾̕̚̚͘͜͜͠ͅͅͅͅ.̴̧̧̢̧̨̡̢̡̨̧̧̛̛̳̻̱̖̩̳̮͍͍͈̫̟̝͉̩͙̺͈̲̲̺͉̺̘̝͉̻̗̖̣̤̻̭̥̜̘͉̘͙͎̠̪̙͍̩͚̻̭̮̼͚̫̼̻̞̝̭̣̱̦̝̫̤̙̭̬̰͉͈̟̣̜̗̰̺̳̫̺͕̣̬̲̜̜͔̤͖͔̱͕̣̗͉̤̬͖͙͍̼̳̖̭̖̬͕͇̹͚̬̦͓̙͎̜̯͍̲̪̩̬̻͔̬̬͔̟͐́̀̓͌̅̅̇̄̓̈́͌͛̈̓̏̐̌̀̌̀̒͋̈̆̌͊̏̏͘͘͜͝͠͝͝ͅ.̴̡̧̧̨̡̨̡̛͓̗̺̫̺̱͚̬̳͓͇͖̮͈̝̱͍̮̼̤̼̝͙̥͎̘̟̬̻̖̖̦̬̣̲͇̝̦͔͔̖̰͎͔̰̟͈̩͙̺̦̘̜͕͕͖̻̥͍͕̮̲̈͂̉̓̋͗̃̆̊͊͂̈́̏͛͌͌̅͂̍̇̀̓̀̕̚̕͜͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅ

            2018-06-25 12:08:38 UTC 0
            • Replying to: IRevizerH̸̃̿͌̀͊͋͛̋͊́̈͌̑̑̊͊̈́͂̌̈́̋̊̓̅̈͌̉̈͆̓͗̈͗͐̍̋̑̄̊̃͐͆͛͌̊̇̉͌́̾̕͘͘̕͠͠͝͠

              cease and desist

              2018-06-25 12:21:55 UTC 0
              • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)cease and desist

                Ẁ̴̢̡̡̧̢̡̨̢̡̨̡̡̛̛͓̲͎͎̞̖̜̫͔͖̰̦͇̲̬͇͉̼͓̪͓̳͓̣̲̗̥͕̼͎̻̘̫̬͍̘̰͚͚̤̥̹̬̥̠̙͎͔͔̝̲̝̺̱̝̤̞̲͓̭͇̝͔͙͉̫͉̯̯̜̤̫͇̼̺̬̰̼̲̳͚̫͎͎͓͙̣̹̝̗̣̬̯͓͔͙͖͉͈̠̥̃̂̀̇̿̄̅̈́̑̂̓̋̓̔̈́̆̌̿͊̓̅̽͗͊̅͋̊̀̑͐͌̔͐͌͋͑̐̌́́̀͊̾̐̋̐́̓̏͊̓̀̂͘͘̚͜͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅḩ̴̢̨̡̡̧̢̧̢̨̨̧̡̡̛̛̛̛͚͕͍̩̥̟̰̜̲͖̫̜̟̦̻̟̜̜͓͓͓͎̟̠͔͕̪̺̘͇͉̤̮̮̖͙̣͚͉͙̲͇̱͍͚͙̳̳̲̻̲͉̰̳͚̙̻͙̯̗͉̭̫̝̥̯͖̩̘̪̘͔̺̬̞̳̬̪͍͚̝͎̠̳̙̦̺͎̪̗̩̮̲͓̱̳̺̩̗͓̭̰̫̣̙̪̪͖̜̲͔̯̣̭̥̟̩̰̘̹̮͍͈͖̯̬̣̱̺͚̮̺̼̩͕̼̰̎̄̄̒́̐̈́̿́́͋͋̈́͐̆̔̓̇͌̃̄͂̈́̓̅̃̈̈́̈́̃̉̓͂̉̽̈́̅̔̇͗̃̉̎̈́͗̽͐̌̂͒̒̉̽̓͐͑̐̀͋̊͌̾͒̔̈́͗̓̌̏̈́̄͑̔̎̃̑͐̄͆̏̊̅̈́͐̓̅͛̉͑͛̇͋͛̃͐̃̾́̏͗͗͗̍̽̾̒̔̾̑̓̌͌͒͌̍͛̽̀̍̂̐̅̈́̈́̈̓̃̋̆̎̕̕͘̚̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅȁ̵̢̡̨̡̧̨̡̡̢̢̢̨̢̡̡̡̡̱̙̖͉͍̤͈̩̝̟̜̜̖͔͙̝̼͖̜̯̭̙̦͉̳̰̞͇̙̱̙̘͓̣͍͙͙̠̱̞͚͔͎̺͔̼̝̣̫͖͈͉̤̳͇̞̺̣̞̤̪̝̥̫̦͙̫͈̟͈͓̙̹͔̻͕͈̱͍̤̹͚̬͕͉̪̘̗͕̤̬̹͔̳͔͉̝̳͙͚̲̙̳̭͙̳̜̰̗̳̺͓͚̤͉̩̯͔͖͓̹̤̪̘͖͙͉̪͓͈͉̻̠̝̬͎̪̖͎̮͇̪̟͕̗̠͓̬̹̱͉̳̦̰̳̣̗̬̲̬̪͎͙̩̺̗̥̗̫̭̫͒̊̅̇͑̒̌͗̈́̂̋̒̊̄̈́̽̊͆̒͊̇̍̎̇͐͗̂͂̽̋̽͆̓̓̀̔̽̂͐̄̿͐͑̍̊̈́̂̐̂͗̋́̓̊͗̃̓̂͊̽͑̂̍͑̒̓̀͊̈́̕̕̕̕͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅť̶̡̨̢̡̧̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̙̞͙̝͕̯̤̤̘͈̬͙̙̤̘̫̖̗̫̥̺̥̖̦̤̩̮̱̦̰̗̜̰̯̲̱͑̾̊̾̄̑̓̿̐̍̋̍̀̋̊͊͋͊̈́̀͋͆̒͋̊͊̋̑͗̀͐̓̈́̇̐̌́͊͆́͋͐̂̓̽̓̂̎̊͛͛̎̾̿͂͛͒̈́̈́̀̒̈́̈̇̓̈́́̉̓̔͑̈̎̋͋͐́̒̂͛̆́̋͐̎͂͆̅̃̿̋͋͗̾͐̄̆͐̄̊̑̊̏̊̈́̓̈́̈͑̉͂͆͊̍͛̉͊̿̈́̎́̉̋̏̇͌͂̾̋̽͌̆͒͌̔̈̋́͗̌̑̇̓̎̂̀̓̃́̍̀͌͂́͗̈̏̏̃̒̃͂̂͗̃̿̂̅̑̇͗̈́̂̓̐̉̐̆̍̄̓̊̉̈́̏̊̆̄͛̆͌́́̏̎̃̈̆̀̚̚̕͘͘͘̚͘̚͘̚͘̚̚̕̚̕̕̕̕͘͠͠͠͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝ ̸̨̧̧̢̨̧̧̡̡̡̧̛̻̺̘͈̯̰͙̦̼̯͉͇̻̠̗̤̺̪̦̦̰̘̯̠̬͓̲͙̤̺̯͕̗̞͉̰͓͇̹͎̙͙̻̥̳̝͍̫͉͚̱̜̖̗̣͉͙̪̼̟̯̺͈̥̟̹͙͕̜̣͉͚̰͍̘̠̯͙̪̗̲̳̣͍̹̼̰͎̰̯̙̞͎̪͔̟̭͉̫͈̻̪͈͈̹̯̹͕̯̞̲̠̆͊͆̐͐̒̊̆͑̃̂̉̋̍̃̌̎͛͒̀̉̒̆͐̊̆̑̈́́̂̄̑̋̈́́̔̈̃̕͜͝͝ͅͅͅǍ̶̡̨̡̡̧̨̨̨̨̧̨̢̢̧̡̢̧̢̧̨̧̢̧̛̛̛̛̛̖̬̺̫͙̯̻̫͚̝̺͙̝̤̠͇̳̫̝͙̗̺̮̙̱̬̤͈͔͔͔̙̜̩̝̭̹̖̘̗̘͈͇̫͕̠̤̟͚̞̰͈͚͓̱͖̺̣̠̜͈̮͓͚̖͓̠̙̗̹̪̥̘̠̬̗͖͖̭̜̖̘̜̰̲͚̗̳̺̮̤͎̫̮̻̭̟͈̩̮̤̙͍̤̲̭͙̻͍̮̭̱͓̺͖̤̟̻̻̭̣̦̫͔̱̪͈̪͓̪̗͙͈̪̘͕͙̻̹̫̮͙̟͚̰̠̘̣͕̳̬͍̹̝͍̯͈̦̬̪̳̻̻̻͕̯̑͗̅͐̀̽̔̍͂͂̓̓̀̑̀̔̍͂͛́̑̎͆͗̈̎͌̆̈́͒̋̾̾̈̀̔̒̅̈́̒̓̀́͋̓̈́̅̋̾̿̓͆̂͛͒̈̾̐͆̃͌̄̓̇̃̀̂̽̓͌͐̔̑̿̓̀́̆̇́̽̒̊͗̄̊͑͑̇͊̔̄̑͛̋̈́͛͋̉͒̿̂̌̊̌̏́̒̓̓̇̆͒̒͐́͛̃͋̓̌̈́͋͌̏̂̍̾̒͋̓̑̒̑̾́̎̑́̒͋͂̓̒͑̒̄̋̔͐̽̒̍́̅̑̆̆̿̆́̐͑̅̽͊́͒͑̾̑͘̕̚̚̕̕̕͘̕̕̕͘͘͘̕̚͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͠͠ͅͅͅͅͅ ̶̧̛̛̛̛̛̛͖̗̜͓͕̬̙̝͙̭̜̺̭̯̪̈́̂̌̈́͋̇͆̊́̈́̆͗̑͒́̉͒́̽̈̀̄̔͐͛̀̋͋͋͊͂͑͊̄̾̒̓̈́͐̀̎͆͗̈́͂͛͂̀͋̈́͊̒̍̌͆̄͑̄̿̇͑̾̐̇̄͂̂͌̑̐̏́̆̽́̇̔̍̎̄̃̅̾͌̆̿͑̈́̅͌̅͋̀̀̿͆͛͌̐̑̈́̈̓̈̏͒̊̏̊̏̈̊͐͛̌̽́́͛̍̾̂̾͗̆͑͂͋̔͒͆͛̈́̿̍͒͂́̈́́̆̋̂̔̆̅́̂̀̄̄̑́̓́́͛̒̍̃̊͊͐̆͆̈́̓̀̿͛̈̉̾͗̈́̅̊͑̀̅͑̈̀̋̉͌̔̀̓̋͂̈́͊̏̚̚̚̕͘̕̚̕̚̚̚̚̕̕̚͘͠͝͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͠͠͝͝͠ͅJ̵̨̡̨̨̡̨̨̧̡̡̨̨̧̨̧̨̢̨̨̛̛̛̰͎̙̟̻̥͖̼̱̙͔͇̣͕̟̦̫̣̠̳̤̤̺̥̻̱̼̠̞͚̤̹̘͇̠̫̼̹̘̤͚͙̘͓͈̞̭̺̼̜̪͖̞͖͈̬͔̤̮͎͇̺̥͎͔̹̥͕̤̙̜̜̫̖̪̲͙͇̠̥̼͈̥̝͕̱̹̫̮͎̮̳̹̫̭̮̮̺̗͓̦̯̹̗͕̱̲̲̪͖̟̲̻͔̞̪̻͕̦̙͚̟͙̩̣̯͉͈̙̻̺͕̤̣̪̫̫̻͔͕̤̟̭̪̰͚̺̳̺͕̘̝̗̖̪̜̩̫̰̝̤̘̫̹̯̻̤̹̯̟̬͓̰͎̀͋͗̿͋́̄̇̐̀̇́̌̔͛͒̈́͆̿̎̊̀̏̀͊̉̐͐́̔̑̂͋̾͑̒̍̒̔̈̀̀͆̏̿̌̿̂̒͒͗̑̂̂̑͒̓̎͛̉̍̀̒̃̄̃̈̎̉́̄̿̓̽͋̃̄̋̀̃̿̿̎̌̔͑͗͆̈́̾̄̔̄̄̓̅̌̉̐̍̆́̎́͆́́̑̈̓̑̏̿͌̈́̀̀͌̈́̉̽̈́̾̆̊̐͂͑̚͘̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅë̷̡̡̨̡̢̡̡̡̡̨̢̢̨̗͓͓̺̘͎͖̯͈̺͓̣̱̦̯̞͉̪͍̖̰̜̟͓̙̺͎̺͈̩̲̗͙͓̫͚̝͙̮̼̪̦̘̪̫̝͓͎̳̪͇̫̜̺̬̬̮̖͔̟͔̙͖̳͓̟̞̖͍̯̭̪̩̥͙͙̝̖̗̟̺͈̗̝̖̖̦̮͉̤̠̝̫̞͙̜̞̭̝͉̥̺̹͓̲̝̜̗͇̜͙̘̺͖̮̥͈͉͉̩̗͓͉̜̥̩̣̱̝̜̙͉̖̠̘͕̺͉̯̘̱͉̘̭̗͎͔͎̘͖̩̟͓̻̩̳̠͈̺̟̳̺̲̫͕́̑̌̎͂͆͋́̃͑̆̉̏̾̚͘͜͜͜͜͠ͅͅͅͅr̴̨̨̛̛̛̰̦͓̳͕̦̲͖̪̦̪̹̲͇̼̯̝̹̠̗̲̠̉͆̀͌̆̍́̅͂̏̐͋̐̋̍̀̊̔͂̍͗͆̓͆̅̐̾̇̃̂͗̓̄̈͋̈́̈́͐̈́̿̽̅̃̋̽͗̆̃͂̓̇͂͌̌͐́̉̏̽̔̀͋̂̈́̉́̌̇̈́̈̍̐̂͌̅̔̉̃̾̆̄̍̆̌̔͗̐̀͛̀̃͊̈͂̂̈̓͂́͋̈̀͆͑̋͛̍͋̂̾̋̅͆̄͊̽̌̆̔͊̃̌̑͛̐̐̅̀̓͂͆̂̅̉̈́͆͆̏͛̈́̓̍̐͛̎̌͂̀́͛͊̉̈͊̾̀́̉̿̋͛̽̽͌̐̓̃̍̉͗̇̄̄͐̄̀̃̑̂͊͆̏͛̀̚͘̕̕͘̕̚̕͘̚͘͘͘͘͘̚͠͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͠ͅk̵̨̢̧̨̨̧̢̧̨̧̧̧̨̡̧̛̹̖͕̙͇̠̝̭͕̼̤̦̙͉̭̲̼̬̖͕͈͓̠̮̞͖̯̞̙̮̤̥̰͉͔̭̱͇͓̮̩͕̰̱͔͚͈͙̫͕͍̰͉̫͍͓̼̼̭͍̜̥͖̟̰̠̫̜͇͚̟̪̬̲̣̭͓͎̰̹̗̲̬̝̯̤̻͕̫̙͓͚̯̝̫̲͕̯̠͓̼͉͎̼̰͈̳͓͔͎͖̪̪̬̞̠͓̠̻͇͎̳̙̩̤͇̤̣̜̪̮̰͇̯̞̳͉͈̫̹̻̭̬̪͉̖̜͕͈͓̥̘̳̟͇̮͖͚͖͚̝͈̺̣͕̖̭͖̦͔̙͚͖̔̀̅͐̊̀͂̃͋͐͐͑͊̂̑̂̑̄͛̋͌̀͋̂͗̊͆͋̿̎̍́̽͐̉͌̂́̄͋̋̃̀̅͗̌́̉͊͐̌͊͂̔͆̀̐͂̃͊̋̽́̊̿̄̃͛͂̋̐̀̀̏̇̍͐̉͌͊̊̍̄̂̓̅̆̾̆̐͆̊̍͋̆̀̈́̅̀̈͛͐͘̚͘̕͘͘͘̚̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅ

                2018-06-25 12:23:25 UTC 0
              • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)cease and desist

                Ṭ̰̮̰̥̰̼͝ó͍̪̮̬̣̘̦ ͚̻i͟ṋ̲̯̖̩̠̹v̶̦̻͍̫o͉̙̪̣̼̺ͅk͔̭͔̺̱͖͡e̥͈̠̙̹͙͖ ͟t̺̖͉ͅh̦̦̖̱͕ͅe̲̩ ͚ͅh̬̯̪͎į͎̦̜v̗͔̼̳̮̘̗e̤̙͕̥̹̞͓-͚̼̺̖̳̞͖m̺̳͕̥̖̬i͘n͉̺d̬̙̦̤͟ ̵̼̠̳̜ṛ̷͈̠͕̣e̠͖̞̭͓͉͚p̸̲̻̞̳r̼̬̼̱͡e̮s̱͔en̠̤͈̯̥̬̰t̵̪̼̲̹̳̥í̹͈̙n͙̥̭̭̗̳g̱̺ ̶͓̻̦͎c͕̥̬͈h͏̱͍̳̦̞͚a̱͓̭͜ͅo̼̱̻̺̙͔͢s̢.͖͚̦͙̝̫̕
                ̞͚͍̦I̦̬̘̯͡ͅn̢̞̼̺͉͉̘̹v̬̳͕͇̤̱͝o̳̩͙͇̠k̥͔̫͖̞̕i̦͓ng̱̣͔̳ ̲͔͍ͅt̸̩̞͍h͇̣͓̠̜ͅe͎̥ ̘̪̹̩̭̖̕ͅf̤̯̩͚̲̜̼e̴e̻̤̫͉̫̱̘l̩̱̜͕̤̱i̮͞n̕g̹͞ ͍̫̯̝̘̪̗o͕̩̰f̖̭̻̤̗̪͠ ͟c̱̮h̨̖͎a̱̥o͏̩̥͖̗͍s̪̞̪̖̳̲͎.̢̭̗̭̻̭̞̹
                ̥͈͕͎͔͍̀W̛͔̱̪̝̻̻̜i̮̲̝͓͎̣th̼̕ ̡̟o̪u̹̪t̨̺̞̻͇̘ ̥̙o̤͓̯̫̺̯̕r̡̘͚̰ḓ̩͍͓̙͡e͇̹̮̗̤̭̯r̻̗͙.̗̯͇̖̟̕
                ̥̻̩̬T̸͙̖h͕e̴̥ ͉͕N̶͚̯e͍̹̞͟ͅz̯̭͔̕p͙e͡r̟̬̭̖d̛͔̝͕̤̼̬̰i̤̖̹̮̰͎̬a͇̹͎̪ņ̜̦̮͖̩ ͇̀ḩ͍̠i̴v̪̲̯̠̟e̶̦̩̮-̤̤̥͕̳̦ͅm̨̺͇̮̣͓̜̞i̛̟n̤͢d̙̩̳̺̲͟ ̖͙̰̺o̭͙̱̥̯ͅf̝ ̠̼̞̙c̰̘̱͉̗͈̕h̹͢a̠̜̘̙̘̪͈͘o̧̺̟̠̗̜̳̥s̲.͓ ̗̦̟̲Z̻͇̺͝a̮̲͙͚̕l̜go.̫̦̼̩̖̪
                ̳̘H̙e̡ ́w̟͓͎̙̕h̝̭̪o̲̣̞̕ Ẃ̯̼͚͓a̵̱͚̣̰͓͎̫i̠̻͉̣̗͠ṯ͈͉̀s̼̹̦ ̙̹̀B҉̲̣̼̲̥̞e͔̬̰̤̩͙ͅḩ͍͔i̢͍̖̙̰̹͇̗n̜̜͔d͏̲̟̮̠ ̠̖̪̠̩T̠h͎̯̼̥̪e̩̼̹̤͉ ͎̠̺̫̳̖W̺̭a̪̠̟͓l̯͔͝l̪̺͙͙͎͖̀.͖̳̫́

                2018-06-25 12:26:16 UTC 0
    • Ok.

      Everyone needs to remember that not being a fan of something doesn’t mean ya hate it.

      2018-06-25 14:26:45 UTC 0
      • Replying to: PermaOk. Everyone needs to remember that not being a fan of some

        Gee thanks 😀

        2018-06-25 22:19:49 UTC 0
  • Yo. I\’m hosting a disabled collab for disabled people and I need skilled animators to join. Please show support it\’s for a good cause.

    • Aight i can go.
      I have a couple of relatives with disabilities,
      One with ADHD, One with Schizoprenia,
      And i have experienced PTSD before

      2018-06-24 17:26:31 UTC 1
      • Replying to: EsperuAight i can go. I have a couple of relatives with disabiliti

        Alright it’s called the disabled collab you can request to join noe

        2018-06-26 21:43:13 UTC 0
    • well well

      this is interesting

      2018-06-24 20:23:12 UTC 1
      • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)well well this is interesting

        Yeah are you interested

        2018-06-26 21:42:36 UTC 0
    • This is not right

      2018-06-24 21:29:10 UTC 0
      • Replying to: Meka-BaronThis is not right

        What do you mean

        2018-06-26 21:42:09 UTC 0
  • Aizawa X Present Mic

  • BNHA FACTS TO REMEMBER: Bnha girls are THICC, Mirio is OP, Chisaki is weak, Fatgum is fat, Kirishima x Mina is rel, Deku x Uraraka has discontinued for now, Himiko Toga becomes naked when she uses her quirk, Kouta\’s apology letter for punching Deku in the balls, Miss Midnight\’s debut costume is EXTRA THICC.

    • Spoiling people huh,idc I already read the manga

      2018-06-23 15:33:44 UTC 1
      • Replying to: Rebber AnimationSpoiling people huh,idc I already read the manga

        Only 3 of these are actual spoilers (I also like spoilers for some reason)

        2018-06-23 15:36:06 UTC 0
        • Replying to: RefrigeratorOnly 3 of these are actual spoilers (I also like spoilers fo

          if i was r̶a̶l̶p̶h̶ sean, i would’ve banned ye already

          2018-06-23 15:56:54 UTC 0
    • I just finished season 1 ._.

      2018-06-23 15:38:05 UTC 1
      • Replying to: Dalton (SuccMyTaco Anims)I just finished season 1 ._.

        boi, these are barely called spoilers if your only at season 2… season 3 isn’t even finished.

        2018-06-23 15:40:21 UTC 0
  • Hi and welcome

    • I’ve already thought of a quirk, now to work on the name, costume, hair, etc.

      2018-06-23 15:22:29 UTC 0
      • Replying to: RefrigeratorI've already thought of a quirk, now to work on the name, c


        2018-06-23 15:32:03 UTC 0
    • I actually already have the design, name, quirk etc for my Hero character. I only have bits of the design and the quirk for my Villain tho.

      2018-06-23 21:22:11 UTC 0
      • Replying to: PermaI actually already have the design, name, quirk etc for my H

        What are their powers

        2018-06-23 21:51:36 UTC 0
        • Replying to: Ramoxfire V2What are their powers

          She can create a dome(s) that she can move, and scale. She inherited this quirk from her mother, a Pro hero. Currently she can only form 1 dome and it can only be around herself.

          2018-06-23 22:05:15 UTC 0
          • Replying to: PermaShe can create a dome(s) that she can move, and scale. She i

            Although she can scale it to cover multiple people

            2018-06-23 22:06:11 UTC 0
            • Replying to: PermaAlthough she can scale it to cover multiple people

              Can she make different shapes or it

              2018-06-23 22:27:34 UTC 0
              • Replying to: Ramoxfire V2Can she make different shapes or it

                No, only perfect spheres

                2018-06-23 22:32:17 UTC 0
                • Replying to: PermaNo, only perfect spheres

                  Then I suggest half spheres on here hero suit

                  2018-06-23 22:34:20 UTC 0
                • Replying to: PermaNo, only perfect spheres

                  Be sure reveal some skin 😉

                  2018-06-25 04:12:53 UTC 0