Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.


help ur local queer disaster get some food

I have an abscess in my mouth. I’m attempting to treat it at home, and it hasn’t gotten bigger, so at least there’s that. I kinda need to see a dentist and may need it pulled, but I can’t even begin with that concept right now.

But I’m like. Stupid hungry. Like hungry to the point that my brain is glitching. I’m basically out of safe foods, and the ones I do have, I can’t stomach right now or can’t chew because of the dental nonsense.

If it wasn’t for my partner’s mom, we’d be homeless. I’m gonna try to donate plasma tomorrow or the next day, but the way I’m feeling now, idk that it’s a good idea.

Anyway if anybody can spare like. $20 or something so I can get some takeout. This eating thing is difficult in general, but I’m trying, bc I know my body needs fuel to heal. It’s just. In the way.

I usually at least try to be more articulate than this, but I’m like. I’m at my limit. If you can, please help. If not, please boost. I am truly grateful for any little bit. Like. I can’t even put it into words, and not just because my stomach is actively eating itself.

V3nmo: @Nik-Hartsfield
C4sh4pp: $nbvalkyrie89
Z3lle: 352-226-7347

I was gonna go sell plasma today but I got a period which was like. The last thing I needed. I was about two days late with my T shot and when that happens when I’m under a fuckton of stress… Yeah. I am not doing well. Dysphoria is worse than it’s been in a VERY long time. And these cramps are the worst I’ve had in years.

A few people donated, and I sincerely appreciate it <3 My food stamps re-up on the 8th and things are pretty shaky food-wise until then, plus I have no idea how we’re gonna pay rent… Or the dentist, for that matter. I’m just gonna show up tomorrow and hope they at least look at the abscess and give me something for it.

Y'all, I thought I was exhausted before this, but like… This is so much worse. Anyway, I still need help. Like. In general. But once again: thank you so so so so much to the folks who donated already. I’m at a point where literally anything helps, and the despair is real, but it’s not quite as bad as it was yesterday. And the only reason for that is because I know at least a handful of people care.



This is my new favourite headline I’ve seen all year lmaooo


can the cost of living like… chill

I don’t think I’ll ever be over Utena. That series changed my life.


I am making no sense, and lots of it.




Seeing a steady rise of people using the library as we carry through summer break, so here’s a quick thread from a staff member on little things you can do (for free!) to make life easier on staff. Let’s go!

  1. If you want to put a book back, DON’T put it back on the shelf! Put it on the return cart or bin, or give it to a staff member. Not only does this make it MUCH easier to catch misfiles and gather abandoned books in one trip, our budget is literally based on returns. Putting it on a cart gives us more money!
  2. (To expand on the above: not only do we get paid more based on more returns, our book-buying budget for next year is based on what titles seem popular. Even if you don’t check out a stack of books, putting it on the cart lets us know there’s an interest so we can order more in that genre and support that author.)
  3. Conversely, if you see a cart already full of books being pushed around by staff, PLEASE don’t yank books off it or loiter around it. Carts are unwieldy and returns can build up quick, so let a shelver have space to move around and do their job.
  4. (Again expanding on the above, especially please don’t yank books off a staff person’s cart if you see them pulling books off the shelf instead of putting them back. Books are pulled for a reason–hold requests for another patron, damaged, need to be relabeled, etc–so taking one can really throw off our list.)
  5. If you rent a DVD and notice it’s scratched or doesn’t play, please tell us! We don’t have the time or resources to watch every returned DVD, so we rely on patron feedback. Even a note tucked inside the case helps it get flagged for damage inspection when we’re processing returns.
  6. Pay attention to news related to your local branch! The VAST majority of book-banning demands we get are bulk lists from only one or two people–which means contesting them (or requesting a challenged book) also only takes one person.
  7. Remind your friends that most libraries don’t do late fees anymore! We want to be a safe haven for low income and disabled/nd people, so don’t let being late or disorganized or poor or anything else discourage you. Bring your books back whenever you can, or just mention to a librarian if you lose it, and you’re always welcome to come back.


Certified Library Post



help ur local queer disaster get some food

I have an abscess in my mouth. I’m attempting to treat it at home, and it hasn’t gotten bigger, so at least there’s that. I kinda need to see a dentist and may need it pulled, but I can’t even begin with that concept right now.

But I’m like. Stupid hungry. Like hungry to the point that my brain is glitching. I’m basically out of safe foods, and the ones I do have, I can’t stomach right now or can’t chew because of the dental nonsense.

If it wasn’t for my partner’s mom, we’d be homeless. I’m gonna try to donate plasma tomorrow or the next day, but the way I’m feeling now, idk that it’s a good idea.

Anyway if anybody can spare like. $20 or something so I can get some takeout. This eating thing is difficult in general, but I’m trying, bc I know my body needs fuel to heal. It’s just. In the way.

I usually at least try to be more articulate than this, but I’m like. I’m at my limit. If you can, please help. If not, please boost. I am truly grateful for any little bit. Like. I can’t even put it into words, and not just because my stomach is actively eating itself.

V3nmo: @Nik-Hartsfield
C4sh4pp: $nbvalkyrie89
Z3lle: 352-226-7347

I was gonna go sell plasma today but I got a period which was like. The last thing I needed. I was about two days late with my T shot and when that happens when I’m under a fuckton of stress… Yeah. I am not doing well. Dysphoria is worse than it’s been in a VERY long time. And these cramps are the worst I’ve had in years.

A few people donated, and I sincerely appreciate it <3 My food stamps re-up on the 8th and things are pretty shaky food-wise until then, plus I have no idea how we’re gonna pay rent… Or the dentist, for that matter. I’m just gonna show up tomorrow and hope they at least look at the abscess and give me something for it.

Y'all, I thought I was exhausted before this, but like… This is so much worse. Anyway, I still need help. Like. In general. But once again: thank you so so so so much to the folks who donated already. I’m at a point where literally anything helps, and the despair is real, but it’s not quite as bad as it was yesterday. And the only reason for that is because I know at least a handful of people care.


wheelchairs and canes and glasses and hearing aids and every single other disability aid should be free btw and if you disagree i hate you



help ur local queer disaster get some food

I have an abscess in my mouth. I’m attempting to treat it at home, and it hasn’t gotten bigger, so at least there’s that. I kinda need to see a dentist and may need it pulled, but I can’t even begin with that concept right now.

But I’m like. Stupid hungry. Like hungry to the point that my brain is glitching. I’m basically out of safe foods, and the ones I do have, I can’t stomach right now or can’t chew because of the dental nonsense.

If it wasn’t for my partner’s mom, we’d be homeless. I’m gonna try to donate plasma tomorrow or the next day, but the way I’m feeling now, idk that it’s a good idea.

Anyway if anybody can spare like. $20 or something so I can get some takeout. This eating thing is difficult in general, but I’m trying, bc I know my body needs fuel to heal. It’s just. In the way.

I usually at least try to be more articulate than this, but I’m like. I’m at my limit. If you can, please help. If not, please boost. I am truly grateful for any little bit. Like. I can’t even put it into words, and not just because my stomach is actively eating itself.

V3nmo: @Nik-Hartsfield
C4sh4pp: $nbvalkyrie89
Z3lle: 352-226-7347

I was gonna go sell plasma today but I got a period which was like. The last thing I needed. I was about two days late with my T shot and when that happens when I’m under a fuckton of stress… Yeah. I am not doing well. Dysphoria is worse than it’s been in a VERY long time. And these cramps are the worst I’ve had in years.

A few people donated, and I sincerely appreciate it <3 My food stamps re-up on the 8th and things are pretty shaky food-wise until then, plus I have no idea how we’re gonna pay rent… Or the dentist, for that matter. I’m just gonna show up tomorrow and hope they at least look at the abscess and give me something for it.

Y'all, I thought I was exhausted before this, but like… This is so much worse. Anyway, I still need help. Like. In general. But once again: thank you so so so so much to the folks who donated already. I’m at a point where literally anything helps, and the despair is real, but it’s not quite as bad as it was yesterday. And the only reason for that is because I know at least a handful of people care.


Kinda feel like there’s some untapped meme/reaction image potential from old horror movie trailers…




help ur local queer disaster get some food

I have an abscess in my mouth. I’m attempting to treat it at home, and it hasn’t gotten bigger, so at least there’s that. I kinda need to see a dentist and may need it pulled, but I can’t even begin with that concept right now.

But I’m like. Stupid hungry. Like hungry to the point that my brain is glitching. I’m basically out of safe foods, and the ones I do have, I can’t stomach right now or can’t chew because of the dental nonsense.

If it wasn’t for my partner’s mom, we’d be homeless. I’m gonna try to donate plasma tomorrow or the next day, but the way I’m feeling now, idk that it’s a good idea.

Anyway if anybody can spare like. $20 or something so I can get some takeout. This eating thing is difficult in general, but I’m trying, bc I know my body needs fuel to heal. It’s just. In the way.

I usually at least try to be more articulate than this, but I’m like. I’m at my limit. If you can, please help. If not, please boost. I am truly grateful for any little bit. Like. I can’t even put it into words, and not just because my stomach is actively eating itself.

V3nmo: @Nik-Hartsfield
C4sh4pp: $nbvalkyrie89
Z3lle: 352-226-7347

I was gonna go sell plasma today but I got a period which was like. The last thing I needed. I was about two days late with my T shot and when that happens when I’m under a fuckton of stress… Yeah. I am not doing well. Dysphoria is worse than it’s been in a VERY long time. And these cramps are the worst I’ve had in years.

A few people donated, and I sincerely appreciate it <3 My food stamps re-up on the 8th and things are pretty shaky food-wise until then, plus I have no idea how we’re gonna pay rent… Or the dentist, for that matter. I’m just gonna show up tomorrow and hope they at least look at the abscess and give me something for it.

Y'all, I thought I was exhausted before this, but like… This is so much worse. Anyway, I still need help. Like. In general. But once again: thank you so so so so much to the folks who donated already. I’m at a point where literally anything helps, and the despair is real, but it’s not quite as bad as it was yesterday. And the only reason for that is because I know at least a handful of people care.



Google will begin deleting inactive Gmail and Google accounts one week from today, on December 1st, 2023.

Google accounts that have not been used in two or more years will begin getting deleted starting next week, along with content (photos, docs, contacts, emails, etc) associated with the account.

you will NOT be able to re-register deleted email addresses after they get deleted.

“…if a Google Account has not been used or signed into for at least 2 years, we may delete the account and its contents – including content within Google Workspace (Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet, Calendar) and Google Photos.

“A Google Account is considered active even if it has not been used within a 2-year period if one or more of these applies:

  • Your Google Account was used to make a purchase of a Google product, app, service, or subscription that is current or ongoing.
  • Your Google Account contains a gift card with a monetary balance.
  • Your Google Account owns a published application or game with ongoing, active subscriptions or active financial transactions associated with them. This might be a Google Account that owns an App on the Google Play store.
  • Your Google Account manages an active minor account with Family Link.
  • Your Google Account has been used to purchase a digital item, for example, a book or movie.”

if you want to keep old accounts, make sure you sign in ASAP. activity to avoid deletion includes:

  • signing in
  • doing a Google search
  • reading or sending an email
  • watching a YouTube video
  • downloading an app on the play store
  • using sign in with Google on a third party service

deletion of inactive accounts will be staggered, starting with accounts that were never used after creation. the earliest a Google account might be deleted is December 1st, 2023. a week from today.

“We will take a phased approach, starting with accounts that were created and never used again.”

check the links for more details.

6 days left!