Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.


help ur local queer disaster get some food

I have an abscess in my mouth. I’m attempting to treat it at home, and it hasn’t gotten bigger, so at least there’s that. I kinda need to see a dentist and may need it pulled, but I can’t even begin with that concept right now.

But I’m like. Stupid hungry. Like hungry to the point that my brain is glitching. I’m basically out of safe foods, and the ones I do have, I can’t stomach right now or can’t chew because of the dental nonsense.

If it wasn’t for my partner’s mom, we’d be homeless. I’m gonna try to donate plasma tomorrow or the next day, but the way I’m feeling now, idk that it’s a good idea.

Anyway if anybody can spare like. $20 or something so I can get some takeout. This eating thing is difficult in general, but I’m trying, bc I know my body needs fuel to heal. It’s just. In the way.

I usually at least try to be more articulate than this, but I’m like. I’m at my limit. If you can, please help. If not, please boost. I am truly grateful for any little bit. Like. I can’t even put it into words, and not just because my stomach is actively eating itself.

V3nmo: @Nik-Hartsfield
C4sh4pp: $nbvalkyrie89
Z3lle: 352-226-7347

I was gonna go sell plasma today but I got a period which was like. The last thing I needed. I was about two days late with my T shot and when that happens when I’m under a fuckton of stress… Yeah. I am not doing well. Dysphoria is worse than it’s been in a VERY long time. And these cramps are the worst I’ve had in years.

A few people donated, and I sincerely appreciate it <3 My food stamps re-up on the 8th and things are pretty shaky food-wise until then, plus I have no idea how we’re gonna pay rent… Or the dentist, for that matter. I’m just gonna show up tomorrow and hope they at least look at the abscess and give me something for it.

Y'all, I thought I was exhausted before this, but like… This is so much worse. Anyway, I still need help. Like. In general. But once again: thank you so so so so much to the folks who donated already. I’m at a point where literally anything helps, and the despair is real, but it’s not quite as bad as it was yesterday. And the only reason for that is because I know at least a handful of people care.

Posted on Nov. 27, 2023 with 28 notes via: spoopy-valkyrie src: spoopy-valkyrie
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