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Data visualisation, Twitter

Goodbye #NelsonMandela: visualising the response

The response to Madiba's death in Tweets. Created by Miguel Rios

The response to Madiba’s death in Tweets. Created by Miguel Rios

One of the best things about being at Twitter is getting to work with designers like Miguel Rios. Miguel works with the great Visual Insights Team, which specialises in bringing the key data to life.

This visualisation is something we created yesterday in the hours after Nelson Mandela’s death to show the outpouring of grief on Twitter. You can see some of the nuances of Miguel’s lovely design on the super-detailed high-res image on his Flickr page, and there are some details below.

Detail of the visualisation Detail of the visualisation

About Simon Rogers

Data journalist, writer, speaker. Author of 'Facts are Sacred', from Faber & Faber and a range of infographics for children books from Candlewick. Edited and launched the Guardian Datablog. Now works for Google in California as Data Editor and is Director of the Sigma awards for data journalism.



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About me

Data journalist, writer, speaker. Author of 'Facts are Sacred', published by Faber & Faber and a new range of infographics for children books from Candlewick. Data editor at Google, California. Formerly at Twitter, San Francisco. Created the Guardian Datablog. All opinions on this site are mine, not my employers'. Read more >>

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