

This category contains 6 posts

Data stories for the US Midterm elections

Election reporting has become one of the most important journalism beats in America as we barrel towards the midterm elections. How can data journalism help? Jessica Huseman has become the face of election reporting in America. Editorial Director at Votebeat, she also owns the data journalism training organistion Friendly State News and previously worked at ProPublica on the Electionland project. Jessica … Continue reading

Visualised: how we are searching for Election 2020

How is election 2020 showing up in search? See how we visualised it. Continue reading

The weight of words (and data)

This is the introduction I wrote to a new book from the excellent data team at Paris Match, published in French. Check out the project here. What’s in a word? Quite a lot, as it turns out. The fortunes of a political campaign can turn with a single word. The right ones can propel a … Continue reading

US election 2016: How to download county-level results data

If open data means anything, it applies to elections. But yet here we are, a week after the results, and open data around the results is hard to find. It matters because having that data allows us to understand the results better, and what they say about America today. It also means that the data can … Continue reading

Electionland: the most important data journalism project this year

While America goes to the polls, a group of data journalists, fact-checkers, reporters and social media experts gather in a room at CUNY in New York. The purpose: to monitor in real-time voting issues around the country. It’s a huge project – you can see some of the results as they happen here. I’m also … Continue reading

How is the world searching for the US Presidential Election? A Data Visualisation from the Google News Lab.

The US Presidential election is not just being watched in America. From Indiana to India, each development is being intently followed by people across the globe. Those people are also searching about the election online — and that’s whereworldpotus.com comes in. Along with Accurat, a design group headed by Gabriele Rossi, Simone Quadri and Giorgia Lupi (of … Continue reading

About me

Data journalist, writer, speaker. Author of 'Facts are Sacred', published by Faber & Faber and a new range of infographics for children books from Candlewick. Data editor at Google, California. Formerly at Twitter, San Francisco. Created the Guardian Datablog. All opinions on this site are mine, not my employers'. Read more >>

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