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  • Showing 9 posts tagged theme: rosemary
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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi! I don't know if this is a stupid question hehe or I just didn't do things correctly, but I can't find the codes for the header version of rosemary. Both codes show up for the sidebar version. Hope you could help me out! Thank you!

  • seyche replied

    there’s only one version; the option you’re looking for is the dropdown in the customization panel at the left hand side of the screen under “blog info”.


    change it to “header”.

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    hi i'm using rosemary, the sidebar version and i was wondering if there was any way to make the sidebar image clickable so it redirects to the home page of the blog?

  • seyche replied

    in the HTML, find:

    {block:ifProfileImage}<img src=“{image:Profile}” id=“side-img”></a>{/block:ifProfileImage}

    and replace the bolded section with <a href=“/”><img src=“{image:Profile}” id=“side-img”></a>

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    I really liked your theme Rosemary. The simplicity and aesthetic is what I was looking for. Though if its okay I have a couple of questions about it. I include links on my text posts so when I go over them to click a box covers it. Is there a way to simply change the color or font size instead of the box? Also the links are centered and pictures are aligned to left. Can we make links aligned to left and photos stay in the center? I hope I could explain the situation. Love your work

  • seyche replied


    for the links, delete this section of the CSS:

    p a:hover, li a:hover {box-shadow: inset 0 -1.25em 0 {color:accent}; color: {color:background};}

    I’m not quite sure what you mean in your second question so correct me if I’m wrong, but make sure the “Centered Text” option in your customization panel is turned off.

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    hi, all of your themes are so beautiful! :D just a quick question: for rosemary, would a sidebar image need to be smaller than 250px (width) to account for the photo border?

  • seyche replied

    thanks! and well, no, because the sidebar image is coded to automatically resize. but if you really want to make sure your uploaded image matches the sidebar image pixel for pixel, it’s 222px wide when the photo border option is enabled.

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    Hello! I'm using your rosemary theme and I was wondering if there's any way to customize the theme so that your blog title won't show up (like how this ask you answered /post/639972650336256000/hi-is-it-possible-to-remove-the-descriptionbio removes the description). Thank you so much!

  • seyche replied

    well, you can delete your title from the appearance options in the customization panel. or, if you just don’t want the title to show up on your blog theme, you can put #blog-info .title {display: none;} above </style>.

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi!! I love love love your theme Rosemary, and I had a question, when hovering over a link, the link hover color rises above the whole sentence Is there any way I reduce how high it goes?

  • seyche replied

    thanks! find:  

    p a:hover, li a:hover {box-shadow: inset 0 -1.25em 0 {color:accent}; color: {color:background};}

    and increase -1.25em until you have the height you want.

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    hii, i'm using your rosemary theme which is amazing, and i was wondering if there is a way to make the header look fixed? whenever im on the customize page it shows the header mode which is what i want, but when i close it and visit the blog it goes to the sidebar mode, if that makes sense.

  • seyche replied

    yes, you have to go into the customization panel and select “Header” under “blog info”

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    coraxes sent a message

    just wanted to say i LOVE rosemary. i've used it on my main & my sideblog now, it's so hard to find actually readable themes that are also aesthetically pleasing but this just nails it. i love all the little details like the dots & nav menu. just one thing--i know it's probably too late now, but it might be helpful to note on the original post that the preview doesn't show sidebar mode. you have to keep your blog open in another tab & refresh to see it.

  • seyche replied

    thank you so much! I’m really glad to hear that, especially that you find it readable. I wanted to make a theme that was readable and looked good with any font size and I think it does!

    for the customization preview, that’s because you have a smaller screen. the theme is responsive, so when the screen size is small and there isn’t enough space to display both the sidebar and the posts, the sidebar converts to a header. because the customization panel calculates the screen size based on only the width of the preview viewing area, rather than the total width of your screen (viewing area plus customization panel), it triggers the breakpoint on smaller screens and converts the sidebar to a header. I don’t think there’s any way to get around that on smaller screens without making the theme unresponsive or using scripts. so unfortunately for those of you with smaller screens, the only way for you to see the customizations you’re making to the sidebar version is to open it in a new, regular tab.

    I should also note that this happens with my other sidebar themes that are responsive (namely cherry blossom and bluebell) so if anyone else has observed this on their screens, this is why. 

    but anyways, I appreciate all the love for rosemary!

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    answer post by
    hooned sent a message

    hi, love!! i hope you are having a wonderful day!! i am using your newest theme, rosemary (which is a beauty thank you so much for it :((() and i just wanna ask if there is a way for 540px posts to stay not blurred when i tick the post border option? thank you sooo much. 🥰

  • seyche replied

    yes! find this section of variables at the top:

    <meta name=“select:Post Width” content=“540px” title=“540px”/>
    <meta name=“select:Post Width” content=“400px” title=“400px”/>
    <meta name=“select:Post Width” content=“450px” title=“450px”/>
    <meta name=“select:Post Width” content=“500px” title=“500px”/>
    <meta name=“select:Post Width” content=“600px” title=“600px”/>

    and add this option to it:

    <meta name=“select:Post Width” content=“590px” title=“590px”/>

    then go back to the customization panel and select the 590px version. that will ensure that your normal photo and photoset posts are 540px in width.

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