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  • Showing 20 posts tagged theme: dahlia
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    staysuki sent a message

    [troubleshoot from a not so tumblr-savvy gal] Good day, amazing human ;-;—I'm currently using Dahlia on my blog (staysuki tumblr com), and I absolutely love it! But I just have one tiny problem: the header & profile images, it doesn't show up on mine like the ones in the preview(?) That's all, thank you in advance. I was also wondering how you did the icons in the preview (seyche tumblr com/dahlia), the ones underneath the bio with the date and such. p.s. tumblr wont let me link anything idk y

  • seyche replied

    hey! you can upload the images in the header and add links to the sideblog images through their respective fields in the customization panel (marked in the screenshots above)

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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi! I'm using your Dahlia theme and was wondering if there's a way to make indented captions show "normally" (just with the line in front of them) and not inside a box? I hope that makes sense! Also, I know you included resources for how to code dashboard-style captions on your FAQ page, but I really didn't understand and wasn't sure it was what I was looking for anyway :/ Thanks!

  • seyche replied

    find this section of the CSS:

    blockquote {

    padding: 1.25em;

    border: 1px solid {color:borders};

    margin: 1.25em 0;

    border-radius: 6px;


    and replace it with:

    blockquote {

    padding: 0 0 0 1.25em;

    border-left: 1px solid {color:borders};

    margin: 1.25em 0 1.25em 1.25em;


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    quickpiet sent a message

    Hi! I'm sorry to bother you, but I've already checked the Dahlia theme tag twice and done everything you recommend doing and still can't find a solution to my problem: the pop up isn't showing on my blog ( quickpiet tumblr com ). By this I mean the circle by the search bar that we're supposed to click is not showing. I've tried filling everything, even though I don't have sideblogs, but it's not working. I'm using Firefox, if that helps. Again, sorry to bother you and thanks in advance!

  • seyche replied

    you have to go into the customization panel at the left-hand side of the customization page and make sure the popup option is turned on:


    plus, make sure to toggle all the toggle options on and off at least once when you install because the customization is bugged to shit and it won’t work until you reset the options.

    if it’s still not working after you do that, feel free to message me again.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hey! so i'm using the Dahlia theme and i wasn't sure how to get the image for the side blogs. how do i do it? i tried the <img src=""> but it's not working. sorry to be a bother

  • seyche replied

    you just need to input the image URL of any image uploaded to the web into the text fields in the customization panel, so it should look like https://exampleurl.jpg. if you aren’t sure how to upload an image to the web, there’s a few explainers linked in my FAQ. really those options are confusing and I should update it but I am so tired lmao

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi! I'm using your theme Dahlia, making my blog looking good ^^ wondering if you could make it mobile-friendly pagination so it could be mobile as well ( i don't rly use the popup on my blog )

  • seyche replied

    thanks, but sorry, I can’t do that. even if I modified the pagination and you didn’t use the popup, it still wouldn’t be responsive for mobile devices. plus, I wouldn’t want to make a theme that’s only conditionally responsive. just off the top of my head, to fully make it responsive in addition to the popup ad pagination, you’d have to change the search bar, header, top post info, audio posts, and image sizing. plus I always catch stuff I’d never have thought of when I test my themes. it would just be too much work and my time is limited; I’d rather spend my free time working on other projects.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi, I'm using your dahlia theme and I love it! I would like to customize one thing tho, is it possible to fix the search bar at the top so you won't see it as you scroll down the page? Feel free to not answer if u don't want ppl doing that! thank you❤

  • seyche replied

    yeah, it’s totally fine! I just wouldn’t recommend doing this if you use the popup option

    find this part of the code:

    #search {
       position: fixed;
       border-bottom: 1px solid {color:borders};
       width: 100%;
       background-color: {color:posts};
       top: 0;
       z-index: 9997;
       padding: 12px 0;
       box-sizing: border-box;

    and change position: fixed; to position: relative;

    then find:

    #posts-container {
       border-right: 1px solid {color:borders};
       border-left: 1px solid {color:borders};
       width: calc({select:post width} + 100px);
       margin: 70px auto auto auto;
       background-color: {color:posts};

    and change margin: 70px auto auto auto; to margin: auto;

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    I'm trying to set up your Dahlia theme, and I noticed "Hide First Caption Username". What's that? Sorry if this seems to be a really stupid question, but I couldn't find anything on google, and I searched a lot so you don't have to waste your time :(

  • seyche replied

    no worries. if you look at a reblogged post with a comment, the post info at the top of the post displays the name and icon of the original poster. if you have that setting turned off, the first reblogged comment below that also displays the name and icon of the original poster who made the comment. the “hide first caption username” hides that info because some users find that duplicate info redundant.

    I put it as an option because other users also like to have that info, especially because on reblogged posts where the first reblogged comment is made by someone other than the original poster, the username and icon will be different, so hiding that info will make it hard to tell whether the OP made the comment or not.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hi! i wanted to start this off by saying i adore your dahlia theme. you're so talented! i have a question about changing the font weight for the body. changing to anything under 500 does not seem to make a difference, but 501 automatically makes everything bold. am i trying to edit this in the right place? i am using the open sans font option. thank you! <3

  • seyche replied

    hello - that’s because the theme only comes with 300 and 700 font weights pre-installed. to change to another font weight (like 500), you need to install that weight from whatever font site you’re using. that theme uses google fonts (although you could use a different hosting site if you wanted), so if you want to continue using open sans, you need to go to google fonts and install the 500 weight. 

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    Anonymous sent a message

    love your themes! how do you add more sideblog links in your dahlia theme? thank you so much!

  • seyche replied

    first of all, i really, really don’t recommend trying to do this if you aren’t familiar with basic HTML because otherwise it’s going to be hard; that section of the code isn’t well-commented and structured because i didn’t design to be easy to edit. 

    find this part:

                   {block:ifSideblog3ImageURL}<img src=“{text:Sideblog 3 Image URL}” class=“icon”/>{block:ifSideblog3ImageURL}
                   <div class=“subtitle”><a href=“{text:Sideblog 3 URL}”>{text:Sideblog 3 Title}</a></div>
                   <div class=“sideblog-desc”>{text:Sideblog 3 Description} </div>

    immediately underneath this part, copy and paste this template:

           <img src=“yoururl.jpg” class=“icon”/>
            <div class=“subtitle”><a href=“”>username</a></div>
             <div class=“sideblog-desc”>add a description here </div>

    the parts in bold are where you need to fill in your own content. you can have probably up to three more sideblogs in that section. if you add more, it will overflow on small screens.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hey love, I feel like a dummy, I am trying to add a header image and a profile image to dahlia theme. I tried to find the #banner section at the code but I can't find it, nor can I find the profile pic. If you can point it out to me I'd love it

  • seyche replied

    i think you might have confused it with nightshade because nightshade is the only one of my themes with a banner image wrapped in #banner? for dahlia, all you have to do is upload a picture via the space in the customization panel.


    when you open dahlia in the theme editor, the options are right at the top of the customization panel. you don’t have to do into the code at all to add images.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hello, i love your themes and plan to switch to them in all my blogs! i'm currently using your dahlia theme in my new side blog and i love it a lot. i was wondering if it's possible to use numbered pagination instead of clicking 'see more'

  • seyche replied

    thank you!

    and yes, you have to replace everything between {block:Pagination}{/block:Pagination} with something like:

    {block:PreviousPage}<a href=“{PreviousPage}”>back</a>{/block:PreviousPage}
           {block:JumpPagination length=“5”}
               {block:CurrentPage}<span class=“currentpg”>{PageNumber}</span>{/block:CurrentPage}
               {block:JumpPage}<a class=“jumppg” href=“{URL}”>{PageNumber}</a>{/block:JumpPage}
       {block:NextPage}<a href=“{NextPage}”>next</a>{/block:NextPage}

    that should work for all my themes, but depending on which theme you use, it’s probably going to look a little funky though without any styling so you should probably play around with it in the css.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hi! i really adore the theme dahlia. but i noticed a small problem on mobile. i'm using google chrome on android and there's a space between the sticky search bar and the header for some reason. i tried troubleshooting it myself to no avail. if you have time i would really appreciate if you could look into it >

  • seyche replied

    thanks! but yes, i’m already aware of the issue. it’s there because that theme is not mobile responsive and doesn’t have a mobile layout (although it is responsive for desktop). please do not use that theme as a mobile theme, because as you see, it’s going to look screwed up. if you’d prefer a theme with a mobile layout, all of my themes except for dahlia and celandine (which i plan to update with a responsive layout sometime this month or the next) are responsive for mobile devices.

    i don’t have plans to make that particular theme mobile-responsive because i’d have to recode the popup and a few other features from scratch. honestly, the amount of effort i’d have to put into it compared to the payoff feels…. too imbalanced. sorry about that

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hi love, i'm using dahlia and i was wondering if you could tell me how to install a hit counter in the bottom left corner? thanks!

  • seyche replied

    first, pick a hit counter (i use this one) and put it between something like <div id=“counter”>COUNTER GOES HERE</div> in the html somewhere above </body>. 

    then, in the css, copy and paste this styling and put it above </style>:

    #counter {

    position: fixed;

    left: 20px;

    bottom: 20px;


    plus whatever other styling you wish.

    also, this code will work on any of my themes (although you might have some weird overlapping issues on the grid version of holly if you don’t add more css)

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    Anonymous sent a message

    what is the side blog for dahlia and what does it look like? i can't seem to find it...

  • seyche replied

    it’s just a spot for you to manually enter information and a link to a sideblog if you have it. if you don’t put any info in it in the customization panel, nothing will show up. if you don’t have a sideblog, you could always use it to link to somewhere else. it’s pretty open-ended because it’s completely dependent on what you enter into it

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hi love, i'm currently using dahlia and just wanted to know how the search bar works. for example, if you type in "flower" will posts tagged "flower" come up? if not, is there a way I could make that happen?

  • seyche replied

    well in theory it should bring up any post that has that search term anywhere in it but tumblr’s search function is busted and their algorithm sucks so it often doesn’t find posts that have whatever keyword you’re searching in it. if you want to change the search to search only for specific tags, you can use this tutorial by shythemes. i’m not sure how well it will work though because tumblr changed their search function this past week so who knows what’s going on

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