
Lists allow you to keep track of items of interest so you can refer to them whenever you want. You may use lists for a variety of purposes: curating your favorite items, keeping track of items you want to read, or grouping items together by research topics. Best of all, you can also share your lists with friends and colleagues! List invitations can be sent to anyone with an email address, regardless of whether they maintain a account. For library staff, lists are a powerful tool to highlight items from your collections. For example, you could use lists to curate seasonal reading materials or broadcast items related to trending cultural topics. Library-curated lists are promoted to users on our home page and are a great way to showcase the unique strengths of your library’s collections. staff accounts enable multiple library staff to collaborate on shared library-associated lists.

Creating a list is as easy as 1, 2, 3

  1. From the Item Details screen, click “Add.”
  2. From the Add item to a list dialog, click “Create New” to open the Create new list dialog.
  3. From the "Create New" list dialog, enter the list name and description, select a privacy setting, and click “Create.”
Individual users can create up to 50 lists, each with up to 500 items; institutional users using library staff accounts can create an unlimited number of lists, each also up to 500 items. For additional information on creating and managing lists, visit documentation or watch a video about how to create and share lists on
How do I create a list