Talking in the Dark (Posts tagged daforge)

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

They couldn't let Geordi in on the "does Data count as a person?" discussion because he would have immediately obliterated anyone arguing he doesn't. Geordi would hear someone try to argue Data's perception isn't real because it's electrical signals or whatever and he'd just be like "so like how my visor works?" and then they'd start backpedaling


Geordi would stand there and make them try to define humanity in a way that excludes Data but doesn't have any weird implications about disabled people and just watch them dig their own graves because they CAN'T. And it just keeps sounding worse

I LOVE THEMMMMM everytime you say weird ableist stuff about data he gets a big kiss from geordi. check fucking mate geordi should be allowed to chew people out. he's GOT to. for the good of us all he must rightfully cause at least one scene star trek geordi data text daforge