Talking in the Dark (Posts tagged bugs)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Finally had a chance to sketch a headcanon I’ve had for a long time about nix hounds… that like wolves and dogs, there are larger, stronger, and more ferocious wild variants (based on the generic nix hounds you see in TES3) and softer domesticated species (based on one of the nix hound concept arts that had them more tan) Of course, I had to also doodle a nix pup ;_;

tes morrowind bugs d'awwwwww lookit da babby

How do you feel about killing bugs?*

I never kill bugs and it upsets me when others do

I never kill bugs but I don't care if others do

I never kill bugs myself but I actively want others to do it for me

I do it, but I feel really bad about it

I do it, and I don't feel that strongly about it

I love killing bugs

See Results

*This is asking about killing harmless insects on purpose. Don't count times you accidentally step on bugs, swatting a bug that has just stung/bitten you, or infestations/situations that require an exterminator.

We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.

if i can feasibly get it out of the house without getting stung i'll let it go. spiders live here rent free and i don't bother w/ silverfish if i'm outside and i see an unpleasant insect i just walk away. i don't get people who swat stuff on their porch roaches flies and wasps are killed on sight indoors but i let them roam free outside no problem. lot of mud daubers on my porch my compost pile has a lot of german roaches tilling the loam along with pillbugs and worms and i really respect their hard work i just wish they'd stay in there and not try and get greedy coming in looking for cat food poll bugs