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This commentary sums up well why the Belgian compromise to chat control is still not acceptable and what the issues with client-side-scanning/upload moderation is.

It links to further sources too, for those unaware of the history behind the proposal, the misleading data used to justify it and the dubious involvement of security apparatus and the questionable ad campaign by the commission responsible for the proposal.

Here also the link to a post calling for action and organization against chat control, including a link to a discord server dedicated to this cause:

chat control mass surveillance client-side-scanning upload moderation eu politics politics internet privacy privacy csa mention in the linked article

Yeah, we probably should all be worried about this, because the eu parliament didn't push back against stuff like this hard enough before, after the elections they certainly won't change that. If the representatives in the eu council after the next national elections end up reflecting similar growths for the far right and center right we might be fucked even if the european court keeps pushing back.

This is also basically just a continuation of the ongoing discussion concerning chat control.

For those unaware: Officially proposed as law to fight and prevent csam and grooming under the name of Child Sexual Abuse Regulation, however in practice it demands profound undermining of end-to-end encryption, basically opening door to never known mass surveillance. It asks for scanning of every data uploaded, proposing the use of for example client side scanning and to scan for known csam - originally it was supposed to scan also for new material, but the justified fear of false-positives caused the mitigation to scan only for known material and "grooming", after long discussions if "new technologies" couldn't solve the problem of both, the life-destroying issue of false positive and the undermining of end-to-end encryption (spoiler: If a law must hope that speculative technology that doesn't yet exist and might never exist will solve it's problems you know it's a shit law that tries to find the technological sledgehammer to solve problems that are better solved in different ways. And whoever supports such a law should be looked at with suspicion, concerning either their competences or their motivations). The latest compromise proposed that instead of scanning everything it should only scan video and pictures... with users getting asked to agree to this or to just not being able to use those parts of a service. The major countries that blocked the chat control in EU council where by now Germany and France (though France already is showing cracks in its resistance, which is bad). There also is the position of the judicial branch of the EU which clearly positions the law as not reconcilable with current EU laws. For now the law is on hold, mostly because parliament (which agrees with the law) and council (which holds against it) can't come to an agreement and we now had eu parliament elections.

Honestly if you guys are worried about KOSA, you also should be worried about this. It's certain that the pressure to implement further means of mass surveillance is growing and that politicians will try to spin it positively (by linking the measurements to heavy topics like csam, even if most organizations working on prevention see the lack of proportionality, doubt the usefulness and criticize the potential of abuse behind such extrem disfranchisement of civil rights).


There is a very good post about the danger of chat control as well as a discord server being promoted here to organzie against it ! reblogs welcomed !

chat control eu politics politics mass surveillance data privacy

Yeah, we probably should all be worried about this, because the eu parliament didn’t push back against stuff like this hard enough before, after the elections they certainly won’t change that. If the representatives in the eu council after the next national elections end up reflecting similar growths for the far right and center right we might be fucked even if the european court keeps pushing back.

This is also basically just a continuation of the ongoing discussion concerning chat control.

For those unaware: Officially proposed as law to fight and prevent csam and grooming under the name of Child Sexual Abuse Regulation, however in practice it demands profound undermining of end-to-end encryption, basically opening door to never known mass surveillance. It asks for scanning of every data uploaded, proposing the use of for example client side scanning and to scan for known csam - originally it was supposed to scan also for new material, but the justified fear of false-positives caused the mitigation to scan only for known material and “grooming”, after long discussions if “new technologies” couldn’t solve the problem of both, the life-destroying issue of false positive and the undermining of end-to-end encryption (spoiler: If a law must hope that speculative technology that doesn’t yet exist and might never exist will solve it’s problems you know it’s a shit law that tries to find the technological sledgehammer to solve problems that are better solved in different ways. And whoever supports such a law should be looked at with suspicion, concerning either their competences or their motivations). The latest compromise proposed that instead of scanning everything it should only scan video and pictures… with users getting asked to agree to this or to just not being able to use those parts of a service. The major countries that blocked the chat control in EU council where by now Germany and France (though France already is showing cracks in its resistance, which is bad). There also is the position of the judicial branch of the EU which clearly positions the law as not reconcilable with current EU laws. For now the law is on hold, mostly because parliament (which agrees with the law) and council (which holds against it) can’t come to an agreement and we now had eu parliament elections.

Honestly if you guys are worried about KOSA, you also should be worried about this. It’s certain that the pressure to implement further means of mass surveillance is growing and that politicians will try to spin it positively (by linking the measurements to heavy topics like csam, even if most organizations working on prevention see the lack of proportionality, doubt the usefulness and criticize the potential of abuse behind such extrem disfranchisement of civil rights).

mass surveillance chat control eu politics european csa regulation csa mention politics the depressing part is actually that it feels like we never get a break from pushing back against stuff like this

I really need to emphasize that the German- overt- no exaggerating- 100% certified Nazi party, will have as much of a say in EU matters as the entire country of Austria

(based on the EU election results as of 9 June 22:00, there's still time for it to get worse)

This isn't a fucking joke. Pay attention to diaspora in Europe, even when the US eclipses everything else


Anyone got links? I knew about France, but a Nazi party?! In the 21st century?!

Why does it feel like we're living in a hellscape rn?


#i am not german and of course cannot speak for their political system#but found these very quickly and they give some pertinent information#this btw is why - as much as we've all been talking about antisemitism on the left because for many of us that encompasses our communities#antisemitism on the right is always present and a danger too#eu elections#germany

@jewishlivesmatter Thank you for this. I'll look at them all later, but I did skim the first article you linked and that was bad enough.

I hope you don't mind that I copied your tags - I think it's also really important to remind other Jews that antisemitism on the right is still present and still very much a threat.

TBH, I already got a message from someone about this party before I saw your reblog, and I said there that it really does feel like the 1930s all over again with some of this group's rhetoric and beliefs.

Did history teach us NOTHING?

politics german politics eu politics eu elections

friendly reminder it's not "20% of germany" that voted for fascists, or italians that voted for meloni, or france for the far right

it's 20% of VOTERS

so, once again, i am here telling you ABSTENTIONISM is the problem. and it always fucking is.

people who feel demotivated, underrepresented, or adhere to some purity culture where it's the revolution or nothing.

THAT is the fucking problem. you get your head out of your ass and you fucking vote

eu politics politics german politics voting eu elections

Dude, how can it be that every single fucking thing about US politics trends on here immediately, yet when 27 countries in the EU vote and there's a historic, alarming lurch to the right (far right parties have won the elections in Italy, Austria and France), it's not even trending? In Germany, the AFD, a right-wing populist, anti-democratic, racist party with a wing that is officially extremist (read: Nazis) and is in parts monitored by the office for the protection of the constitution, is the second strongest party (also among 17-24 year olds!). Guess I'll die.

Edit, because so many people in the tags are like "because most of tumblr is US-American":

The point of this post was never "why aren't Americans talking about this". The point was to ask why only American politics (and sometimes UK politics) ever make it to the trending page at all. It's not like only Americans can make things trend on tumblr. Eurovision is trending every year despite Americans not giving a fuck about it. The point is, why aren't the people directly affected by this election posting about it more? Sure, it would be great if more Americans would care about foreign politics the way everyone else is forced to care about US politics, but this post was never about Americans in the first place.

Edit two: tumblr is not a news source! I've seen some comments on how I should've included more info in the original post. The thing is, this was a post where I just wanted to vent my own personal grievances and I had no idea it would blow up like this (which is great, I'm glad people are talking about this topic!). If you want to read up on the election, please go to serious news sources and not tumblr.

eu politics politics

We aren't the fucking european elections trending on here. Man y'all were all over eurovision but the elections were today and nobody is posting abt it??? Dude here in germany a right wing extremist nazi ass party is the second strongest one. Same in france and other countries as well. I feel like im in a dumpsterfire. Please fucking talk about it.

Ich geh jetzt im strahl kotzen tschau


Same in Belgium, please please talk more about how Europe is slowly becoming a fascist xenophobic stronghold. We should be freaking out about it as much as we collectively freak out about the general political fuckers going on in the US. Even if you are not European, it's still a major political power and what is happening here is catastrophic

politics eu politics europe european elections things are really scary and they just seem to get worse feel like crying tbh


me when i understand anything about trans men’s issues


like the reason trans men need access to womens only spaces is because those resources are otherwise not available to us. gynecologists, rape or domestic abuse crisis centers, lots of feminist spaces, are “women only”, and i dont want to detrans myself to gain access to these! like i would love for these to not be woman only but they are. instead of shutting us out in the name of trans rights maybe focus on sharing these resources


this is the same way i feel about trans women in “women’s only spaces” btw. its not for shits and giggles its because they need access to spaces like these- crisis centers for women, feminist spaces for women, ext- because those are important things to have access to as victims of gendered violence. its not for feelings or whatever for either of us.


we should be questioning why “women only” spaces exist, who they serve, and how they should be improved. not going “uhm trans men dont need to be here! we should actually exclude trans men from women’s spaces! because they’re men!” its just keeping shitty systems in place but making them affirming and ignoring their harm


“Women only” spaces and resources and the loss of access to those is such a shitty side effect of being transmasc and coming out. When I came out as nonbinary I saw myself getting pushed out from spaces and resources I had helped to build myself, and out of conversations touching parts of my own lived experience.

I helped build resources making menstruation articles accessible free of charge and after coming out suddenly had to fight back against people having issues with me not using the term “women’s health article” even when I as nonbinary person that menstruates might have very good reasons to advocate for the term menstruation articles from the start (which at the start seemed fine for people??).

I co-founded the pro choice group at my university, but the more I tried to assess my identity as not just “woman light” the more I had to fight against being talked over.

And my favorite was a planning committee for a newly built organization wanting to create awareness for gender specific violence and rape culture. I got an invite in my position as representative of a different organization with aligning goals to that planning event, but when I asked if trans and nonbinary voices were welcome nobody had seemingly considered it. After I guess an internal discussion the answer I got was yes you are welcome if you are a woman or woman aligned, but others can join the allies group and was met with bewilderment when I then abstained from joining but instead send a trusted member of my organization. Bewilderment because I “had brought up good points during the first meeting” and people seemingly couldn’t wrap their heads around that still I am not willing to misgender myself, nor see my input devalued in the worst case because it came “just” from the allies group.

Idk I feel a bit bitter about that. Got enough trouble with discrimination in basically every space I go by being out as trans, I shouldn’t have to worry about losing support and resource networks I literally helped build myself. This is my fucking house I helped to build, how dare you to close the door on people it always was supposed to be open for?!

feminism trans women only spaces a bit rambly ranting on my side sorry for that

I know I've been posting more about politics lately, and it's caused me to lose a chunk of followers.

But I'm a queer person with a degree in political science and its an election year. I'm old friends with several of my city council members. I've been to trainings on how to run elections. I spent my college years working for nonprofits (and being the world's worst canvasser). I'm close with more than one person who works for unions, and I have family members who work for government agencies.

I think about politics in a very pragmatic "I know how the sausage is made" kind of way. We're in a vice press, and there's only one way to release the pressure.

The revolution ain't coming. There is no one to save us but us.

So yeah, I'm going to be pissed if your answer is "let them tighten the vice -- there's no way out of the vice, it doesn't matter if they loosen or tighten it."

There's a difference, and anyone telling you otherwise is likely a psyop or someone who fell for a psyop. This literally happened before, and it's happening again.

Stop falling for it.
