The bouncy mind — I really need to emphasize that the German- overt-...

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I really need to emphasize that the German- overt- no exaggerating- 100% certified Nazi party, will have as much of a say in EU matters as the entire country of Austria

(based on the EU election results as of 9 June 22:00, there's still time for it to get worse)

This isn't a fucking joke. Pay attention to diaspora in Europe, even when the US eclipses everything else


Anyone got links? I knew about France, but a Nazi party?! In the 21st century?!

Why does it feel like we're living in a hellscape rn?


#i am not german and of course cannot speak for their political system#but found these very quickly and they give some pertinent information#this btw is why - as much as we've all been talking about antisemitism on the left because for many of us that encompasses our communities#antisemitism on the right is always present and a danger too#eu elections#germany

@jewishlivesmatter Thank you for this. I'll look at them all later, but I did skim the first article you linked and that was bad enough.

I hope you don't mind that I copied your tags - I think it's also really important to remind other Jews that antisemitism on the right is still present and still very much a threat.

TBH, I already got a message from someone about this party before I saw your reblog, and I said there that it really does feel like the 1930s all over again with some of this group's rhetoric and beliefs.

Did history teach us NOTHING?

politics german politics eu politics eu elections

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