Will respond to Sam/Hunter/Glyph. 23. Freelance Illustrator and Writer. If you want me to tag something, just ask!

Commissions closed (sketches open).

((do not repost my art))

Sam Glyph’s Important Links

Hi! I’m Sam, I’m an illustrator and creative writer just doing my best to get by. Here are some important links that you should be aware of if you follow me!

Support Me:

(closed) (sketch requests open for members)
Tip Jar
(always open!)
(pin restock in august)

Current Projects:

(Mondays/Tuesdays at 4pm est) (my schedule keeps wildly changing but I’ll be posting announcements and trying for consistency)

Currently reading: A House with Good Bones by T Kingfisher

On the tags of this post I’ve included some of the main tags that I use including #my art (which is all of my art fan art and original alike) and #text (which is all of my text only posts) by clicking them you should be able to navigate the posts in reverse chronological order. (This works better than the search function on mobile) You can also follow my art archive @samglyph-archive




I think if danny was a member of the YJ wally would get a handle added to the back of his costume so danny can just grab on turn them both intangible and dangle behind him like a balloon whilst KF races straight through every obstacle in his path. Utterly unstoppable


like this lmao


seeing the "fucked up weird little guy" scavengers reign post back to back with the "homestuck influence on modern animators" post was a trip because. i didnt realize there was a break between them. I thought the homestuck post was a chained reply to the post above it. I thought they were saying the tiny fucked up background man in scavengers reign. was dave strider. somehow.

Frankly if you told me that little creature was Dave strider I wouldn’t be able to say for certain that you were wrong





being a DISABLED black queer trans man is fucking horrifying but at the same time I’ve been met with so much support and good friends and a lovely wife THANK UOUUUUYF


oh yay promo!

Hello! I’m strangeauthor. Real name is Imani but only people who know me irl can call me by offline name. She/her, they/them, and kit/kit.

I’m a black, afab nonbinary, autistic lesbian writer who’s currently trying to get her first novel series out in the world soon! The story I’m working on, Chaos, is the first book in a YA series I’m creating (there’s going a four book) that stars a black cast and is inspired by shonen anime. The first three chapters can be read here, though I do plan on uploading two more at a later date.

As for art, I do draw! I’m trying to improve my art skills, even though I’m heavily focused on writing. Here’s some of my more recent art; I’m learning as I go, which is why the style is a bit inconsistent.


Thanks for giving me a chance to promote! Happy Juneteenth!



I do love how quietly influential Homestuck has been on a generation of animators because it means sometimes I’m just watching a tv show and I have to pause and ask “hey. is that Dave Fucking Strider in the background?”


Dude. What are you doing here


Cecil Palmer could do TMA but Jon Sims could not do WTNV. Cecil has no fucking curiosity, as the Archivist he would read all the statements and go “golly, these sure are fun :)” then find out about the Fears and kill Elias in three days. Jon in Night Vale would be fired and eaten day 1


if you don’t do anything else today,

Please have a moment of silence for the people who were killed instead of freed when news of emancipation finally reached the furthest corners of the american south.

have another moment for the ledgers, catalogs, and records that were burned and the homes that were destroyed to hide the presence of very much alive and still enslaved people on dozens of plantations and homesteads across the south for decades after emancipation.

and have a third moment for those who were hunted and killed while fleeing the south to find safety across the border, overseas, in the north and to the west.

black people. light a candle, write a note to those who have passed telling them what you have achieved in spite of the racist and intolerant conditions of this world, feel the warmth of the flame under your hand, say a prayer of rememberance if you are religious, place the note under the candle, and then blow it out.

if you have children, sit them down and tell them anything you know about the life of oldest black person you’ve ever met. it doesn’t have to be your own family. tell them what you know about what life was like for us in the days, years, decades after emancipation. if you don’t know much, look it up and learn about it together.

This is Juneteenth.

white people CAN interact with this post. share it, spread it.