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Team Green for Schools

Let your students be part of the recycling conversation by getting involved in our Team Green for Schools primary school programme. Turn your students into recycling ambassadors with the help of our recycling resources and videos!


Why join Team Green

We all have a part to play when it comes to recycling and by bringing awareness into the classroom we will make a difference outside of it too. When you join Team Green, we ask you and your students to help protect our environment by putting the right thing in the right bin, ensuring that they are CLEAN, DRY AND LOOSE.

Meet our recycling enthusiasts

Introduce your students to our enthusiastic recycling characters Bobby the Box, Jenny the Jam Jar, Cormac the Can and Bridget the Bottle. Let the guys explain how you can recycle better and save our nation from contaminaton. 

Meet Bobby the box

Meet Jenny the jam jar

Meet Cormac the can

Meet Bridget the bottle

Save our nation from contamination!

Download your classroom resources today

As part of Team Green for Schools we offer resources to help to support you in the classroom. Download resources such as educational lesson plans, recycling quizzes, colouring sheets, fun facts and recycling projects relating to best recycling practices for glass, cardboard, plastic, aluminium and waste contamination – the five key pillars of recycling. Once your students complete the lesson plans download our Recycling Ranger Certificate below to commend their enthusaism and hard work. 

Want your school to be part of Team Green?

Contact us today on [email protected] to find out how your school can get involved in Team Green!