Our 2022 Annual Report

In 2022, Recycle BC once again achieved the environmental outcomes it set out for the management of packaging and paper products, sending both more and the highest percentage of material to a recycling end market then ever before in the program’s history.

Recycle BC, along with its supply chain partners, continued to provide delivery of recycling services to BC residents, adapting as needed to external environmental challenges.

BC residents returned to their post-COVID-19 pandemic routines, resulting in a decrease in annual collected tonnes compared to previous years.

Thanks for Being A Recycling MVP

Let’s celebrate all the amazing things Team BC has achieved over the past 10 years through our recycling efforts!

Way to bring your A-game at the bin, BC! Let’s work together to make the next 10 years even better.


tonnes collected from 2014-2023


of BC households have access to recycling services


depots and 53 London Drugs locations accept flexible plastics.


contributed by producers since 2014


of plastics we collect are sent to recycling end markets


of materials are processed in North America