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Posts tagged *janie.
  • raviposting


    But 148 lives, I owe at least that much. And then I can go. | I should have died in that fire that night. Or one of the many nights after, trying to correct that mistake. But I'm still here.

    @lgbtqcreators bingo: layout (in/sp)

  • smoshcentral


    Squeakity mcsqueaken over here!

    Trevor Evarts (losing his mind over Angela) in HUES AND CUES: SUBJECTIVE EDITION

  • smoshcentral
  • cbsghostsdaily


    Ghosts + Color Palettes
    @lgbtqcreators bingo: free choice creative
    ↳ Hex codes for each palette under the read more:

    Keep reading

  • raviposting


    Eugene, Zach, and Keith in Love, Eugene

  • raviposting


    And you, my dear friends, have my profound thanks for the opportunity and privilege to have been a part of your lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Love, Eugene

  • raviposting

    Gif 1: A red gradient-toned gif of Buck and Eddie in 3x03. Eddie and Buck are facing each other and Eddie says something, look at Chris (offscreen) and Buck turns his head to look at him as well. The font says: "The synonym of companion is..." The font is white and in capital letters, except for "synonym" and "companion" which is in a red script.ALT
    Gif 2: An orange gradient gif from 3x18. It is May's graduation party and there are balloons in the background. Buck and Eddie are at the photobooth with a fake guitar and necklaces on them. Buck makes a motion that causes his necklace to hit Eddie as the camera flashes. Eddie makes a silly face as Buck checks on him. The overlayed image is a single orange gradient rectangular box that says "fool".ALT
    Gif 3: A yellow gradient gif from 4x17. It is after the shooting. Buck and Eddie are standing on each side of the gif, with a firetruck in the background. Buck is covered in Eddie's blood, and Eddie is staring at Buck in shock as he sways slightly. The overlayed yellow gradient rectangular image says: "mirror".ALT
    Gif 4: A green gradient from 2x09. Buck and Eddie are smiling and looking at Chris after he sees Santa. Eddie picks Chris up as Buck stares at them both fondly. The overlayed green gradient image says: "entrapment".ALT
    Gif 5: A blue gradient gif from 4x18. Buck and Eddie are sitting on the hospital bed, looking at one another. Eddie's hand is in his sling, and he speaks to Buck, looking certain. Buck stares at Eddie in wonderment. The overlayed blue rectangle says: "partner".ALT

    Buddie + the synonym of companion (insp)
    @lgbtqcreators bingo: lgbtq free choice

  • cbsghostsdaily


    GHOSTS + Movie Genres (Mystery | Slasher | Romance | Sci-Fi | Comedy | Holiday | YA | Historical -- special thanks to @franticyoohooing and @alexisrosemullens for the genre help!)
    @lgbtqcreators bingo: poster design
    Bonus: Erotica

  • raviposting


    @lgbtqcreators bingo: animation (x, x, x, x)

  • raviposting

    A blended black and white gif of Buck and Abby from 1x06, where Abby is kissing Buck, and 1x10, when Abby is walking away from Buck at the airport. Next to Buck are the words, written in white font: "When you know, you know." The last word is bolded.ALT
    A blended gif of Buck's faces, largely black and white with a faint amount of color. On the left-hand side is Buck's face in 4x14 as Eddie tells him about the will. On the right-hand side is Buck's face in 2x01 when Eddie says he'd have his back. In the middle are the words "When you know, you know" with the first "know" bolded.ALT
    Two blended gifs from 6x15 and 6x18, with slightly more color saturation. On the left-hand side is Natalia laying her head on Buck's shoulder, and on the right-hand side is Buck and Eddie in the cemetery. On the bottom right are the words: "it kind of makes me laugh, running down that path."ALT
    Two blended gifs from 7x04 and 7x05 with close-to-normal color saturation. The top gif is Tommy and Buck kissing, and the bottom gif is Buck holding onto Tommy's shoulder and nodding. Across the gif in descending order are the words: "When you're as good as gold"ALT
    A blended gif of Buck in 7x04 and 7x05, in full color. The left-hand side shows Buck staring at Tommy, whose hand is on his shoulder. The right-hand side shows Buck smiling at Eddie, whose hand is also on his shoulder. In the middle of the gifs are the words: "'Cause when you know, you know" with the last word bolded.ALT

    So if you don't know, don't give up, 'cause you never know what the new day may bring (x)

    @lgbtqcreators event 21 - beginnings and endings
    @lgbtqcreators bingo - typography