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  • tawaifeddiediaz


    it just happened. it was magic.

    [ID: 6 gifs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from 911 episode 7.04, "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered."

    GIF 1: Buck turning towards Eddie after learning about all the things Eddie and Tommy are doing, saying, "Well, listen, I-I think it's great..."

    GIF 2: Eddie looking up at Buck expectantly.

    GIF 3: Buck continues talking, nodding and giving Eddie an earnest smile, sounding like he's fumbling through. " know? You-you can't have enough friends, right?"

    GIF 4: Eddie agreeing with Buck, looking down into the sewer to watch Ravi's progress before he looks up at an indeterminate spot, thoughtful as he says, "Right. Y’know, it’s like that thing when you meet somebody and you just…click, y’know what I mean?"

    GIF 5: Buck turning looking at Eddie from where he was looking into the sewer, looking slightly crestfallen and wistful even as he smiles, saying "I do."

    GIF 6: Buck looking away from Eddie slowly as he says, mostly to himself, "I really do." He turns to look back into the sewer.

    /end ID]

  • 1 month ago on 01 May 24
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