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For our ninth event, we will cozy ourselves to the notion of comfort. Make a gifset of something that brings you comfort - whether it’s your comfort media or something that makes you feel cozy, there are myriad ways to...
  • pscentral


    For our ninth event, we will cozy ourselves to the notion of comfort. Make a gifset of something that brings you comfort - whether it’s your comfort media or something that makes you feel cozy, there are myriad ways to interpret this prompt! This event will run from November 1st to November 28th.

    To participate:
    join the network
    ✦ reblog this post
    ✦ make a gifset that fits this month’s prompt
    ✦ caption your post with: @pscentral​ event 09: comfort

    Feel free to message us if you have any questions about the event. We’re excited to see what you create!

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