Remittances diaspora climate change development matters

Diasporas, des acteurs invisibles de l’action climatique

Par Jason Gagnon, chef d’unité et économiste principal, Centre de développement de l’OCDE, et David Khoudour, conseiller mondial en mobilité humaine, PNUD

(This blog is also available in English)

Les diasporas jouent un rôle précieux dans la lutte contre les vulnérabilités climatiques dans les pays d’origine

Il est bien connu que les transferts de fonds contribuent de manière significative aux économies des pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire : ils représentent en moyenne plus de 5 % de leur PIB. Ce que l’on sait moins, en revanche, c’est que l’aide apportée par les communautés à l’étranger est quatre fois plus importante dans les pays frappés par des catastrophes liées au changement climatique : en Haïti, au Honduras ou au Népal, les transferts de fonds représentent plus de 20 % du PIB.

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Remittances diaspora climate change development matters

Diasporas, the invisible heroes of climate action

By Jason Gagnon, Head of unit and Senior Economist, OECD Development Centre, and David Khoudour, Global Human Mobility Adviser, UNDP

Diasporas are not only at the forefront of the response to climate disasters, their action goes deep, way beyond the short term: in addition to sending money to their families, they invest in healthcare and reconstruction, design and lead climate adaption projects –e.g. for access to water and sustainable energy–, help diversify livelihoods and boost the resilience of local communities e.g. by improving food security and access to education. Continue reading Diasporas, the invisible heroes of climate action

refugee climate environment development matters. Photo-Sebastien Goldberg-unsplash

Les politiques d’adaptation au changement climatique doivent prendre en compte les déplacements forcés

Par Jason Gagnon, Chef d’unité, Migration et compétences, Centre de développement de l’OCDE, et Jens Hesemann, Conseiller principal en politiques, Direction de la coopération pour le développement de l’OCDE

Un ensemble de facteurs interdépendants poussent les populations à se déplacer de force. Parmi ces facteurs, les effets du changement climatique ont aujourd’hui une importance qu’ils n’avaient pas lors de l’élaboration de la Convention relative au statut des réfugiés en 1951.  Conséquence : les personnes déplacées aujourd’hui par les effets du changement climatique n’entrent pas dans le champ d’application de la Convention. 

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refugee climate environment development matters. Photo-Sebastien Goldberg-unsplash

No longer a blind spot: Climate change adaptation policies must address forced displacement

By Jason Gagnon, Head of Unit, Migration & Skills, OECD Development Centre and Jens Hesemann, Senior Policy Advisor, OECD Development Co-operation Directorate

A web of inter-linked factors force people to move. Among them, the effects of climate change have grown in importance since the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees was drawn up in 1951. In fact, people displaced by the effects of climate change are out of scope from the Convention.  

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Aerial view of Saint-Louis, Senegal. Photo: Getty Images

Migration in African intermediary cities: why multi-stakeholder partnerships are key to inclusive action

By Janina Stürner-Siovitz, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and Lasse Juhl Morthorst, Research Fellow, The Equal Partnerships Project1, Research on Migration, Displacement and Integration University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Intermediary cities in Africa are becoming major hubs of mixed migration, but local governments often lack legal mandates and resources to include migration questions in urban planning. Multi-stakeholder partnerships open opportunities for inclusive and context-sensitive urban migration governance.

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A man and woman are seen in silhouette after breaching a border fence

Shifting our approach on migration from security to development

By Xavier Savard-Fournier, International migration specialist & Reporter and analyst of international affairs

It is right under our eyes, yet it is still hard to see for some. Not everyone experiences the same warm, welcoming attitude when crossing borders to seek refuge. As scores of people flee the war in Ukraine, many people of colour experienced discrimination, violence and racism or were blocked at borders.  Based on the same security-led migration narratives, similar cases have occurred since the European migration crisis of 2015-2016.

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forced displacement illustration

Le potentiel de la protection sociale en faveur des personnes déplacées de force

Par Jason Gagnon, Chef d’unité, Migration et compétences, Centre de développement de l’OCDE, et Jens Hesemann, Conseiller principal en politiques, Direction de la coopération pour le développement de l’OCDE/GPP, équipe Crise et fragilité

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Plus de 100 millions de personnes sont déplacées de force dans le monde aujourd’hui – chiffre jamais recensé auparavant. Les conflits armés, comme la guerre de la Russie contre l’Ukraine, continuent de chasser de plus en plus de personnes de chez elles, la plupart des personnes déplacées restant longtemps dans l’incertitude. Les pays à revenu faible ou moyen (PRFM) accueillent plus de 80% des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées internes dans le monde. Des politiques appropriées dans les pays d’accueil et une coopération au développement efficace permettent de trouver des solutions provisoires pragmatiques pour les personnes déplacées. Ces solutions provisoires sont gagnantes pour les communautés d’accueil comme pour les populations déplacées, l’intégration socio-économique offrant de multiples avantages.

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Closing the municipal finance gap for migrants and refugees

Closing the municipal finance gap for migrants and refugees

By Samer Saliba, Head of Practice, Mayors Migration Council

Although cities – not rural areas or camps – serve as the primary destination for migrants and refugees worldwide, city governments face systemic barriers to accessing the funding and financing they need to provide for these communities.

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How data can help migrants

By Andrew Young, Knowledge Director, The Governance Lab, New York University

Conflict is displacing more and more people across West Africa, including nearly 2.4 million people who have been forced from their homes by the Boko Haram insurgency in the Lake Chad Basin alone. People living in coastal areas face coastal degradation and erosion. Desertification in the western region of the Sahel is leading to significant livelihood and food security risks. Meanwhile the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is making the situation worse.

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How migrants can best benefit from the use of digital tech

By Tim Unwin, Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D, Royal Holloway, University of London

UN agencies, donors, and civil society organisations have invested considerable time, money and effort in finding novel ways through which migrants, and especially refugees, can benefit from the use of digital technologies. Frequently this has been through the development of apps specifically designed to provide them with information, advice and support, both during the migration journey and in their destination countries. All too often, though, these initiatives have been short-lived or have failed to gain much traction. The InfoAid app, for example, launched by Migration Aid in Hungary amid considerable publicity in 2015 to make life easier for migrants travelling to Europe, posted a poignant last entry on its Facebook page in 2017: “InfoAid app for refugees is being rehauled, so no posting at the moment. Hopefully we will be back soon in a new and improved form! Thank you all for your support!”

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