Cool Natalie's Cool Blog — My writing career started thanks to this little...

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My writing career started thanks to this little local Mexican restaurant that had a cheap-ass breakfast combo deal. It was 5$ for a coffee + beans + rice + one taco of my choosing. I always got a single Alambre taco. For damn near a year of my life I had that every single morning. Starting out, that's what the patreon money went to. I would sit there for four hours and write while I had my coffee and an Alambre taco. I think tacos Alambre are still my favorite food to this day.

They're actually a fusion cuisine, with their origins in Mexico's substantial Lebanese diaspora. It's finely cubed steak cooked with bacon, peppers, and onions, and topped with oaxaca. Originally, the steak was cooked on wires or skewers as was the Lebanese style, but it was adapted to be finished in the bacon fat with the peppers. The green tomatillo salsa is generally quite spicy.

I wanna learn how to make it like that place did.


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