Viewing posts filed under #Tarquin


    i commissioned @mossytrashcan to draw me my husband aND HE DELIVERED LOOK AT MY MAN JAKDKEKSKEKWJ he is so beautiful


    i'm thinking about commissioning art for cresseida and varian too, what do y'all think?


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    New art by @madschofield

    He is perfect in every way. And he deserved way better. I still don’t know how he forgave those mfs after they stole from him. He didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of like that and it’s even sadder when you think about the fact that he’s the youngest and just trusts people way too easily.

  • also considering it’s the first day of BHM: here’s your casual reminder to stop drawing Tarquin, Cresseida, and Varian with Eurocentric features, “wavy” hair, and other weird shit. And if you see people doing that, stop supporting that whitewashed art.

    People don’t draw them as much compared to other characters of color but when I see it, it makes me so annoyed. Bring out the curls and locs and braids and beautiful dark skin or get the fuck outta my face!!!!

  • Happy Black history month! Bringing this back xoxo

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    James Kakonge as Tarquin tho… I’m into something here, I just know it.

  • sent a message

    So I saw a tiktok...

    And this girl was at a pool party and a guy tilted her head back, hand around her neck, and poured a shot down her throat. So like...Nessian?

  • god this is so freaking hot skksksksksks. we never found the tiktok but the premise is a girl has different guys pour shots down her throat and rates them out of 10 and of course Cassian does the best one. If you’ve never seen a tiktok of someone pouring a shot down another persons throat, here’s the pour I imagine Cassian would do for Nesta lolol

    I hope this isn’t coming too late and that you still enjoy it (and that you remember the video lol).

    Nesta slightly shied away as Gwyn cheered almost directly into her ear at the sight of someone doing a large cannonball into the pool. “Nice, Varian!”

    They’d been invited to a pool party the weekend right before classes started, and although Nesta had been hesitant about attending, Tarquin had been so nice when he’d asked her to come that she would’ve felt bad to turn him down. He’d even told her to bring as many as her friends as she wanted, which was how Gwyn and Emerie had gotten roped into this mess.

    She wasn’t full on regretting her choice to come, but she definitely wasn’t drunk enough yet to make it feel like a good decision.

    “We should make a TikTok,” Gwyn suggested suddenly, grinning at the look of horror on Nesta’s face. “Come on, Nesta, it’ll be fun!”

    “Famous last words,” Emerie chimed in with a sly grin of her own.

    Nesta realized both of her friends were drunker than she was, and couldn’t help but sigh at them ganging up on her. “What did you have in mind?”

    Keep reading

  • iddragyouwithme:
“8/10 of rare ship requests is Nesta x Tarquin :3
this one was almost nsfw y’all…
@moodymelanist and all other Nesquin shippers look at them
omgggggggg my beautiful babies
  • 8/10 of rare ship requests is Nesta x Tarquin :3

    this one was almost nsfw y’all…

  • @moodymelanist and all other Nesquin shippers look at them

  • omgggggggg my beautiful babies

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    Don’t mind me, just continuing my stroll down crackship lane.

    Read On the Shoreless Sea by @flowerflamestars.

  • but this? this, is art

  • also considering it’s the first day of BHM: here’s your casual reminder to stop drawing Tarquin, Cresseida, and Varian with Eurocentric features, “wavy” hair, and other weird shit. And if you see people doing that, stop supporting that whitewashed art.

    People don’t draw them as much compared to other characters of color but when I see it, it makes me so annoyed. Bring out the curls and locs and braids and beautiful dark skin or get the fuck outta my face!!!!

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    eris and tarquin meeting at a party via eris insulting tarquin and tarquin being not at all phased by eris' snark and it makes eris blue screen now who could i be i bet you have no idea

  • wow what a mystery. I have no idea who could have sent this at all! no clue!

    anyways college students au as usual. let’s say Eris and Lucien get invited to a swim team party 👀

    Within five minutes of being inside the swim team’s party, Eris couldn’t help but start complaining.

    “I mean honestly, who runs out of alcohol at an athletic party?” he said to Lucien. His youngest brother was barely paying attention to what he was saying, clearly looking for his girlfriend within the sea of people.

    Keep reading

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    Please please please jealous Cassian🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    Maybe a modern AU with Nesta talking with Eris and laughing or something, and Cassian being all jealous and hurt and Nesta comforting him afterwards🥺

  • Jealous Cassian is just so fun to write lol. I’m gonna switch up who he gets jealous about though, if you want to see Cassian getting jealous over Eris and Nesta check out @unhealthyfanobsession 👀

    Cassian was heading out of his last class and walking towards the library when he saw something that made his heart stop dead: Nesta Archeron smiling and laughing.

    It wasn’t that he’d never seen her smile or laugh before; he’d worked hard to form cracks in that icy exterior. He knew exactly how good it felt to make her happy even just for a moment, especially when it was from his dumb jokes that his friends usually groaned at.

    What made his blood run cold wasn’t that Nesta was enjoying herself, but rather who she was enjoying herself with.

    Keep reading

  • what are our thoughts on Eris and Tarquin being together or is that too much of a crackship? Asking for myself and @terrible-and-proud for ✨science✨

  • kayrakhan:
“a lovely trip to summer court
Tarquin is so goddamn sexy especially with locs???? Yeah sign me the fuck up
  • a lovely trip to summer court

  • Tarquin is so goddamn sexy especially with locs???? Yeah sign me the fuck up

  • &. lilac theme by seyche