Up All Night (I Won't Quit)

happy pride everyone!! @dustjacketmusings requested this fic because quote "Emerie can be a better boyfriend than Cassian" so here we are hehe. hope you all enjoy!! title from dove cameron’s song “boyfriend” of course <3

moodboard also for @turesti curtesy of @sjmkinkmeme below!!

Summary: Emerie is tired of watching Nesta suffer over and over at Cassian’s hands, especially when she knows she could treat Nesta so much better.

Word Count: 3.3k

⚢⚢⚢⚢⚢ Emerie 

Emerie sighed heavily as she looked around the room, a familiar sight meeting her eyes. Cassian had somehow managed to convince Nesta to come out with him and his friends tonight, and because Emerie would do anything Nesta asked, she’d gotten dragged along for the ride. 

Other than how gorgeous Nesta looked, tonight wasn’t shaping up to be a particularly enjoyable ride. Cassian had abandoned Nesta pretty early into the night and had spent most of the time on the dance floor jumping around, clearly having the time of his life. Nesta was practically hiding in the corner of the booth he’d abandoned her in and had clearly been over things within the first half an hour, but out of what Emerie felt was a very misplaced sense of loyalty, Nesta hadn’t gotten up and left yet. 

Emerie had been friends with Nesta for years, ever since they’d been randomly assigned to work on a group project together in their freshman year of high school. Gwyn had joined their duo a year later after she’d transferred to their high school, and the three of them had been thick as thieves ever since. They’d gone to the same college and had managed to get jobs in the same city, keeping their friendship alive through breakups, grad school, job changes, and all the other ups and downs that life had thrown at them. 

Gwyn hadn’t been able to come out tonight because she was away at some fancy conference, but Emerie knew she hadn’t exactly been torn up about missing another episode of the Nesta and Cassian show. They’d been dating on and off for three years, each temporary breakup somehow managing to be more dramatic than the last, and Emerie still didn’t understand why Nesta put up with it. She was one of the smartest people Emerie knew, she was incredibly thoughtful, she cared so deeply for the people closest to her, and it certainly didn’t hurt that she was gorgeous. 

Nesta was an amazing lawyer, sister, and friend, so Emerie didn’t understand why she was wasting her time with Cassian. He was loud, obnoxious, and so obviously not right for Nesta that Emerie couldn’t wrap her head around how they’d managed to do this for so long. Nesta was one of the most amazing people Emerie had ever met, and Cassian was just some guy. Why did he get to have someone as perfect as Nesta Archeron without even trying, when Emerie knew Nesta deserved so much better?

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