Viewing posts filed under #Palestine
  • It's actually really frightening to see officially sanctioned genocide denial rise up in Western countries in real time. Like, I remember 20 years ago hearing about how it was illegal in Turkey to point out that the Armenian Genocide happened, and how I thought that that was fucking evil and oppressive. Now here we are, with a campaign in Gaza that experts have called 'a textbook case of genocide', for which the UN Human Rights counsel has determined there are "reasonable grounds" to call it genocide, and the US Congress is trying to make it illegal to criticize Israel. We have Hollywood agencies refusing to represent anyone who points out that a genocide is currently taking place. And it's just the same shit from a fresh asshole as we got from the Turkish government over what happened in Armenia in the 1920s, like "Oh yes, there were killings, but...calling it genocide? Ohhhh, you must be very hateful to our poor little nation to think that our people are capable of that 😢 😭!" Fuck off.

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    It's a lie media outlets keep repeating. I'm so sick of this

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    When there was life in #Gaza.. My son with his cousins, my sister's twins, who are in Gaza under siege.. I can't imagine all the hardship these 3 y.o kids went through from hunger to thirst to being scared and running for their lives from a place to another hoping and praying it will be "safer"...! This world is cruel and sick.

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    In Yemen the death count stagnated at 15,000 until the war ended and the people were able to count their dead. Today, it's commonly accepted that over 300,000 Yemenis have been killed by war and famine. We will see a similar situation in Gaza after a ceasefire.

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    TWO HOURS AGO: israeli tanks are headed towards rafah, they are moving forward with their ground assault. as we all watch the solidarity encampments across the us, REMEMBER WHAT THOSE STUDENTS ARE FIGHTING FOR! DO NOT LOOK AWAY FROM PALESTINE!!

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    TWO HOURS AGO: israeli tanks are headed towards rafah, they are moving forward with their ground assault. as we all watch the solidarity encampments across the us, REMEMBER WHAT THOSE STUDENTS ARE FIGHTING FOR! DO NOT LOOK AWAY FROM PALESTINE!!

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    People in Ljubljana, Slovenia, have filled Republic Square, which is right across the street from the parliament building (visible in the first picture), with snow mounds representing Palestinians killed by Israel, and yesterday, they started lighting candles. They noted that in order to light a candle for every Palestinian who's lost their life in Gaza in the last months, they would've needed 25 thousand (way more than they could realistically manage). Photos by Inštitut 8. Marec.

  • The fight for Palestinian liberation is long and needs patience and strength. I urge you all not to give up on the Palestinian cause no matter how much death you see, no matter how high the numbers get, and no matter how much destruction you witness. We are all doing a great job boosting pro-Palestinian voices and costing Western propagandists money. We're doing an incredible job boycotting all pro-Israeli products, and we're seeing great results. The people are finally seeing the true face of the West and the Israeli occupation, and we're seeing great signs of change. We're on our way to witnessing a free Palestine, and we mustn't lose hope now or ever. Keep posting, keep boosting, and keep saying free Palestine until Palestine is free.

    We're nowhere near giving up, and we never will be.

  • as far as i can tell in response to the proliferation of pro-palestinian content online and the clear on the ground support for palestinians worldwide there has been a BIG push by institutions and news networks to both stigmatize support for palestine and distract from the on-going genocide in gaza.

    we're going to be seeing a lot of backlash in the coming few weeks now that israel is trying to push through its genocidal plan. manufacturing consent for genocide is a dirty game. stay focused. there are children dying in their thousands and they can't hide or justify it. in a few months all of this will go away and israel and the US will start their crying tour of "shoot and cry"

    there is no question of how history will look back on this moment. we already know that and so do they. they also don't care. remorse is free and they know it. public mourning and statements of regrets are likely pre-written. if the public outcry wasn't significant, they wouldn't be going to these lengths to suppress it.

    stay focused, keep the pressure up. there are children being killed, hospitals being bombed, schools being destroyed, land being razed, homes being looted, parents being kidnapped, civilians being terrorized every single moment this continues. none of this is normal. none of this is right. a few weeks ago a single hospital being bombed was a worldwide shock. now every hospital is being openly and brazenly targeted. this is what they're counting on and this is what we refuse to accept.

  • important to remember that many many countries, 120 countries, voted for a ceasefire and that the international community is not just the global north. the world stands with the palestinian people. those of us in countries who voted no to a ceasefire or abstained (and who actively send military aid to israel) must continue to pressure our representatives to end the genocide & occupation. that means protesting, calling, emailing, boycott, divestment, sanctions.

    if you're in the us and you're looking for protests — look for your local jvp or psl chapter on instagram. they are usually organizing events.

    as always with protests, remember to wear a mask for community & personal safety <3

  • gaza has just been completely cut off from the world.

    after increased intensity of israeli aistrikes tonight, the last cable providing communications was destroyed. telecommunications have been completely cut off. they cannot reach one another. they cannot reach paramedics. the red crescent society has completely lost contact with their branch in gaza. nobody inside can reach anyone inside, and especially not outside of gaza to tell us what is going on. this is a complete atrocity.

  • The state of affairs in Palestine, 10/23/23

  • &. lilac theme by seyche