Viewing posts made on 27 May 2024
  • The devastating difference between how much time it takes to write something vs how fast people read it lol

  • you're falling in the trap!! it will be read by many people, many times, and it will live on in their memories. and maybe no single other human will match you in time spent dedicated to your story, but as a collective we will outlast you. acts of creation only grow when they are shared

  • This. Writing is not like dinner. It can be consumed many times

  • this one goes out to all you sickos on tumblr at 10 am on a monday

  • self care really is just ignoring a lot of other peoples opinions in whatever fandom you’re in

  • i’m not saying bucky should spend most of cap 3 crying and kissing steve, but i am saying they’d be smart to play to sebastian stan’s strengths

  • men's waists be so small like what do u need that small of a waist for? For other men to grab it? whore

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  • why is ao3 is blocked on the hospital wifi????

  • It’s not even the public hospital wifi. I’m on the staff wifi. which one of you anesthesiologists was reading omega verse on the clock.

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    Thankfully, I am saved by the power of having a total of 7 followers on this blog.

  • The power of having a total of 7 followers on this blog has failed me.

  • sorry i have to go stare at images of that guy. yeah it’s gonna be all day.

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    It's a lie media outlets keep repeating. I'm so sick of this

  • welp, somehow im glad im not the only one

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  • @ new users remember to set your dash to chronological. I think old users will forget to tell you this because tumblr never randomly resets it like twitter does, so afaik literally everybody switched over to chrono as soon as they tried to introduce non-chrono, and then promptly forgot tumblr even has a non-chrono view. on tumblr we really dont do the “all mighty algorithm” thing.


    Account -> General Settings -> Dashboard Preferences -> Turn "best stuff first" toggle OFF

    (And maybe mess with some other settings according to your preferences—I personally nixed "stuff in my orbit" and "based on my likes" because I only want to see bullshit from the people I follow, not the rest of the site's bullshit.)

    A screenshot of the tumblr mobile dashboard preferences page. The top option (best stuff first) is highlighted and toggled off.ALT

    And if you're on desktop, go download Xkit Rewritten too. It adds (and fixes) some site functionalities, a ton of us rely on it.

  • I was literally thinking about this earlier today. This is why tumblr is the only social media platform I’ve really used. Because it’s possible to 100% curate your feed by following people whose posts you want to see, and then literally everything on your dash is hand selected by actual people. No algorithm, no bullshit trying to show you things that will get your attention without regard to its actual impact.

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  • &. lilac theme by seyche