begebege28 asked:

7x04, 7x04. The episode that you are. If Tim really wanted us to know it was all about Tommy then he did a poor job. This is the one episode that i see the most discussion regarding. BUT NOW, the more and more I think that’s on purpose. I think it was MEANT to. Because if the episode is truly about Tommy, why involve Eddie? Why have Tommy and Eddie be besties? It shouldn’t matter who Tommy is hanging out with right? Could have been Tommy visiting the 118 again? And hanging out with the crew to parallel 2x01. If all was for “his attention” and “it’s been exhausting trying to get it”, we sure didn’t get to see it play out on screen. What stopped buck from reaching out to Tommy after the air hanger. NOTHING? He never called or texted… also, idk if anyone realized buck Tommy knew he was goi he to hang out with Eddie, and YET CONTINUED to invite buck… why show us the last maybe minute before they begin to talk about Eddie and where Eddie is NOW in the frame. Why didn’t Tommy invite buck again to hang out? It’s a two way street. Another thing, why INVOLVE Christophe?. Buck grilling Christopher on his thoughts about Tommy? When did he care about Christophers thoughts before about his dads girlfriends or friends? Accusing Tommy of lying to get bonus points with Chris. You think he truly cared which movie is better? Why does he try to make him a bad guy to Maddie? If he truly wanted Tommys attention or liked him, why did buck say to Maddie “Chris thinks hes “so cool” and USED AIR QUOTES. Gets upset at Eddie having it on a calendar CIRCLED. Even Tommy at the end of the episode says to buck”you KNOW Eddie can have MORE THAN ONE FRIEND” and “that kid won’t shut up about you”. THE WAY BUCK FACES LITS UP. The basketball/gym scene. You mean to tell me, buck, a GROWN man, couldn’t simply go up to his bestfriend “hey, i wanna go and play ball with you guys”. I feel bad that I say no all the time”, you always invite me”. Simple as that. But no, he HAD to wait until the gym scene? And get his attention by having Eddie spot him? Order a WHOLE basketball to the station. That’s the attention buck was trying to get from Tommy?

Okay, hi, thank you for the excuse to talk about Buck, Bothered and Bewildered lol Tim did a great job at showing us that Tommy was there a device to make Buck’s bisexuality the 100th episode event. They couldn’t do it with Eddie, so they added a guy. Love love LOVE the way they said “looked this is guy is similar to Eddie” as the way to speedrun Buck into a crush on him. But I think the thing people fail to look at when taking Buck’s words at face value (when hello unreliable narrator Buck) is the other side of the episode, the not recognizing people part of it, the not seeing people clearly part. They took the fact that they would have to recast Harry and ran. To finish the episode by saying it’s about Tommy when we were watching Eddie practically glow when we are supposed to be seeing him through Buck’s eyes it’s the most clear way to show Buck is getting things mixed up. The gym scene gets me in so many ways because it’s the one Tommy isn’t really in the middle, Buck doesn’t like basketball but he ordered a ball to be delivered at the station to get Eddie’s attention WHEN HE ALREADY HAS A BALL AT THE LOFT. Jee plays with it in 609 and we see it behind Chris in 301. He had no way of knowing who Eddie was on the phone with. And he was acting like that. Someone please tell me how that scene equates to wanting Tommy’s attention? And it’s not like Buck can’t just roll up to the basketball game himself, Eddie was super happy to see him there, Chim didn’t hesitate to go with him. He’s a grown man, he could’ve just fucking asked. And the wording of the way Tommy disarms Buck at the loft is insane. Why are they flirting while talking about how great Eddie is? And the fact that Tommy knows that the path to soothing Buck is assure him of his place in Eddie’s life is such a CHOICE. Because Buck and Tommy didn’t hangout alone enough for him to know so that’s information he got second hand from Eddie. Eddie told him what the problem was and he used it. And Buck could’ve gotten in contact with Tommy himself. Why did he need Eddie as an intermediary? Maybe because Evan Buckley is a mess who can’t identify his own feelings? And has proved that over and over again? Maybe because Buck would not handle realizing he’s attracted to men while also realizing he’s in love with Eddie because babyboy has never dealt with a big emotion in a healthy way ever? Maybe because even Lou said Tommy is there so Buck can work out the kinks surrounding relationships with men and Buck needed a safe place to explore that before the life-changing realization that Eddie is right there? The whole thing is about Eddie. It’s infuriating almost. Buck got left in a curb and he was more worried about Eddie. Like, by god, get it together, dude. And seriously, why didn’t they explore Tommy’s relationship with other 118 members? Maybe because that would give him a fighting chance and the show doesn’t want that? Nothing about Tommy was about Tommy because even his scenes in 709/10 were there to remind the audience of how bad Gerrard is. They even added to his personality so he would be similar to Eddie (crazy choice when they followed that with Eddie meeting a Shannon doppelganger and the whole way the show keeps their storyline parallels and the way Tommy is making Buck realizes he’s bi and Kim will hopefully make Eddie let go of Shannon’s ghost for real and that’s what they need to finally see each other but that’s another story) and they made every scene the dude is in an a parallel to one of Buck’s previous love interests. But sure, let’s trust Mr all my emotions are in an open cabinet but they are all mislabeled when he says he wanted Tommy’s attention. Crazy.

Anonymous asked:

re: tommy and not being your 'type' it's so interesting to me because, like, i'm not really into men, but i'm still into plenty of m/m ships because i find their dynamic compelling in some way. so it's not even that for me - buck and eddie aren't my 'type' either, but i still love the ship.

it really DOES seem like the overwhelming majority of hardcore tommy/bucktommy stans are people who are very into the older man daddy dom thing generally or lfj specifically (or both). but like, if you don't him personally that attractive the whole appeal of the ship kind of collapses because there's nothing else THERE.

Yeah, like, I’m not gonna sit here and say I don’t think Oliver and Ryan are crazy attractive because that would be a huge lie, but the ship has a lot to it, so it doesn’t end up coming down to just enjoying watching them be on screen together. I also won’t say I haven’t enjoyed a couple that I wouldn’t under different circumstances just because I find the characters attractive, so I can’t judge anyone for enjoying them because of it, but if you remove that, the show isn’t giving anything when it comes to them so it’s kinda just extremely meh if you’re not into it.

  • ‘relationships are work’ means ‘you have to put effort into loving each other intentionally & learning how to love each other and communicating properly’ not ‘your relationship makes you feel stressed and sad most of the time & the other person disrespects you and treats you bad but you stay anyway’

  • Anonymous asked:

    Shut up anon choosee violence today with the friends joke!!! And I just mentally replayed how that epaiode played and seriously I would die if that happened. Can't you imagine Tim reading that interview or seeing Lou spoil the medal reveal with the one cameo and just scream "why didn't you take your medal off!!!!! I had them all thinking it was a funeral"!!!

    That's what happened right. Joey told a reporter he I fluency the writers so the writers kill him off!!

    Yeah Joey’s character gets thrown down an elevator shaft after he says he writes most of his life, so truly inspired moment from them kapakapakpakapaka Tommy can’t get killed off tho, then Buck would be forced to think about him forever, just send him away, say he moved to Alaska or whatever lol

“ azriona:
“ sarah-the-artiste:
“ leafquake23:
“ thefingerfuckingfemalefury:
“ miketooch:
“ notkingkong:
“ this gets funnier every year
The year is 2042. Your daughter is awkwardly silent as she eats her dinner. “Something wrong...
  • this gets funnier every year 

  • The year is 2042. Your daughter is awkwardly silent as she eats her dinner. “Something wrong sweetie?” She sighs and puts down her fork. “I was digging really deep in AO3 last night…Why didn’t you finish that coffee shop au?” It happened. Your past has come back to haunt you. Nay, it never truly left.


  • OKAY BUT WAIT. This has happened to me. Recently. Because I am old and I have things out there from previous fandoms with previous pseuds and one day my teenager begins a rant at me about people never finishing any WIPs on the pit of voles (which he does not call the pit of voles because he has No Knowledge of such a thing but yet he still reads on which I didn’t think anyone did any longer) and he points out an example to me of something I WROTE AND LEFT WIPing for ages and he has NO IDEA #1 that his mom wrote this and #2 How much it still haunts me to this day that it will. sit. there. for. eternity. because I am too lazy to pull it down.

  • oh my god

  • #why didn’t you finish cleaning your room?#IDK MOM WHY DIDN’T YOU FINISH THE RON/DRACO MERMAID AU? 

    ( @mrv3000 )

  • Every year, this becomes both more funny, and more painful, and for both of those reasons, it should never be lost or forgotten.

  • No, how much money do I have to pay the 911 people for them to open s8 with Eddie asleep on Buck’s couch because he came over one day because the house felt empty and just didn’t leave and Buck waking him up because they need to get to they shift. I don’t even care about the couch theory anymore, I just think it would be fun. And you can use the scene to do all sorts of beginning of the season exposition dump.

  • buck and eddie both perform every day of their lives except eddie is spiderman levels of 'i can't drop the mask, i can't let them know who i am or else everyone in my life will be hurt tragically' and buck is completely clark kenting. like he's just wearing a flimsy pair of metaphorical glasses. and some of you are still falling for it