• being on here and condescending is crazy

  • do you think people in hell were like i’m so much better than people in the 9th circle. because i’m in the 5th one. brother you’re still in hell. we are all in hell

  • The thing is, we are all cherry picking out points, yk? Sure, Buck did ask for the hangar tour and was all starstruck by it on his own, but if we wanna make that argument as Buck initiating contact, we need to consider the way Buck lingers by the helicopter to talk to Taylor because he’s starstruck by her and he approaches Natalia to ask about being a death doula. He didn’t have romantic intentions with any of those, he wanted to know more about them. At the end of 206 he goes after Taylor to talk to her about the news piece. Buck didn’t know Tommy was an option romantically until Tommy kissed him because he was too focused on the Eddie of it all. Buck asks Taylor out during the whole thing with Albert and Veronica and doesn’t realize Taylor might be an option until she tells him she was expecting sex because he was too focused on how he was feeling about the Veronica of it all. Buck reaches out to Tommy to apologize after he walks out on the date, points for him, but he only does it because Eddie told him to. And after Taylor walks out from Veronica’s place, Buck keeps calling her to apologize, she just doesn’t pick up. And at the hospital after the baby is born, Buck saying he thought Natalia wasn’t speaking to him, implies he did try, she just didn’t answer. Buck repeats patterns in the way he keeps waiting for the other person to clue him in before he does something and goes to the worst case scenario first. Buck just never assumes someone wants him around. And I can apply this to Eddie too. He tugs on Eddie’s ponytail until Eddie lets him know he’s not trying to replace him. We talk about grand gestures and the insanity of asking someone for a second date to his sister’s wedding when they left the first one, but he got an apartment with Ali, he asked Taylor to move in because he cheated, he asked Natalia to buy furniture after 3 dates and a birth. But by this logic, you can paint Carla is a grand gesture. Buck wants people to stay and he doesn’t measure efforts to make it happen. Buck sitting down and cooling off after the basketball trying to figure out what was really bothering him before talking to Eddie is just as much of a sign of growth as actually talking to Tommy about his expectations for the relationship. But both have their set of problems because Buck is hiding from consequences when it comes to Eddie and he’s jumping off the deep end with Tommy anyway. Buck is complex in such an interesting way and no one is looking at the full picture anymore. Yes, Tommy parallels Abby and Ali and Taylor and Natalia. But he also parallels Eddie. And the Eddie ones are very explicitly said because the episode plays that twist. The parallels with Taylor are glaring, the ones with Ali and Natalia are there and all, and the Abby ones, if you want to say I’m pushing, I wouldn’t fight you on it. Every argument can be hollowed out if you see it on its own. Buck assumes no one really wants him around and that he needs to prove he’s worthy of it before getting someone to stay. That’s the actual hamster wheel. Buck goes all in. And it’s a fine line to walk. Even more when the show is making a point of showing that applied to situations that blew up on his face before. If you wanna say Buck was healed by the power of getting dicked down, that’s your prerogative, but is he?

  • Buck stares at the table - seemingly without seeing - and Eddie waits.

    "I feel like I'm rotting inside," Buck finally adds.

    "Well, I'm pretty fond of your inside." Eddie answers automatically.

    "You're- What?"

    Ok, that sounded weird, Eddie wasn't really thinking, but it is how he feels. Buck's frown has softened a bit, so maybe weird is good.

    "I mean," Eddie pauses. What does he mean?

    "I love everything about you." He settles on. Buck's frown shifts into slightly raised eyebrows, so Eddie continues. "I love you all the way down to your core, from all the way down to mine." Buck is looking at him with shiny eyes, and Eddie can't stop now. "I don't know if you're rotting, but it wouldn't change a thing."

    Buck stares at him - as if seeing him for the first time - and Eddie waits.

    "You-" Buck tries, and tries again a couple of times without success. Buck is looking at him like he isn't real. Eddie has never felt more real than now.

    He swallows the weight lodged in his throat and tries to chuckle. "If I can't be sappy with you, who else then?"

    He doesn't know if Buck wants to laugh or cry at that, and the choked sound escaping him isn't any help. So Eddie waits again.

    He doesn't know what he's waiting for until Buck's demeanor changes. Until Buck's eyes take on a determined look Eddie has never seen aimed at him. Not like this, not by Buck, not ever. Eddie almost fears Buck's response. Almost.

    "I love you."


    "Eddie," Buck takes his face in his hands. "I love you." He looks at Eddie's face. "I love you." He looks at Eddie. "I-" He follows the movement of his thumb carressing Eddie’s cheek. "Can I kiss you?"


    Eddie stops staring at Buck's lips and makes his gaze travel to his eyes. He doesn't want to make Buck wait.


  • having online friends who are busy is just like. I LOVE YOU. I miss you. YOU GOT THIS. I'm giving you space to work. I LOVE YOU.

  • reminder to everyone i haven't talked to lately: I love you. we'll be fine. I LOVE YOU. I am waiting for you. I hope you are well. I love you.

  • Anonymous asked:

    if you got cheated on would you rather it be confessed to you by your lover, someone else close to you, someone else that dislikes you or finding out by yourself?


    Yeah okay

    Not including “someone else who dislikes you” because why would anyone believe their haters

    Fav way to find out your lover is fucking another person behind your back

    Catching them in the act

    They confessed to you directly

    Someone close and trustworthy tells you