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text posted 7 years ago 9,596 notes
“history of the entire world, i guess” things that are definitely going to become meme culture


- “howw did this haappen?“ 

- “weather update”

- “the sun is a deadly lazer" 

- “coming soon to a dank river valley near you" 

- “you could make a religion out of this” 

- “wow, that’s,… big” 

- “chiiiina is whole again… then it brooooke again” 

- “helll yea now we’ve got buusiness” 

- “whoops, half of europe just died” 

- “hey christians, do you sin?” 

- “that’s bullshit. this whole thing is bullshit. that’s a scam.” 

- “we gotta start pillaging some stuff” 

- “let’s overthrow the palace and cut all their heads off!” 

- “you could make a reli-” “no, don’t" 

- “that’s just where he lives” 

- “they never got ethiopia” 

- “well, blame something on them and go to war" 

- “wow, that worked?” 

- “wanna print a brain?” 

- “by the way, where the hell are we?” 

- literally the whole video

Posted on 11 May 2017, at 3.35pm, with 9,596 notes
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I really like Hetalia, Overwatch, books and other nerdy stuff.
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I'm cruisin for a bruisin!
Alex | 27 | she/her