
why is fake wolf fact erotica so interesting


playing god with worldbuilding again lads

i do think it’s interesting that in less than a decade after reviving both the jurassic park movies and star wars franchises, universal and disney, respectively, have fucked up what could have been never-ending theatrical cash cows to the point where the jurassic franchise is ending in critical disgrace and star wars has been relegated almost exclusively to disney’s streaming platform. how badly do you have to fumble bags that are mostly just “people and aliens in a far off galaxy and space” and “dinosaurs! what would happen if dinosaurs?” that the franchises became so devoid of any redeemable value that people are eh about seeing a cultural icon like darth vader wield his lightsaber or a website like rotten tomatoes, which grades on a heavy curve, especially for nostalgic projects, has your film at a 37% critical favorability and is being accused of making dinosaurs “uncool”. it’s fascinating. i hope the bubble bursts for marvel next.


they each had a goose that lays golden eggs and they butchered it to get the eggs out instead of feeding it and now they've got a dead goose, some tremendously shitty and underdeveloped eggs, and a lot of angry fans who were hoping for golden omelets and perhaps some golden goslings but are now covered in entrails and the little feathers that get everywhere, and are somewhat miffed about the whole situation

it is a beautiful day, and you are a dead golden goose

an undead golden goose of a fandom laying golden fanworks all over the place and honking before running off with the shattered remains of copyright law in its beak is a wonderful and amazing image, thank you so much for taking the post in this direction


Lesser known essential friend group members #137: the person who's, like, super into a piece of media which is clearly designed entirely around catering to a very specific kink, but they don't have the kink in question, are unaware of its existence, and have somehow avoided ever stumbling across the vast quantities of fanart and fanfic addressing it, having gotten into said media for an unrelated reason.

My friend was once raving about the anime that got him into shogi, a game with similar origins to modern chess, that is very complicated. He described the plot of the anime to me, which was about a student who wins some sort of championship and wins an important title, and takes on this younger girl as an apprentice for shogi, and it follows him as he tries to earn more shogi championship titles. (Because you can earn titles for being the best at any of the eight key skills of being good at shogi)

I then got the name of the anime from him. The anime is Ryūō no Oshigoto! It is a lolicon harem anime.

When I described this fact to him, he was genuinely confused, then said “oh yeah, I think there’s a plot point where one of the girls had a crush on him? He’s 16 though, and also doesn’t reciprocate so I wouldn’t call it lolicon.”

I, now skimming through the Wikipedia page, had to say “The kids are a nine year old and a six year old. And also look the part. If a child regularly is the focus of sexual remarks, and their feelings are justified by the narrative, regardless of how the main character reacts to it, it is still a lolicon anime.

“Oh. Then I guess don’t watch it then, huh.”


#I have to say he’s a really nice guy #but he puts up with so much concerning shit. Not just in media but in friends and also basic life skills. #he once hiked to the peak of a mountain in the middle of summer off the path because he didn’t realise he got off it #then crawled his way back down the mountain on his arms and legs because he ran out of water on the way back #That is also his experience with most anime and media.


i recommend every history student to play the appropriate assassin’s creed game before starting to learn about a subject bc it makes everything 10000% funnier like. hey. i know this guy. he had an unresolved yet undeniable homoerotic sexual tension with my favorite video game man. what’s he doing here.


Can’t wait to vote in the eu elections on Sunday sure hope people voted in countries that held their vote today ahaha


Megalopyges are cute but beware, they are danger boys as well

(Florida, 12/27/18)


lettin one walk on you is so brave but I bet it feels silly

danger boy? How dangerous are we talk-


@onenicebugperday I need more information…

Megalopyge is a genus of moth! In the US, the most common species is the southern flannel moth. The caterpillars (usually called puss caterpillars), as you can see above, are very cute and fuzzy! They can be grey, brown, tan, white, or even orange-ish. The one shown in the post looks like a fairly large later instar, but they can be quite tiny:

Photo by connlindajo

But this dude is one of the reasons I tell people not to handle bugs they can’t ID. It might be cute, but it has venomous spines on its body hidden within the hairs. It could likely crawl on your hand like above without risking injury because the underside isn’t fuzzy, but I wouldn’t risk it. If you brush the top hairs against your skin it’ll cause a rash of fluid-filled raised red bumps that radiate terrible pain away from the area. And like it says above, the pain can be so intense that it feels like a broken bone, and it can last hours.

It’s recommended that if you come in contact with one, you use tape to try to pull out any remaining hairs, wash the area with soap and water, apply an ice pack, and take an antihistamine.

On the plus side, the adult moth is VERY fuzzy and 100% safe:

Photo by barbara_thurlow


probably my most powerful interpersonal communication hack is to, whenever possible, ask either/or questions rather than yes/no questions

for example, when chatting with coworkers, i’ll often ask if they have any fun weekend plans. but let’s be real - we all feel like friendless losers when someone asks that question and we go “uhhhhh… no.” so instead, i phrase it as “so, do you have anything fun planned over the weekend, or are you just going to enjoy having some time to relax?”

phrased like this, there’s rarely any awkwardness. you’ve presented two options & given both equally positive connotations, so your conversational partner has an automatic “out,” so to speak

but it works for higher stakes conversations too!!!! my mom was saying this weekend how she and her neighbor both like walking around the neighborhood & that she wanted to suggest they take a walk together sometime, but was worried about how to approach the conversation

so i said “how about you just say ‘i’ve noticed we both like taking walks! would you be interested in going for one together, or do you use walks for some precious alone time?’”

now Walking Neighbor has an automatic “get out of jail free card” if she wants to say no!!!! which means my mom doesn’t have to worry about the conversation being uncomfortable, because she’s set it up to go smoothly

either/or questions rather than yes/no questions. it is really like magic


Being in a group chat with a bunch of mentally ill girls who suck at taking care of ourselves is really funny. We’ll constantly be giving each other advice like “hey you should probably eat something” “have you taken your meds today?” “if you’re not feeling well maybe you should get some sleep” and stuff like that and then none of us have the self awareness and self respect to take the advice we give each other until we we hear it from someone else

in heaven, each one feeds the girlie next to her


this part of the wikipedia page is really important to me

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