Lesia | she/her | adult | Formerly Ask Paper Tails, the fox boi is still open for asks. The blog is mostly my scribbles and fandom trash in general |

OK timeloop romance concept

Main characters are a couple, a typical nerd x himbo. They become stuck in a time loop, where they both die and start over after that, so the objective is to figure out how to live through the day

They communicate and figure out that even if they are both aware of the repeating time, they’re not in the same time loop, they’re stuck in individual ones, so one of them might have seen them get hit by a car while the other avoided that last time but fell off a bridge

The nerd character does some Light Yagami style masterplanning, using all the stable elements of the time loop to plan out a perfect survival strategy, and even makes it out alive by like the 8th loop, but can’t save their partner so keeps returning trying to orchestrate survival for them both. And eventually at like loop 15 they make it having resqued each other, and of course in time loop movie fasion the way they survive is the perfect plan fails, but a number of miraculous coincidences lead to success anyway.

So after they watch the sunset, both alive, and start comparing stories, and the nerd realizes that while he’s only been around for a few repeast, the himbo has lived through 1000+ loops, essentially bruteforcing their happy ending on their end, changing just one little thing each time until something worked, cause they would rather live a thousand monotone days trying, even if complex situation manipulation isn’t their strong side, than continue living without their partner. And the nerd now realizes that in each of their loops their partner could always keep up and seemed wiser each time, always knowing what to say to keep their spirit up, and on top of that every miraculous coincidences that ensured their survival was the small changes the himbo made to basically fine tune reality into being one where they both end up alive

I just saw one of those “how the hell did this end up here I’ve been looking for it for years” moments in progress

I opened a box of stuff from under my bed, the kind you open like once every few months at most, and it hasn’t been open for a second before I spotted one of my newly bought stickers that I got at a con yesterday as a gift to my friend. It must have somehow fallen in in the blink of an eye and never made a sound, and had it landed upside down I would have NEVER spotted it there, closed the box, and never even thought to look in there when I did notice the sticker missing

that was straight up evil


I swear I woke up today at 6 in the morning from the most mindblowing Magnus podcasts dream, and I thought “free cryptic magnus protocol spoilers! Even if it isn’t true it should be fun to wait and see if it comes true or not” and then I fell back asleep

And now that I woke up for sure I did manage to not forget the dream, however with a more awake mind I see that it was completely incoherent and stuff that was happening in the dream was happening to characters made up by my mind .___.

In the dream The Magnus protocol crew actually had a podcast of their own in-universe, and someone put on their very first podcast that still had shitty equipment and nobody knew what to do, which was cute

However one of the characters, whom my brain generated by basically inserting John into the Protocol workspace, on the podcast sounded nothing like his current self, very dorky and shy, and he was self promoting some site of his. And I was like THIS IS HUGE HIS PERSONALITY IS WAY DIFFERENT WHAT IF THIS TIME IT’S HIS BODY THAT’S BEEN OVERTAKEN BY JONAH?

Would have been a cool twist if the guy was real

You know the “fairytales are actually very messed up, they just get censored by cartoons. There’s cannibalism in sleeping beauty, the prince dies in Rapunzel” phase you go through as a teen? What do you call a phase when you start feeling bad for Rapinzels mom for the pregnancy cravings, and princess on a pea for the sensory issues and the mother in low with weird gatekeeping

I want y'all scamps to know that you’ve effectively spread misinformation on the internet

Cause you see I’ve seen so much fan content for dungeon meshi, that by the time I actually watched it I was convinced that Izutsumi was one of Chilchuck’s actual daughters

Y'all headcanoned him adopting her so hard that for a while it was real in my world

😭😭😭 Just woke up from a dream where a hollow knight discord server I used to hang out at a lot was actually a physical club place, and since I haven’t interacted with it for years people there started to get worried for me, and aside from a message I got from someone, it showed through a missing person poster I saw dear the area where this club is, but instead of my picture I it had a drawing of my vesselsona 😭😭😭


We need to acclimate Twitter users to tumblr lingo better. I literally type in a message that’s a net neutral, cause I have no tags to put it in, and get reactions like this

I haven’t watched MLP actively since I was like 15, but I just woke up from one of those dreams that you only have when you’re deep enough into the fandom to read fanfics

In the dream I was Twilight, post alicirnization, and I had to get some medical tests done that they hard to put me under anesthesia for. And I distinctly remember not knowing how to comfortably lay down on my back because first of all ponies are not made for that and second the wings were in the way

There of course was an anesthesia pony who was a unicorn, and she used anesthesia magic on me, but I was worried it would wear off earlier than normal because I was an alicorn. And sure enough the next thing I know is that I’m stumbling through Pineville very dazed, and get spotted by Apple Jack and Rarity, who asked me what am I doing out so early, to which I respond that the nurse horse left the room for a moment and I walked out. And in the process of recalling that I become more lucid and realized that the anesthesia spell did wear off early and I just left the first moment I was unattended, and idk if the clinic was in Counterlot or no but I definitely had to like teleport back to Ponyville while completely out of it

Whenever someone tags another person in my reblogs I go check on that person

Like who is that to whom my art is well suited

Who’s my moot in law

My work friend who’s from Mexico lent me his Switch, but I’ve been busy so my sis was the one playing most of the time. She made a separate account and everything. The catch here is that my sister is learning Spanish. Any word she names the account, any place she can find to leave written text in, I just know she’ll do it in Spanish and I am completely at her mercy to when it comes to what she writes

I am praying my sister doesn’t leave a bunch of swearwords on my coworker’s switch