Lesia | she/her | adult | Formerly Ask Paper Tails, the fox boi is still open for asks. The blog is mostly my scribbles and fandom trash in general |




what kind of silhouetted figure should I add to this?

-a tree, again

-someone praying

-a camel

-one guy chopping off another guy’s head with a sword and the severed head is going flying

-children holding hands or playing

by popular request


If One Guy Chopped Off Another Guy’s Head With A Sword And The Severed Head Went Flying And It Happened During A Total Solar Eclipse Would That Be Fucked Up Or What?, ink on paper, 2024


Hello, just a small question but if someone was to say... get inspired by your time loop prompt and write a small fandom fic on it, would you liked to be tagged in the post? (I already know to credit you for the idea and to link to the prompt itself, I just want to make sure you are ok with being tagged in a post)

Oh for sure, sounds exciting!

OK timeloop romance concept

Main characters are a couple, a typical nerd x himbo. They become stuck in a time loop, where they both die and start over after that, so the objective is to figure out how to live through the day

They communicate and figure out that even if they are both aware of the repeating time, they’re not in the same time loop, they’re stuck in individual ones, so one of them might have seen them get hit by a car while the other avoided that last time but fell off a bridge

The nerd character does some Light Yagami style masterplanning, using all the stable elements of the time loop to plan out a perfect survival strategy, and even makes it out alive by like the 8th loop, but can’t save their partner so keeps returning trying to orchestrate survival for them both. And eventually at like loop 15 they make it having resqued each other, and of course in time loop movie fasion the way they survive is the perfect plan fails, but a number of miraculous coincidences lead to success anyway.

So after they watch the sunset, both alive, and start comparing stories, and the nerd realizes that while he’s only been around for a few repeast, the himbo has lived through 1000+ loops, essentially bruteforcing their happy ending on their end, changing just one little thing each time until something worked, cause they would rather live a thousand monotone days trying, even if complex situation manipulation isn’t their strong side, than continue living without their partner. And the nerd now realizes that in each of their loops their partner could always keep up and seemed wiser each time, always knowing what to say to keep their spirit up, and on top of that every miraculous coincidences that ensured their survival was the small changes the himbo made to basically fine tune reality into being one where they both end up alive


Thank you to @/DetectiveCocoo on Twitter for the E-Sim donation to Palestine! (The first is the actual colored sketch, the second is was a warm-up sketch)


Visit the Cartoonist Coop website for instructions on how to donate and exchange it for art: https://t.co/tJ7RPqFoCY