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Hello! How is everyone? We’re hope all of you are doing great! We, at @khsource, would like to present to you our last event for the year, #khsecretsanta ! We know this 2020 hasn’t really been great with all that has happened, so we hope that this...

Hello! How is everyone? We’re hope all of you are doing great! We, at @khsource, would like to present to you our last event for the year, #khsecretsanta ! We know this 2020 hasn’t really been great with all that has happened, so we hope that this event would at least bring smiles to your faces. 


Thank you so much and stay safe!

I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately. 

“You’ll be free as a bird. And all for one little job.”

they can take your world. they can take your heart. cut you loose from all you know. but if it’s your fate… then every step forward will always be a step closer to home.