gaming guys

Welcome to GamingGuys. A fanblog to show our love and support of the men in video games.

We run on queue and we follow the gamingguys, gamingedit, videogameedit, gamingnetwork and dailygaming tags. Not spoiler free!
@gamingguys · 1601839609

after much consideration. im going to close gamingguys. i want to focus more on my main fan blog and my personal blog. i have many things i want to do and it seems like im always worried about this blog and my other one. ill be deleting it in a few days.

archived reblogged archived @kaidansalenkos-remade · 1598636846

“A seal has been opened… my brother John was loved by few. Feared by many. Misunderstood by all… except me. John was not born a monster. He was just a child when our family was torn apart. He was loving. Kind. Full of joy… he was easily preyed upon. John was not perfect. Sometimes he was not even good. But he was my brother. And those responsible for his death will be punished. I promise you that.”

John Seed in Far Cry 5


Hello everyone! We’re excited to present our fifth event’s theme: locations!

To participate in this event, create something surrounding your favourite locations in the series. This could be your favourite cities, synchronisation points, sceneries, anything you want!

Examples of accepted work are: gifsets, graphics, edits, fanart, fanfic, etc. You can post anything so long as it is your own work!

This event will be open for four weeks, until Sunday September 20th. We will accept late submissions for one week after the closing date. (Since Tumblr’s recent update, posts frequently do not show in the tags, so feel free to message one of our members if your work is not reblogged within a week of posting it.)

We’d also appreciate if you:

  • reblog to signal boost our post
  • check out our blog and members
  • make sure to tag your edits with the #acedit tag
  • mention our blog and the event in the description of your post, e.g.

@ac-edits event 05, locations: name

↳ description

If you have any questions or issues, please send us an ask or message Sarah @connorknway or Jessie @leonkenedy.