Recherche - Inria - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique
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9 423 résultats
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Parallel distributed out-of-core coupled solvers for large sparse/dense FEM/BEM linear systems implementing low-rank compression

Emmanuel Agullo , Marek Felšöci , Guillaume Sylvand
RR-9550, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest. 2024, pp.39
Rapport hal-04618349v1
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Allocation and Placement Algorithms for Scheduling Distributed I/O Resources in HPC Systems

Alexis Bandet , Francieli Zanon Boito , Guillaume Pallez
RR-9549, Inria Bordeaux; Inria Rennes. 2024, pp.1-27
Rapport hal-04593977v1
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Numerical simulation of tokamak plasma equilibrium evolution

Guillaume Gros , Blaise Faugeras , C. Boulbe , J.F. Artaud , Rémy Nouailletas , et al.
RR-9548, INRIA. 2024
Rapport hal-04589897v1
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An Exact Characterization of the Generalization Error of Machine Learning Algorithms

Xinying Zou , Samir M. Perlaza , Iñaki Esnaola , Eitan Altman , H. Vincent Poor
RR-9539, INRIA. 2024, pp.80
Rapport hal-04442566v3
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Teaching Divisibility and Binomials with Coq

Sylvie Boldo , François Clément , David Hamelin , Micaela Mayero , Pierre Rousselin
RR-9547, Inria. 2024, pp.13
Rapport hal-04550762v1
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Formally Verified Bounds on Rounding Errors in Concrete Implementations of Logarithm-Sum-Exponential Functions

Paul Bonnot , Benoît Boyer , Florian Faissole , Claude Marché , Raphaël Rieu-Helft
RR-9531, Inria. 2023
Rapport hal-04343157v2
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Equilibrium bids for reverse auctions when the budget is announced - Some preliminary results

Alain Jean-Marie , Mabel Tidball
RR-9545, Inria; CEE-M. Centre d'Economie de l'Environnement - Montpellier. 2024, pp.19
Rapport hal-04520388v1
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Mechanical compliance: from soft robot modeling theory to finite element method computation

Christian Duriez
RT-0521, INRIA - Centre Lille Nord Europe. 2024
Rapport hal-04469924v1
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Unique continuation theorem for symmetric harmonic hyperbolic systems with constant coefficients

Sébastien Pernet , Matthias Rivet , Sébastien Tordeux
RR-9544, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest. 2024
Rapport hal-04504052v1
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Orthogonal matching pursuit-based algorithms for the Birkhoff-von Neumann decomposition

Damien Lesens , Jérémy E Cohen , Bora Uçar
RR-9543, Inria Lyon. 2024, pp.12
Rapport hal-04500014v1

Open Source Ethernet Real-time Audio Transmission to FPGA

Pierre Cochard , Jurek Weber , Romain Michon , Tanguy Risset , Stephane Letz
RR-9542, INRIA. 2024, pp.16
Rapport hal-04491503v1
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A Methodological Guide for the Validation of Logic Modelling of Ladder Instructions

Denis Cousineau , Hiroaki Inoue , Claude Marché , David Mentré
RT-0522, Inria. 2024
Rapport hal-04487766v1
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Empirical Risk Minimization with Relative Entropy Regularization

Samir M. Perlaza , Gaetan Bisson , Iñaki Esnaola , Alain Jean-Marie , Stefano Rini
[Research Report] RR-9454, Inria. 2022
Rapport hal-03560072v7
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Empirical Risk Minimization with Relative Entropy Regularization Type-II

Francisco Daunas , Iñaki Esnaola , Samir M. Perlaza , H. Vincent Poor
RR-9508, INRIA, Centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia Antipolis. 2023
Rapport hal-04110899v2
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Implementation of an unbalanced I/O Bandwidth Management system in a Parallel File System

Clément Barthélemy , Francieli Zanon Boito , Emmanuel Jeannot , Guillaume Pallez , Luan Teylo
RR-9537, Inria. 2024
Rapport hal-04417412v1
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Connectivity of a random directed graph model

Anne Benoit , Kamer Kaya , Bora Uçar
RR-9540, Inria Lyon. 2024
Rapport hal-04428417v2
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Learning HJB Viscosity Solutions with PINNs for Continuous-Time Reinforcement Learning

Alena Shilova , Thomas Delliaux , Philippe Preux , Bruno Raffin
RR-9541, Inria Lille - Nord Europe, CRIStAL - Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille - UMR 9189; Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, Inria UMR 9189 - CRIStAL,INRIA Lille Nord Europe, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France; Univ. Grenoble Alps, CNRS, Inria, Grenoble INP, LIG, 38000 Grenoble, France. 2024, pp.1-30
Rapport hal-04445160v1
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Empirical Risk Minimization with f-Divergence Regularization in Statistical Learning

Francisco Daunas , Iñaki Esnaola , Samir M. Perlaza , H. Vincent Poor
RR-9521, Inria. 2023
Rapport hal-04258765v3
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Leveraging Noisy Observations in Zero-Sum Games

Emmanouil-Marios Athanasakos , Samir M. Perlaza
RR-9538, Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée, Université Côte d'Azur. 2024, pp.24
Rapport hal-04424590v1
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Detection of Uncaught Exceptions in Functional Programs by Abstract Interpretation (Extended Version)

Pierre Lermusiaux , Benoît Montagu
RR-9536, Inria. 2024, pp.38
Rapport hal-04410771v1
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Simuscale: A Modular Framework for Multiscale Single-Cell Modelling

Samuel Bernard , Fabien Crauste , Olivier Gandrillon , Carole Knibbe , David Parsons
RT-0520, Inria Lyon. 2024, pp.18
Rapport hal-04400510v1
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On some orthogonalization schemes in Tensor Train format

Olivier Coulaud , Luc Giraud , Martina Iannacito
RR-9491, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest. 2022
Rapport hal-03850387v3
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De la transparence à l’explicabilité automatisée des algorithmes : comprendre les obstacles informatiques, juridiques et organisationnels

Denis Merigoux , Marie Alauzen , Justine Banuls , Louis Gesbert , Émile Rolley
RR-9535, INRIA Paris. 2024, pp.68
Rapport hal-04391612v1
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The Worst-Case Data-Generating Probability Measure

Xinying Zou , Samir M. Perlaza , Iñaki Esnaola , Eitan Altman
RR-9515, INRIA. 2023
Rapport hal-04181971v2
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Partial Evaluation of Dense Code on Sparse Structures

Gabriel Dehame , Christophe Alias , Alec Sadler
RR-9534, INRIA Lyon; CNRS; ENS de Lyon; Université de Lyon. 2023, pp.16
Rapport hal-04358187v1
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On the implementation of Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin discretization for linear anisotropic elastic wave equation: Voigt-notation and stabilization

Ha Pham , Florian Faucher , Hélène Barucq
RR-9533, INRIA Bordeaux. 2023, pp.79
Rapport hal-04356602v1
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Numérisation, valorisation et jumeaux numériques d'instruments de musique du patrimoine

Romain Viala , Juliette Chabassier , Augustin Ernoult , Marguerite Jossic , Tobias van Baarsel , et al.
RR-9532, Inria; ITEMM; Musée de la musique - Philharmonie de Paris. 2023
Rapport hal-04352706v1
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DBA and K-means clustering : Explainability problems for research on behaviors and strategies

Axel Palaude , Thierry Viéville
RR-9522, Inria & Labri, Université Bordeaux. 2023, pp.17
Rapport hal-04254844v1
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Piano bridge mobility and longitudinal precursors

Guillaume Castera , Juliette Chabassier , Paul Fisette , Brad Wagijo
RR-9530, Inria Bordeaux - Sud Ouest. 2023, pp.46
Rapport hal-04317501v1
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Algorithms for stationary Gaussian random field generation

Géraldine Pichot
[Technical Report] RT-0484, INRIA Paris. 2016
Rapport hal-01414707v4