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185 résultats
hal_authIdPerson_i : 15678

Efficiency of a hierarchical protocol for highthroughput structure-based virtual screening on Grid5000 cluster grid

Leo Ghemtio , Emmanuel Jeannot , Bernard Maigret
Open Access Bioinformatics, 2010, 2, pp.41-53. ⟨10.2147/OAB.S7272⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00547970v1
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TAPIOCA: An I/O Library for Optimized Topology-Aware Data Aggregation on Large-Scale Supercomputers

François Tessier , Venkatram Vishwanath , Emmanuel Jeannot
CLUSTER 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Sep 2017, Honolulu, United States. pp.1-11, ⟨10.1109/CLUSTER.2017.80⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01621344v1

Comparative Evaluation of the Robustness of DAG Scheduling Heuristics

Louis-Claude Canon , Emmanuel Jeannot , Rizos Sakelariou , Wei Zheng
Integration Research in Grid Computing, CoreGRID integration workshop, Apr 2008, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece. pp.63--74, ⟨10.1007/978-0-387-09457-1_7⟩
Communication dans un congrès inria-00333904v1
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Experiments with multi-level parallelism runtimes on a CFD code with unstructured meshes

Yvan Fournier , Emmanuel Jeannot , Benjamin Lorendeau
ParCFD 2017 - 29th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, May 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-01667320v1
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A hierarchical model to manage hardware topology in MPI applications

Emmanuel Jeannot , Farouk Mansouri , Guillaume Mercier
EuroMPI, Sep 2017, Chicago, United States. pp.1 - 11
Communication dans un congrès hal-01621941v1
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Communication and Topology-aware Load Balancing in Charm++ with TreeMatch

Emmanuel Jeannot , Esteban Meneses , Guillaume Mercier , François Tessier , Gengbin Zheng
IEEE Cluster 2013, Sep 2013, Indianapolis, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-00851148v1

Two fast and efficient message scheduling algorithms for data redistribution through a backbone

Emmanuel Jeannot , Frédéric Wagner
18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium - IPDPS'04, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 10 p
Communication dans un congrès inria-00099979v1
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TreeMatch : Un algorithme de placement de processus sur architectures multicœurs

Emmanuel Jeannot , Guillaume Mercier , François Tessier
RenPAR - 21e Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme, Jan 2013, Grenoble, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00773254v1

Messages Scheduling for Data Redistribution between Heterogeneous Clusters

Emmanuel Jeannot , Frédéric Wagner
17th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems - PDCS 2005, Nov 2005, Phoenix, USA
Communication dans un congrès inria-00000283v1
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Improving MPI Application Communication Time with an Introspection Monitoring Library

Emmanuel Jeannot , Richard Sartori
PDSEC 2020 - 21st IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, May 2020, New-Orleans, United States. pp.10
Communication dans un congrès hal-02906352v1
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Performance Analysis and Optimization of the Tiled Cholesky Factorization on NUMA Machines

Emmanuel Jeannot
PAAP 2012 - IEEE International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming, Dec 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
Communication dans un congrès hal-00772790v1
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Online Dynamic Monitoring of MPI Communications: Scientific User and Developper Guide

George Bosilca , Clément Foyer , Emmanuel Jeannot , Guillaume Mercier , Guillaume Papauré
[Research Report] RR-9038, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest. 2017, pp.43
Rapport hal-01485243v1
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Total Exchange Performance Prediction on Grid Environments: modeling and algorithmic issues

Luiz Angelo Steffenel , Emmanuel Jeannot
CoreGRID Symposium - CoreGRID'07, Aug 2007, Rennes, France. pp.131-140, ⟨10.1007/978-0-387-72498-0_12⟩
Communication dans un congrès inria-00177535v1
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Managing Data Persistence in Network Enabled Servers

Eddy Caron , Bruno Delfabbro , Frédéric Desprez , Emmanuel Jeannot , Jean-Marc Nicod
[Research Report] RR-5725, INRIA. 2005
Rapport inria-00071216v1

Le HTM : un module de prédiction de performance non-intrusif pour l'ordonnancement de tâches sur plate-forme de meta-computing

Yves Caniou , Emmanuel Jeannot
16 ème Rencontres Francophones du Parallèlisme (RENPAR 2005), 2005, Le Croisic, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00000288v1
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Adaptive multi-tier intelligent data manager for Exascale

Jesus Carretero , Javier Garcia-Blas , Marco Aldinucci , Jean Baptiste Besnard , Jean-Thomas Acquaviva , et al.
CF 2023 - 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, May 2023, Bologna, Italy. pp.285-290, ⟨10.1145/3587135.3592174⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-04231494v1
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Interferences between Communications and Computations in Distributed HPC Systems

Alexandre Denis , Emmanuel Jeannot , Philippe Swartvagher
ICPP 2021 - 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug 2021, Chicago / Virtual, United States. pp.11, ⟨10.1145/3472456.3473516⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-03290121v1

Scilab to Scilab//, the OURAGAN Project

Eddy Caron , Serge Chaumette , Sylvain Contassot-Vivier , Frédéric Desprez , Eric Fleury , et al.
Parallel Computing, 2001, 27 (11), pp.1497-1519. ⟨10.1016/S0167-8191(01)00101-6⟩
Article dans une revue istex inria-00000277v1
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A Practical Approach of Diffusion Load Balancing Algorithms

Emmanuel Jeannot , Flavien Vernier
[Research Report] RR-5875, INRIA. 2006
Rapport inria-00071394v1
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SCILAB to SCILAB// - The Ouragan Project

Frédéric Desprez , Martin Quinson , Frédéric Suter , Eric Fleury , Emmanuel Jeannot , et al.
[Research Report] RR-4203, INRIA. 2001
Rapport inria-00072419v1
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Process Affinity, Metrics and Impact on Performance: an Empirical Study

Cyril Bordage , Emmanuel Jeannot
[Research Report] RR-9132, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest. 2017
Rapport hal-01667273v1

Improving the GridRPC Model with Data Persistence and Redistribution

Frédéric Desprez , Emmanuel Jeannot
3rd International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing - ISPDC'2004, 2004, Cork, Ireland. pp.193--200, ⟨10.1109/ISPDC.2004.31⟩
Communication dans un congrès inria-00100129v1
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Modelizing, Predicting and Optimizing Redistribution between Clusters on Low Latency Networks

Frédéric Wagner , Emmanuel Jeannot
[Research Report] RR-5361, INRIA. 2004, pp.14
Rapport inria-00070642v1
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Defining and Controlling the Heterogeneity of a Cluster: the Wrekavoc Tool

Louis-Claude Canon , Olivier Dubuisson , Jens Gustedt , Emmanuel Jeannot
Journal of Systems and Software, 2010, 83 (5), pp.786-802. ⟨10.1016/j.jss.2009.11.734⟩
Article dans une revue inria-00438616v1
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Topology-aware resource management for HPC applications

Yiannis Georgiou , Emmanuel Jeannot , Guillaume Mercier , Adèle Villiermet
[Research Report] RR-8859, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest ; Bordeaux INP; LaBRI - Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique. 2016, pp.17
Rapport hal-01275270v2
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Topology and affinity aware hierarchical and distributed load-balancing in Charm++

Emmanuel Jeannot , Guillaume Mercier , François Tessier
1st Workshop on Optimization of Communication in HPC runtime systems (IEEE COM-HPC16), Nov 2016, Salt-Lake City, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01394748v1

Topology Aware Process Placement and Data Management

Emmanuel Jeannot
SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering, SIAM CSE '15, Mar 2015, Salt-Lake City, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01252734v1
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Matching communication pattern with underlying hardware architecture

Emmanuel Jeannot , Guillaume Mercier , François Tessier
6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Jul 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Communication dans un congrès hal-01087611v1

GRID'5000 une plate-forme d'expérimentation pour les systèmes distribués à large échelle

Phillipe d'Anfray , Emmanuel Jeannot
Journées Réseaux - JRES 2007, Nov 2007, Strasbourg, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00181446v1
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Dynamic Placement of Progress Thread for Overlapping MPI Non-Blocking Collectives on Manycore Processor

Alexandre Denis , Julien Jaeger , Emmanuel Jeannot , Marc Pérache , Hugo Taboada
EURO-PAR 2018 : 24th International European Conferenceon Parallel and Distributed Computing, Aldinucci, Marco, Padovani, Luca, Torquati, Massimo (Eds.), Aug 2018, Turin, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-01888255v1