

All of Tumblr is served over HTTPS by default.

HTTPS is used to create an encrypted link between a browser and web server. This prevents eavesdroppers from snooping on the traffic between the two. Think of it as a tasty tortilla keeping the inner ingredients of your burrito a mystery. Is it chicken or three bean? Only the chef and customer can know for sure.

HTTPS and themes

If you’re a theme developer and you’d like to ensure your themes support HTTPS, make sure that any externally hosted resources, such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or Javascript files, and even images, are served using HTTPS. If these files aren’t available over HTTPS, consider uploading them at the Theme Customization page (In your blog settings, click “Edit HTML” and then “Theme assets”).

HTTPS and custom domains

We support HTTPS for blogs with custom domains. After you add a custom domain name for your blog, it will take a little while (typically less than a day) for it to activate. You can read more about this on our Domains article here.

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