Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

TikTok Data & Reporting


After connecting TikTok For Business to Branch, data will seamlessly flow between the two to measure your campaigns' performance. It is helpful to know what kinds of data are passed to each platform to properly compare campaigns and optimize future campaigns. The Branch Dashboard will also populate with helpful reports for campaign measurement.

Mapping Between TikTok & Branch

Campaign Data Mapping

Branch DataTikTok DataDefinitionPossible Values
~campaigncampaign_nameThe advertiser-defined campaign name of the campaign that produced the ad event. This value is not guaranteed unique.Light Bright Launch
~campaign_idcampaign_idThe numeric campaign ID of the campaign that produced the ad event. This value is guaranteed unique.15292426
~ad_set_namead_group_nameThe advertiser-defined ad group name of the campaign that produced the ad event. This value is not guaranteed unique.“Example name”
~ad_set_idad_group_idThe numeric ID of the ad group that produced with the ad event.235465654654
~ad_name & ~creative_namead_nameThe advertiser-defined ad name of the campaign that produced the ad event. This value is not guaranteed unique.Creative name
~ad_id & & ~creative_idad_idThe numeric adID of the campaign that produced the ad event. This value is guaranteed unique.123456
~placementplacementThe advertiser-defined placement name of the campaign that produced the ad event. This value is not guaranteed unique.placement
last_attributed_touch_typeattribution_typeThe type of attribution of the last touch eventCLICK or IMPRESSION

Event Mapping

This is the standard Branch events to TikTok for Business pre-defined event mapping. You can choose to select any Branch event you want to link and map the field with one of the predefined TikTok For Business (SAN) event names.

Branch EventTikTok EventTikTok Event Enum (For reference)

Branch Dashboard Reports

Available Dimensions to Compare By

Clicks✅ Yes
Cost✅ Yes
Impressions✅ Yes
Feature✅ Yes
Channel✅ Yes
Campaign✅ Yes
Tags❌ No
Stage❌ No
Ad Partner✅ Yes
OS✅ Yes
Platform✅ Yes
Keyword❌ No
Campaign ID✅ Yes
Ad Set Name✅ Yes
Ad Set ID✅ Yes
Ad Name✅ Yes
Ad ID✅ Yes
Placement✅ Yes
Last Touch Type✅ Yes

Cost Metrics Data

Analytics TagDescriptionUsed For
CostTotal costSum of cost
ROIReturn on investment. Profit as a percentage of cost(Revenue-Cost) * 100
ROASReturn on Ad Spent. Revenue as a percentage of costRevenue/Cost
eCPIEffective cost per install. The total cost of the campaign divided by the number of installs driven.Cost / Installs (eo_installs)
eCPCEffective cost per click. The total cost of the campaign divided by the number of clicks.Cost / Clicks (eo_clicks)
eCPMEffective cost per milli (thousand impressions). The total cost of the campaign divided by the number of impressions / 1000Cost / (Impressions / 1000)

eCPAEffective cost per purchaseCost / Purchases

Engagement Metrics

You can view data for click-through and view-through engagement conversion metrics for TikTok for Business. Here are the following supported engagement types:

Engagement TypeAttribution Support
Engaged ViewClick-Through
Engaged ClickClick-Through
Click to StoreClick-Through

You can view these through Dashboard Reports or exports:

Dashboard Reporttouch subtypeengaged_view, engaged_click, click_to_store, view
Dashboard Custom ExportsColumnTouch Subtype
Custom Exports APIfieldslast_attributed_touch_data_tilde_touch_subtype

Possible Data Discrepancies

TikTok for Business and Branch use distinct attribution models. This may cause discrepancies between TikTok for Business and Branch. While we work closely with TikTok for Business, to minimize these discrepancies, advertisers need to be aware of potential causes.

The table below describes possible reasons for discrepancies between the TikTok Ads Manager and the Branch Dashboard.

BranchTikTok for Business
Click-through attribution windowThe default window is 1 day for session start. More details here.The default window is 7 days. This window can be configured either 1 day or 7 day.
View-through attribution windowThe default window is 1 day for session start. More details here.The default window is 1 day. This window can be configured either 1 day or off.
Multi-channel source attributionBranch attributes based on Last Touch; though, you may view different ad network touches using Branch. More details here.TikTok attributes installs to itself if the install occurs within the attribution window following the ad engagement (view, click, etc.), regardless of other media sources
Different time zonesTimezone can be configured in the Profile Tab of Account Settings.TikTok's timezone (displayed next to the date range) can't be adjusted. It was configured while creating the ad account.
iOS attributionBranch combines iOS attribution across all integrated ad networks including SKANFor iOS apps, the TikTok ads manager only displays SKAN attribution results
In-app event attribution periodsBranch attributes in-app events to the last touch ad engagement. Separate attribution windows can be configured for in-app events.Attribution on each platform may differ based on period windows from the initial install:

TikTok attributes post-install in-app events up to 90 days from the install date.
Click-Date Cohort vs. Install-Date CohortBranch shows installs as well as post-install events in cohorts based on the date of the ad engagement (ad click/ad view). More details here.TikTok shows installs as well as post-install events in cohorts based on the date of the ad engagement (ad click/ad view)