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Safer Cluster: How to setup a GKE Kubernetes cluster with reduced exposure

This module defines an opinionated setup of GKE cluster. We outline project configurations, cluster settings, and basic K8s objects that permit a safer-than-default configuration.

Module Usage

The module fixes a set of parameters to values suggested in the GKE hardening guide, the CIS framework, and other best practices.

The motivation for each setting, and its relation to harderning guides or other recommendations is outline in as comments over individual settings. When security-relevant settings are available for configuration, recommendations on their settings are documented in the file.

Project Setup and Cloud IAM policy for GKE

Applications and Clusters

  • Different applications that access data with different sensitivity and do not need to communicate with each other (e.g., dev and prod instances of the same application) should be placed in different clusters.

    • This approach will limit the blast radius of errors. An security problem in dev shouldn't impact production data.
  • If applications need to communicate (e.g., a frontend system calling a backend), we suggest placing the two applications in the same cluster, in different namespaces.

    • Placing them in the same cluster will provide fast network communication, and the different namespaces will be configured to provide some administrative isolation. Istio will be used to encrypt and control communication between applications.
  • We suggest to store user or business data persistently in managed storage services that are inventoried and controlled by centralized teams. (e.g., GCP storage services within a GCP organization).

    • Storing user or business data securely requires satisfying a large set of requirements, such as data inventory, which might be harder to satisfy at scale when data is stored opaquely within a cluster. Services like Cloud Asset Inventory provide centralized teams ability to enumerate data stores.

Project Setup

We suggest a GKE setup composed of multiple projects to separate responsibilities between cluster operators, which need to administer the cluster; and product developers, which mostly just want to deploy and debug applications.

  • Cluster Projects (project_id): GKE clusters storing sensitive data should have their own projects, so that they can be administered independently (e.g., dev cluster; production clusters; staging clusters should go in different projects.)

  • Shared GCR projects (registry_project_ids): all clusters can share the same GCR projects.

    • Easier to share images between environments. The same image could be progressively rolled-out in dev, staging, and then production.
    • Easier to manage service account permissions: GCR requires authorizing service accounts to access certain buckets, which are created only after images are published. When the only service run by the project is GCR, we can safely give project-wide read permissions to all buckets.
  • (optional) Data Projects: When the same cluster is shared by different applications managed by different teams, we suggest separating the data for each application by placing storage resources for each team in different projects (e.g., a Spanner instance for application A in one project, GCS bucket for application B in a different project).

    • This permits to control administrative access to the data more tightly, as Cloud IAM policies for accessing the data can be managed by each application team, rather than the team managing the cluster infrastructure.

Exception to such a setup:

  • When not using Shared VPCs, resources that require direct network connectivity (e.g., a Cloud SQL instance), need to be placed in the same VPC (hence, project) as the clusters from which connections are made.

Google Service Accounts

We use GKE Workload Identity (BETA) to associate a GCP identity to each workload, and limit the permissions associated with the cluster nodes.

The Safer Cluster setup relies on several service accounts:

  • The module generates a service account to run nodes. Such a service account has only permissions of sending logging data, metrics, and downloading containers from the given GCR project. The following settings in the module will create a service account with the above properties:
create_service_account = true
registry_project_ids = [<the project id for your GCR project>]
grant_registry_access = true
  • A service account for each application running on the cluster (e.g., [email protected]). These service accounts should be associated to the permissions required for running the application, such as access to databases.
- email: myproduct
  displayName: Google Service Account for containers running in the myproduct k8s namespace
    # GKE workload identity authorization. This authorizes the Kubernetes Service Account
    # myproduct/default from this project's identity namespace to impersonate the service account.
    - members:
      role: roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser

We suggest running different applications in different namespaces within the cluster. Each namespace should be assigned to its own GCP service account to better define the Cloud IAM permissions required for the application.

If you are using more than 2 projects in your setup, you can consider creating the service account in a different project to keep application and infrastructure separate. For example, service accounts could be created in each team's project, while the cluster runs in a centrally controlled project.


Separating the permissions associated with the infrastructure GKE nodes and the application provides a simpler way to scale up the cluster: multiple applications could be run in the same cluster, and each of them can run with tailored permissions that limit the impact of compromises.

Such a separation of identities is enabled by a GKE feature called Workload Identity. The feature provides additional advantages such as a better protection of the node's metadata server against attackers.

Cloud IAM Permissions for the GKE Cluster

We suggest to mainly rely on Kubernetes RBAC to manage access control, and use Cloud IAM to give users only the ability of configuring kubectl credentials.

Engineers operating applications on the cluster should only be assigned the Cloud IAM permission roles/container.clusterViewer. This role allows them to obtain credentials for the cluster, but provides no further access to the cluster objects. All cluster objects are protected by RBAC configurations, defined below.


Both Cloud IAM and RBAC can be used to control access to GKE clusters. Those two systems are combined as a "OR": an action is authorized if the necessary permissions are provided by either RBAC OR Cloud IAM

However, Cloud IAM permissions are defined for a project: user get assigned the same permissions over all clusters and all namespaces within each cluster. Such a setup makes it hard to separate responsibilities between teams in charge of managing clusters, and teams in charge of products.

By relying on RBAC instead of Cloud IAM, we have a finer-grained control of the permissions provided to engineers, and permits to restrict permissions to only certain namespaces.

You can add the following binding to the myproduct-prod project.

- members:
  role: roles/container.clusterViewer`
  - group:<produdct team group>
  - group:<cluster team group>

The permissions won't allow engineers to SSH into nodes as part of the regular development workflow. Such permissions should be granted only to the cluster team, and used only in case of emergency.

While RBAC permissions should be sufficient for most cases, we also suggest to create an emergency superuser role that can be used, given a proper justification, for resolving cases where regular permissions are insufficient. For simplicity, we suggest using roles/container.admin and roles/compute.admin, until more narrow roles can be defined given your usage.

- members:
  role: roles/container.admin
  - group:<oncall for cluster tean>
- members:
  role: roles/compute.admin
  - group:<oncall for cluster tean>


Name Description Type Default Required
add_cluster_firewall_rules Create additional firewall rules bool false no
authenticator_security_group The name of the RBAC security group for use with Google security groups in Kubernetes RBAC. Group name must be in format [email protected] string null no
cloudrun (Beta) Enable CloudRun addon bool false no
cluster_autoscaling Cluster autoscaling configuration. See more details
enabled = bool
autoscaling_profile = string
min_cpu_cores = number
max_cpu_cores = number
min_memory_gb = number
max_memory_gb = number
gpu_resources = list(object({ resource_type = string, minimum = number, maximum = number }))
auto_repair = bool
auto_upgrade = bool
"auto_repair": true,
"auto_upgrade": true,
"autoscaling_profile": "BALANCED",
"enabled": false,
"gpu_resources": [],
"max_cpu_cores": 0,
"max_memory_gb": 0,
"min_cpu_cores": 0,
"min_memory_gb": 0
cluster_dns_domain The suffix used for all cluster service records. string "" no
cluster_dns_provider Which in-cluster DNS provider should be used. PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED (default) or PLATFORM_DEFAULT or CLOUD_DNS. string "PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED" no
cluster_dns_scope The scope of access to cluster DNS records. DNS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED (default) or CLUSTER_SCOPE or VPC_SCOPE. string "DNS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED" no
cluster_resource_labels The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the cluster map(string) {} no
compute_engine_service_account Use the given service account for nodes rather than creating a new dedicated service account. string "" no
config_connector Whether ConfigConnector is enabled for this cluster. bool false no
database_encryption Application-layer Secrets Encryption settings. The object format is {state = string, key_name = string}. Valid values of state are: "ENCRYPTED"; "DECRYPTED". key_name is the name of a CloudKMS key. list(object({ state = string, key_name = string }))
"key_name": "",
"state": "DECRYPTED"
datapath_provider The desired datapath provider for this cluster. By default, ADVANCED_DATAPATH enables Dataplane-V2 feature. DATAPATH_PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED enables the IPTables-based kube-proxy implementation as a fallback since upgrading to V2 requires a cluster re-creation. string "ADVANCED_DATAPATH" no
default_max_pods_per_node The maximum number of pods to schedule per node number 110 no
deletion_protection Whether or not to allow Terraform to destroy the cluster. bool true no
description The description of the cluster string "" no
disable_default_snat Whether to disable the default SNAT to support the private use of public IP addresses bool false no
dns_cache (Beta) The status of the NodeLocal DNSCache addon. bool false no
enable_cost_allocation Enables Cost Allocation Feature and the cluster name and namespace of your GKE workloads appear in the labels field of the billing export to BigQuery bool false no
enable_gcfs Enable image streaming on cluster level. bool false no
enable_intranode_visibility Whether Intra-node visibility is enabled for this cluster. This makes same node pod to pod traffic visible for VPC network bool false no
enable_mesh_certificates Controls the issuance of workload mTLS certificates. When enabled the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller and node agent will be deployed in the cluster. Requires Workload Identity. bool false no
enable_pod_security_policy enabled - Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created. bool false no
enable_private_endpoint When true, the cluster's private endpoint is used as the cluster endpoint and access through the public endpoint is disabled. When false, either endpoint can be used. This field only applies to private clusters, when enable_private_nodes is true bool true no
enable_shielded_nodes Enable Shielded Nodes features on all nodes in this cluster. bool true no
enable_vertical_pod_autoscaling Vertical Pod Autoscaling automatically adjusts the resources of pods controlled by it bool false no
filestore_csi_driver The status of the Filestore CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of filestore instance as volumes bool false no
firewall_inbound_ports List of TCP ports for admission/webhook controllers list(string)
firewall_priority Priority rule for firewall rules number 1000 no
gateway_api_channel The gateway api channel of this cluster. Accepted values are CHANNEL_STANDARD and CHANNEL_DISABLED. string null no
gce_pd_csi_driver (Beta) Whether this cluster should enable the Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver. bool true no
gke_backup_agent_config (Beta) Whether Backup for GKE agent is enabled for this cluster. bool false no
grant_registry_access Grants created cluster-specific service account storage.objectViewer role. bool true no
horizontal_pod_autoscaling Enable horizontal pod autoscaling addon bool true no
http_load_balancing Enable httpload balancer addon. The addon allows whoever can create Ingress objects to expose an application to a public IP. Network policies or Gatekeeper policies should be used to verify that only authorized applications are exposed. bool true no
initial_node_count The number of nodes to create in this cluster's default node pool. number 0 no
ip_range_pods The name of the secondary subnet ip range to use for pods string n/a yes
ip_range_services The name of the secondary subnet range to use for services string n/a yes
istio (Beta) Enable Istio addon bool false no
istio_auth (Beta) The authentication type between services in Istio. string "AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS" no
kubernetes_version The Kubernetes version of the masters. If set to 'latest' it will pull latest available version in the selected region. The module enforces certain minimum versions to ensure that specific features are available. string null no
logging_service The logging service that the cluster should write logs to. Available options include, (beta), and none string "" no
maintenance_end_time Time window specified for recurring maintenance operations in RFC3339 format string "" no
maintenance_exclusions List of maintenance exclusions. A cluster can have up to three list(object({ name = string, start_time = string, end_time = string, exclusion_scope = string })) [] no
maintenance_recurrence Frequency of the recurring maintenance window in RFC5545 format. string "" no
maintenance_start_time Time window specified for daily maintenance operations in RFC3339 format string "05:00" no
master_authorized_networks List of master authorized networks. If none are provided, disallow external access (except the cluster node IPs, which GKE automatically whitelists). list(object({ cidr_block = string, display_name = string })) [] no
master_ipv4_cidr_block The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network string "" no
monitoring_enable_managed_prometheus (Beta) Configuration for Managed Service for Prometheus. Whether or not the managed collection is enabled. bool false no
monitoring_enabled_components List of services to monitor: SYSTEM_COMPONENTS, WORKLOADS. Empty list is default GKE configuration. list(string) [] no
monitoring_service The monitoring service that the cluster should write metrics to. Automatically send metrics from pods in the cluster to the Google Cloud Monitoring API. VM metrics will be collected by Google Compute Engine regardless of this setting Available options include, (beta) and none string "" no
name The name of the cluster string n/a yes
network The VPC network to host the cluster in string n/a yes
network_project_id The project ID of the shared VPC's host (for shared vpc support) string "" no
node_pools List of maps containing node pools list(map(string))
"name": "default-node-pool"
node_pools_labels Map of maps containing node labels by node-pool name map(map(string))
"all": {},
"default-node-pool": {}
node_pools_metadata Map of maps containing node metadata by node-pool name map(map(string))
"all": {},
"default-node-pool": {}
node_pools_oauth_scopes Map of lists containing node oauth scopes by node-pool name map(list(string))
"all": [
"default-node-pool": []
node_pools_resource_labels Map of maps containing resource labels by node-pool name map(map(string))
"all": {},
"default-node-pool": {}
node_pools_tags Map of lists containing node network tags by node-pool name map(list(string))
"all": [],
"default-node-pool": []
node_pools_taints Map of lists containing node taints by node-pool name map(list(object({ key = string, value = string, effect = string })))
"all": [],
"default-node-pool": []
notification_config_topic The desired Pub/Sub topic to which notifications will be sent by GKE. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}. string "" no
project_id The project ID to host the cluster in string n/a yes
region The region to host the cluster in string n/a yes
regional Whether is a regional cluster (zonal cluster if set false. WARNING: changing this after cluster creation is destructive!) bool true no
registry_project_ids Projects holding Google Container Registries. If empty, we use the cluster project. If a service account is created and the grant_registry_access variable is set to true, the storage.objectViewer role is assigned on these projects. list(string) [] no
release_channel The release channel of this cluster. Accepted values are UNSPECIFIED, RAPID, REGULAR and STABLE. Defaults to REGULAR. string "REGULAR" no
resource_usage_export_dataset_id The dataset id for which network egress metering for this cluster will be enabled. If enabled, a daemonset will be created in the cluster to meter network egress traffic. string "" no
sandbox_enabled (Beta) Enable GKE Sandbox (Do not forget to set image_type = COS_CONTAINERD to use it). bool false no
security_posture_mode Security posture mode. Accepted values are DISABLED and BASIC. Defaults to DISABLED. string "DISABLED" no
security_posture_vulnerability_mode Security posture vulnerability mode. Accepted values are VULNERABILITY_DISABLED, VULNERABILITY_BASIC, and VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE string null no
stub_domains Map of stub domains and their resolvers to forward DNS queries for a certain domain to an external DNS server map(list(string)) {} no
subnetwork The subnetwork to host the cluster in string n/a yes
timeouts Timeout for cluster operations. map(string) {} no
upstream_nameservers If specified, the values replace the nameservers taken by default from the node’s /etc/resolv.conf list(string) [] no
windows_node_pools List of maps containing node pools list(map(string)) [] no
workload_config_audit_mode (beta) Workload config audit mode. string "DISABLED" no
workload_vulnerability_mode (beta) Vulnerability mode. string "" no
zones The zones to host the cluster in list(string) [] no


Name Description
ca_certificate Cluster ca certificate (base64 encoded)
cluster_id Cluster ID
enable_mesh_certificates Mesh certificate configuration value
endpoint Cluster endpoint
horizontal_pod_autoscaling_enabled Whether horizontal pod autoscaling enabled
http_load_balancing_enabled Whether http load balancing enabled
location Cluster location (region if regional cluster, zone if zonal cluster)
logging_service Logging service used
master_authorized_networks_config Networks from which access to master is permitted
master_ipv4_cidr_block The IP range in CIDR notation used for the hosted master network
master_version Current master kubernetes version
min_master_version Minimum master kubernetes version
monitoring_service Monitoring service used
name Cluster name
network_policy_enabled Whether network policy enabled
node_pools_names List of node pools names
node_pools_versions Node pool versions by node pool name
peering_name The name of the peering between this cluster and the Google owned VPC.
region Cluster region
service_account The service account to default running nodes as if not overridden in node_pools.
type Cluster type (regional / zonal)
zones List of zones in which the cluster resides

To provision this example, run the following from within this directory:

  • terraform init to get the plugins
  • terraform plan to see the infrastructure plan
  • terraform apply to apply the infrastructure build
  • terraform destroy to destroy the built infrastructure