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This is a small image uploader, using node, express, multer for file handling and mongoDB.

To run this project locally, you need to have node, npm and mongo installed.

Download the project, run npm install.

Start your mongo server, on Mac, this would be: open a new terminal, and run mongod

Add a .env file and add your database, something like this: DB='mongodb://localhost:27017/image-uploader'

Then run npm start. Thats it, you can go to localhost:3000 and check the file uploader.

To run tests, use npm test

Warning: test environment is running on same db as dev, so untill fixed, running npm test will clean your database.

Warning2: If deployed to a place like heroku, that will not save files added during runtime, your files will be lost. To fix this, you need to upload your files to a service like S3.

Objectives of this project:

Goal: To code an image uploading service.


  • Must upload an image and know (at least) the image's upload date, a description, and the owner of the image.

  • Description and Owner attributes can be free flowing text fields.

  • Metadata should be stored in a database.

  • Image "files" should not be stored in the Database.

  • Upload should respond with a unique URL of a page that will show the image and associated metadata

  • This process should be repeatable (i.e., multiple images should be uploadable, each with own metadata and each with it's own unique URL)

Bonus points for (optional):

  • Hosting a working copy of your app on Heroku

  • Including tests/specs with your submission


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