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Export BigQuery to Firestore

Author: Google Cloud (

Description: Schedules BigQuery queries and exports the results to Firestore.

Details: This extension helps you set up automated, scheduled jobs that run BigQuery queries and subsequently export the query results to Firestore. A common use case for this extension is to present application-driven analytics, like product engagement metrics or election results, from Firestore, using batch data originally stored and aggregated by BigQuery.

To use the extension, configure a BigQuery query to execute along with a schedule to execute the query. Each scheduled BigQuery query run will result in:

  • A summary of each BigQuery query run, stored in a “runId” document.
  • Actual rows from BigQuery query results, stored as individual Firestore documents in an “output” subcollection under the “runId” document (i.e. transferConfigs//runs//output).
COLLECTION: transferConfigs/<configId>/runs/<runId>
  runMetadata: { },
  totalRowCount: 779,
  failedRowCount: 0

To determine what the latest run is for a scheduled BigQuery query, read the metadata from the “latest” document in Firestore. Frontend applications using Firestore real-time listeners can subscribe to the “latest” document to listen for changes, in order to query and render the latest scheduled run results.

COLLECTION: transferConfigs/<configId>/runs/latest
  runMetadata: { },
  totalRowCount: 779,
  failedRowCount: 0,
  latestRunId: 648762e0-0000-28ef-9109-001a11446b2a

Underneath the covers, schedules are managed by BigQuery Transfer Configs using the Data Transfer Service. Once a scheduled BigQuery query completes, the extension will export the results back to a configurable Firestore collection. To facilitate the export, the extension creates a Pub/Sub trigger to capture notification events for BigQuery scheduled query (transfer run) completions and subsequently conduct a BigQuery to Firestore data export job using a Cloud Function.

If you would like to specify multiple BigQuery queries at different intervals, you can create multiple instances of the extension.

Additional Setup

Make sure that you've set up a Cloud Firestore database in your Firebase project.

You will also need a BigQuery instance with a dataset that contains at least one table.


To install an extension, your project must be on the Blaze (pay as you go) plan.

You will be charged a small amount (typically around $0.01/month) for the Firebase resources required by this extension (even if it is not used).

This extension uses other Firebase and Google Cloud Platform services, which have associated charges if you exceed the service’s no-cost tier:

  • Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Cloud Firestore
  • BigQuery
  • Cloud Functions (See FAQs)

⚠️ Note: The extension does not automatically delete the BigQuery Transfer Config (scheduled query) when you uninstall the extension.

BigQuery charges by data processed, so your project will continue to incur costs until you manually delete the scheduled query. You can manage your scheduled queries directly in Cloud Console.

Configuration Parameters:

  • Cloud Functions location: Where do you want to deploy the functions created for this extension? You usually want a location close to your database. For help selecting a location, refer to the location selection guide.

  • BigQuery Dataset Location: What is the location of the BigQuery dataset referenced in the query?

  • Display Name: What display name would you like to use?

  • Dataset ID: What's the BigQuery destination dataset you'd like to use? Each transfer run will write to a table in this destination dataset.

  • Destination Table Name: What's the destination table name prefix you'd like to use? Each transfer run will write to the table with this name, postfixed with the runtime.

  • Query String: What's the BQ query you'd like to execute?

  • Partitioning Field: What's the partitioning field on the destination table ID? Leave empty if not using a partitioning field.

  • Schedule: What's the execution schedule you'd like to use for this query?

  • Pub Sub Topic: What's the Pub Sub topic to write messages to when the scheduled query finishes executing?

  • Firestore Collection: What's the top-level Firestore Collection to store transfer configs, run metadata, and query output?

Cloud Functions:

  • processMessages: undefined

  • upsertTransferConfig: Creates transfer config if doesn't exist yet.

APIs Used:

  • (Reason: Running queries)

  • (Reason: Scheduling data transfers)

Access Required:

This extension will operate with the following project IAM roles:

  • datastore.user (Reason: Allows this extension to access Cloud Firestore to write query results from BQ.)

  • bigquery.admin (Reason: Allows this extension to create transfer configs in BQ, and query BQ destination tables.)

  • pubsub.admin (Reason: Allows DTS to grant DTS service account permission to send notifications to Pub/Sub topic)