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Google Analytics Data API v1 Pivot Report demo


This application demonstrates how to build a pivot report using the runPivotReport method of the Google Analytics Data API v1 and visualize the result using JavaScript.

The API call builds a pivot report with country, language and browser pivots, displaying the number of sessions for the specified date range for each pivot column.

Output example

Depending on the amount of data collected by your property within the query date range, your pivot report will look like this:

Example output

Live demo

Open the live demo to try out the application.

Running the demo locally

  1. This demo application uses OAuth2 flow to access data in the Google Analytics 4 property on behalf of an end user and requires OAuth2 credentials created in your Google Cloud project.

    1. Follow these steps to create an OAuth2 Client ID.

    2. Using the Google Developers Console, edit your OAuth2 credentials to add a JavaScript origin that corresponds to the domain where you will be running the demo application (e.g. http://localhost:8080).

      You may need to change the publishing status of your application to "Testing" in order to be able to use HTTP urls as a valid JavaScript origin.

    3. Edit the run_pivot_report.js file and replace clientId variable a client ID created during the previous step. For example:

    const clientId = '';
  2. The easiest way to run the demo application using your local machine is to use Python3 as a simple web server. From the current directory, run the following command:

     python3 -m http.server 8080

    This will start a local web server on port 8080 serving files from the current directory. You may need to change the port number if port 8080 is already occupied. In this case, adjust other URLs in this guide accordingly.

  3. Open the following URL in your browser to run the demo application:

  4. Click "Authorize" button to start the OAuth2 consent flow and run the query.


This application consists of two main components:

  • run_pivot_report.js The JavaScript library that handles authentication, invokes the Google Analytics Data API v1 and draws the resulting pivot report.

  • run_pivot_report.html The HTML file that contains the UI elements required to run the demo and requires the run_pivot_report.js to run.

OAuth2 flow is handled using standard Google Single Sign-in JavaScript client methods.

Google API JavaScript client is used to invoke the Google Analytics Data API v1.