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Firebase-Auth for web - Auth Demo (Auth Next)


You need all the prerequisites mentioned in the top-level README.

You need to have created a Firebase Project in the Firebase Console as well as configured a web app.


Make sure you run yarn to install all dependencies in the root directory.

Enable the Auth providers you would like to offer your users in the console, under Auth > Sign-in methods.


git clone
cd firebase-js-sdk/packages/auth/demo

This will clone the repository in the current directory.

If you want to be able to deploy the demo app to one of your own Firebase Hosting instance, configure it using the following command:

firebase use --add

Select the project you have created in the prerequisite, and type in default or any other name as the alias to use for this project.

Copy src/sample-config.js to src/config.js:

cp src/sample-config.js src/config.js

Then copy and paste the Web snippet config found in the console (Project Settings -> Your apps -> SDK setup and Configuration) in the config.js file.


Before deploying, you may need to build the auth package:

cd auth/demo
yarn build:deps

This can take some time, and you only need to do it if you've modified the auth package.

You can optionally clear the cache and rebuild using:

cd auth/demo
rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock
yarn build:deps

To run the app locally, simply issue the following command in the auth/demo directory:

yarn run demo

This will compile all the files needed to run Firebase Auth, and start a Firebase server locally at http://localhost:5000.

The demo opens a page like this:


This is a developer view of all the supported auth flows. Make sure that the auth flow you are testing is already enabled in your firebase project. For example, if you are testing “Sign up with email/password”, your project should allow email/password as a provider. If not, you will see an “auth/operation-not-allowed” error message.

You can check the enabled providers on the firebase console.


Running against Auth Emulator

The demo page by default runs against the actual Auth Backend. To run against the Auth Emulator with mocked endpoints, do the following:

  1. (Optional) If you are running against local changes to the Auth Emulator (see Firebase CLI Contributing Guide), make sure that your version of firebase-tools is executing against your npm link’d repository and that you've built your local emulator changes with npm run build.

  2. From auth/demo, locally initialize a Firebase project by running firebase init. When asked "Which Firebase features do you want to set up for this directory?", select "Emulators". When asked "Which Firebase emulators do you want to set up?", select "Authentication Emulator". This will create a firebase.json file.

  3. Change the constants USE_AUTH_EMULATOR and AUTH_EMULATOR_URL in auth/demo/src/index.js to true and http://localhost:{port} where the auth port can be found in the firebase.json file.

  4. To run the app locally and against the Auth Emulator, simply issue the following command in the auth/demo directory:

yarn run demo:emulator

Running against Auth Staging endpoint

Modify the configured endpoint to staging by following the changes in this branch:

Running against local changes to auth package

By default, the demo runs against the local firebase-auth implementation in packages/auth/src. This can be modified to point to a released version using:

// packages/auth/demo/package.json
-  "@firebase/auth": "file:..",
+  "@firebase/auth": "0.18.0",


Errors about dependency not being installed, example lerna: command not found

Ensure that you run yarn to install dependencies.

Failed to get Firebase project <project name>. Please make sure the project exists and your account has permission to access it.

Logout, re-login and launch the demo

firebase logout && firebase login && yarn demo

Failed to list firebase projects when running firebase use --add

Logout, re-login and add the project.

firebase logout && firebase login && firebase use --add

Access to localhost was denied when accessing the demo app via http://localhost:5000

Most likely this means a different process is binding to localhost:5000. You can access the demo app via or use a different port using yarn demo --port 5002

Note - If you use in your browser, you need to allowlist it as a domain for sign in, as shown below.


hosting: Port 5000 is not open on localhost, could not start Hosting Emulator.

This can happen when you run yarn run demo:emulator if port 5000 is taken. Modify auth/demo/firebase.json with a custom port. Pick any port, this example picks 5091.

  "emulators": {
    "hosting": {
      "host": "",
      "port": "5091"

Error message about functions

The Cloud Functions emulator requires the module "firebase-admin" to be installed. This package is in your package.json, but it's not available. You probably need to run "npm install" in your functions directory. i functions: Your functions could not be parsed due to an issue with your node_modules (see above)

Run npm install inside the auth/demo/functions directory as mentioned in the error message.