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Grafana Dashboard

Grafana is an open source dashboard. The Four Keys project is using it to display the four key metrics.

Current configuration

You can see the configuration of the Grafana image in the Dockerfile.


Auth is currently disabled by default. Learn more about Grafana User Authentication. To require a login, delete or comment out these lines:


Then update grafana.ini with the auth configuration of your choice.


The datasource and dashboard are configured in datasource.yaml and dashboards.yaml. Learn more about provisioning here.

How to update the dashboard

The dashboard is running in a transient container. It does not store data. Therefore, if you want to update the dashboard, you must update the fourkeys_dashboard.json. The easiest way to update the JSON is to make changes in the UI and export the JSON. Any changes in the UI will be temporary and must be saved in the container image.

  1. Update the dashboard in the UI
  2. Export the JSON
  3. Save the JSON in fourkeys_dashboard.json
  4. Re-build the image and re-deploy the container

To rebuild and deploy the container, you can run gcloud builds submit in this directory.

To deploy dashboard

If using Terraform, please see the setup to create the resources.

Once the resource is created or if you are not using Terraform, feel free to build and deploy outside of Terraform by running gcloud builds submit in this directory.