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Source Control

sideshowbarker edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 3 revisions

Note that WebKit still uses Subversion as the canonical representation of the repository, hosted at The information outlined in this section is intended for a future where Git is the source of truth for the project.

Commit Representation

The WebKit project heavily relies on a linear, ordered history on the main branch to track regressions in the project. Historically, Subversion's revisions were used across our commit messages, bug tracking and services to achieve this goal. Our migration to git has required a new solution, because while git is capable on enforcing a linear and ordered history (so long as merge commits are banned), git commits are traditionally represented as hashes, which are not trivially orderable the way Subversion's revisions are.

The WebKit teams has instead adopted a system where commits are represented based on their relationship to the default branch and number of ancestors they have, we have dubbed this representation the commit identifier. Most tooling accepts git hashes, Subversion revisions and identifiers, although the Tools/Scripts/git-webkit script can convert between the three representations locally, if the need arises.

To use this commit representation for local development, Tools/Scripts/git-webkit implements a blame and log sub-command that include commit identifiers and Subversion revisions, if available.

Tools/Scripts/git-webkit blame Makefile

230258@main (Keith Rollin    2020-10-08 19:10:32 +0000  1) MODULES = Source Tools
184786@main (Jonathan Bedard 2017-02-02 18:42:02 +0000  2) 
229628@main (Keith Rollin    2020-09-22 18:37:51 +0000  3) define build_target_for_each_module
229628@main (Keith Rollin    2020-09-22 18:37:51 +0000  4)      for dir in $(MODULES); do \
229628@main (Keith Rollin    2020-09-22 18:37:51 +0000  5)              ${MAKE} $@ -C $$dir PATH_FROM_ROOT=$(PATH_FROM_ROOT)/$${dir}; \
229628@main (Keith Rollin    2020-09-22 18:37:51 +0000  6)              exit_status=$$?; \
229628@main (Keith Rollin    2020-09-22 18:37:51 +0000  7)              [ $$exit_status -ne 0 ] && exit $$exit_status; \
229628@main (Keith Rollin    2020-09-22 18:37:51 +0000  8)      done; true
229628@main (Keith Rollin    2020-09-22 18:37:51 +0000  9) endef
Tools/Scripts/git-webkit log

commit 240867@main (989ff515ce6e103271072dd1b397ac43572a910c, r281493)
Author: Adrian Perez de Castro <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Aug 24 13:48:35 2021 +0000

    Non-unified build fixes, late August 2021
    Unreviewed non-unified build fixes.


Identifiers are the term the WebKit Team uses to refer to the representation of a commit our team has developed which uniquely identifies a commit based on that commit's relationship to the default branch and the number of ancestors that commit has.

Commit identifiers are of the following form:


where the branch is the name of a git branch the commit is on, the number is the number of ancestors that commit has (if the commit is on the default branch) or the number of ancestors that commit has since diverging from the default branch (if the commit is not on the default branch) and branch-point optionally displays the number of ancestors on the default branch a commit has (only relevant for commits not on the default branch).

The timeline bellow shows what identifiers looks like with multiple branches:

		              ———— o ————————————— o
		            /      |               |
		           /  101.2@branch-b  101.3@branch-b
                  ——————— o ———————————— o
                /         |              |
	       /   101.1@branch-a  101.2@branch-a
——— o ———————— o ———————— o ——————— o ——————— o
    |          |          |         |         |
 100@main   101@main   102@main  103@main  104@main

It is worth noting that commits, especially those on branches, have multiple valid identifiers. In the above example, 101.1@branch-a could also be referred to as 101.1@branch-b and 101@main could be referred to as 101.0@branch-a. The WebKit team has defined the canonical identifier for a given commit to be that commit's identifier on the least specific branch that commit is on. The metric for branch specificity is outlined in Tools/Scripts/libraries/webkitscmpy/webkitscmpy/, but can essentially be thought of like this:

default branch                               (least specific)
production branches
    "a" branch name
    "z" branch name
development branches (eng/*, dev/*. ect.)
    "a" branch name
    "z" branch name                          (most specific)

Conversion between native git refs and identifiers can be done with Tools/Scripts/git-webkit find:

Tools/Scripts/git-webkit find safari-611-branch

Title: Unreviewed build fix, rdar://problem/76412930
Author: Russell Epstein <[email protected]>
Date: Fri Apr 16 14:34:51 2021
Revision: 276171
Hash: 67dd5465d8f5
Identifier: 232923.433@remotes/fork/safari-611-branch
git-webkit find 232923.400@safari-611-branch

Title: Revert "Cherry-pick r271794. rdar://problem/76375364"
Author: Commit Queue <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Apr 15 13:15:48 2021
Revision: 276064
Hash: dd1f0d38426c
Identifier: 232923.400@remotes/fork/safari-611-branch

Or through if no checkout is available:


    "author": {
        "emails": [
            "[email protected]"
        "name": "Russell Epstein"
    "branch": "safari-612-branch",
    "hash": "76f038bbe2889a3714c6176b3c9e35b404c57e35",
    "identifier": "240672.6@safari-612-branch",
    "message": "Versioning.\n\nWebKit-7612.2.1\n\nCanonical link:\ngit-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc",
    "order": 0,
    "repository_id": "webkit",
    "revision": 281269,
    "timestamp": 1629406217

Branch Management

The WebKit project aims to keep branches clean, development should be primarily done on forks of the repository owned by developers instead of on the WebKit repository itself. Branches pushed to the WebKit repository should either be production branches or temporary branches owned by automation.

Production Branches

Most WebKit development should be done on main, which is our default branch. Note that Subversion's trunk branch tracked the same set of commits that the modern main branch does. main is protected by Commit Queue, as outlined in the Permissions heading.

Other production branches are managed by specific platforms as part of their release cycle. Most notably, the safari-*-branch set of branches correspond to versions of WebKit released by Apple.

Temporary Branches

Branches may be added, temporarily, by automation and contributors interacting with automation. The branches are expected to be deleted within 48 hours of being added to the project. Commit Queue is the most notable example of this. Branches named commit-queue/* and fast-commit-queue/* represent code to be committed to a production branch after passing a verification process. (NB, work in progress)

Merge Commits

The WebKit project forbids merge-commits on production branches.

Merge-commits are a type of commit where a git commit may have multiple parents, the history of a merge commit looks something like this:

                  ——— o ———————————— o ————
                /                           \
	       /                             \ 
——— o ———————— o ———————— o ——————— o ——————— o ——————— o

Merge-commits make bisection difficult, and make it hard for humans to reason about the code in a specific commit when working backwards. As a result, all production branches forbid merge commits.


Only administers and Commit Queue have direct access to main. Instead, committers are granted access to push branches named commit-queue/* and fast-commit-queue, which are then checked before being rebased and landed on main (NB, work in progress).

Branches matching safari-*-branch are managed by Apple's Integrators.


To make identifiers easier to user, Commit Queue adds those identifiers to commit messages via a link to We call this process "canonicalization." In addition to adding identifiers to commit messages, canonicalization attempts to parse the commit message to correctly attribute changes which may be authored and committed by different contributors.

The task of canonicalization is owned by Commit Queue and is done immediately before pushing changes to a production branch. Canonicalization should not be preformed on non-production branches.