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Server-Client Simulations

FEMNIST Classifier Instructions

  • Ensure that the data/femnist/data/train and data/femnist/data/test directories contain data
  • Run python3 -dataset femnist -model cnn
  • For more simulation options and details, see 'Additional Notes' section

Sentiment140 Classifier Instructions

  • Ensure that the data/sent140/data/train and data/sent140/data/test directories contain data
  • If you already have a .txt file containing word embeddings (i.e. 'glove.6B.300d.txt') in the sent140 directory, run sent140/ -f fp, where fp is the file path to the .txt file, to generate a .json file for the classifier to load. Otherwise, run ./sent140/, which downloads the embeddings and creates the .json file.
  • Run python3 -dataset sent140 -model stacked_lstm
  • For more simulation options and details, see 'Additional Notes' section

Shakespeare Classifier Instructions

  • Ensure that the data/shakespeare/data/train and data/shakespeare/data/test directories contain data
  • Run python3 -dataset shakespeare -model stacked_lstm
  • For more simulation options and details, see 'Additional Notes' section

Additional Notes

  • In order to run these reference implementations, the -t sample tag must have been used when running the ./ script for the respective dataset
  • The total number of clients simulated equals the total number of users in the respective dataset's training data
  • For optimal model performance, generate data using arguments similar to those listed in the 'large-sized dataset' option in the respective dataset README file.
  • supports these additional tags:
    • --model: name of model; options are listed the respective dataset folder, for example cnn for femnist; defaults to first model in the respective dataset folder
    • --num_rounds: number of rounds to simulate
    • --eval_every: evaluate every ___ rounds
    • --clients_per_round: number of clients trained per round
    • --batch_size: batch size when clients train on data
    • --num_epochs: number of epochs when clients train on data
    • -t: simulation time: small, medium, or large; greater time corresponds to higher accuracy; for large runs, generate data using arguments similar to those listed in the 'large-sized dataset' option in the respective dataset README file for optimal model performance; default: large
    • -lr: learning rate for local optimizers.
  • After running a classifier, open metrics.ipynb to view systems and statistical metrics from the last run.
  • Metrics generated by models are stored in metrics.json, which contains the following 'key: value' pairs:
    • dataset: name of the dataset
    • num_rounds: number of rounds simulated
    • eval_every: integer x such that model evaluated every x rounds
    • accuracies: length-num_rounds list of (ids, groups, num_samples, accs), where
      • ids is a list of client id strings corresponding to the clients tested in the respective round,
      • groups is a list containing the group names of each of those clients (list of Nones if clients don't have an associated group),
      • num_samples is a list containing the number of test samples for each of those clients, and
      • accs is a list containing accuracy from each client's evaluation
    • client_computations: dictionary with client ids as keys and length-num_rounds lists as values; the elements in the lists are ints representing the number of FLOPs computed by the respective client in the corresponding round
    • bytes_written: dictionary with client ids as keys and length-num_rounds lists as values; the elements in the lists are ints representing the number of bytes written to the server by the resepctive client in the corresponding round
    • bytes_read: dictionary with client ids as keys and length-num_rounds lists as values; the elements in the lists are ints representing the number of bytes read from the server by the resepctive client in the corresponding round