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RunInference on Dataflow Streaming with Gemma

Gemma is a family of lightweight, state-of-the art open models built from research and technology used to create the Gemini models. You can use Gemma models in your Apache Beam inference pipelines with the RunInference transform.

This example demonstrates how to use a Gemma model in a streaming Dataflow pipeline that has Pub/Sub sources and sinks.

For more information about using RunInference, see Get started with AI/ML pipelines in the Apache Beam documentation.

Before you begin

Follow the steps in this section to create the necessary environment to run this workflow.

Enable Google Cloud services

This workflow uses multiple Google Cloud Platform products, including Dataflow, Pub/Sub, Google Cloud Storage, and Artifact Registry. Before you start the workflow, create a Google Cloud project that has the following services enabled:

  • Dataflow
  • Pub/Sub
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Artifact Registry

Using these services incurs billing charges.

Your Google Cloud project also needs to have Nvidia L4 GPU quota. For more information, see GPU quota in the Google Cloud documentation.

Create a custom container

To build a custom container, use Docker. This repository contains a Dockerfile that you can use to build your custom container. To build and push a container to Artifact Registry by using DockerFollow, follow the instructions in the Build and push the image section of the "Build custom container images for Dataflow" page in the Google Cloud documentation.

Create Pub/Sub topics for input and output

To create your Pub/Sub source and sink, follow the instructions in Create a Pub/Sub topic in the Google Cloud documentation. For this example, create two topics, one input topic and one output topic. For input, the topic must have a subscription that you can provide to the Gemma model.

Download and save the model

Save a version of the Gemma 2B model. Downloaded the model from Kaggle. Rename the downloaded archive gemma_2B. This download is a directory, not a standalone file.

Optional: Create a new virtual environment

The Python major and minor version contained in the custom container must match the environment used for job submission. For this example, use Python version 3.11.

python3.11 -m venv /tmp/venv
source /tmp/venv/bin/activate

For more information, see venv — Creation of virtual environments.

Install dependencies

Install Apache Beam and the dependencies required to run the pipeline in your local environment.

pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Code Overview

This section provides details about the custom model handler and the formatting DoFn used in this example.

Custom model handler

To simplify model loading, this notebook defines a custom model handler that loads the model by using the model's from_preset method. Using this method decreases the time needed to load Gemma.

To customize the behavior of the handler, implement the following methods: load_model, validate_inference_args, and share_model_across_processes.

The Keras implementation of the Gemma models has a generate method that generates text based on a prompt. To route the prompts correctly, use this function in the run_inference function.

class GemmaModelHandler(
    ModelHandler[str, PredictionResult, GemmaCausalLM]
    def __init__(
        model_name: str = "",
        """ Implementation of the ModelHandler interface for Gemma using text as input.

        Example Usage::

          pcoll | RunInference(GemmaModelHandler())

          model_name: The Gemma model uri.
        self._model_name = model_name
        self._env_vars = {}
    def share_model_across_processes(self)  -> bool:
        return True

    def load_model(self) -> GemmaCausalLM:
        """Loads and initializes a model for processing."""
        return keras_nlp.models.GemmaCausalLM.from_preset(self._model_name)

    def run_inference(
        batch: Sequence[str],
        model: GemmaCausalLM,
        inference_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
    ) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]:
        """Runs inferences on a batch of text strings.

          batch: A sequence of examples as text strings.
          inference_args: Any additional arguments for an inference.

          An Iterable of type PredictionResult.
        # Loop each text string, and use a tuple to store the inference results.
        predictions = []
        for one_text in batch:
            result = model.generate(one_text, max_length=64)
        return [PredictionResult(x, y) for x, y in zip(batch, predictions)]

Formatting DoFn

The output from a keyed model handler is a tuple of the form (key, PredictionResult). To format that output into a string before sending it to the answer Pub/Sub topic, use an extra DoFn.

class FormatOutput(beam.DoFn):
  def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs):
    yield "Key : {key}, Input: {input}, Output: {output}".format(key=element[0], input=element[1].example, output=element[1].inference)

Start the pipeline

Run the following code from the directory to start the Dataflow streaming pipeline. Replace $PROJECT, $GCS_BUCKET, $REGION, $CONTAINER_URI, $INPUT_TOPIC, and $OUTPUT_TOPIC with the Google Cloud Project resources you created earlier. It may take around 5 minutes for the worker to start up and begin accepting messages from the input Pub/Sub topic.

python \
  --runner=dataflowrunner \
  --project=$PROJECT \
  --temp_location=$GCS_BUCKET \
  --region=$REGION \
  --machine_type="g2-standard-4" \
  --sdk_container_image=$CONTAINER_URI \ 
  --disk_size_gb=200 \
  --dataflow_service_options="worker_accelerator=type:nvidia-l4;count:1;install-nvidia-driver:5xx" \
  --messages_subscription=$INPUT_SUBSCRIPTION \
  --responses_topic=$OUTPUT_TOPIC \

Send a prompt to the model and check the response

In the Google Cloud console, navigate to the Pub/Sub topics page, and then select your input topic. On the Messages tab, click Publish Message. Add a message into the pipeline for the Dataflow job to pick up and pass through the model. The Dataflow job outputs the response to the Pub/Sub sink topic. To check the response from the model, you can manually pull messages from the destination topic. For more information, see Publish messages in the Google Cloud documentation.

Clean up resources

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this example, clean up the resources that you created.

  • Cancel the streaming Dataflow job.
  • Delete the Pub/Sub topic and subscriptions.
  • Delete the custom container from Artifact Registry.
  • Empty the tmp directory of your Google Cloud Storage bucket.