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Connecting to Cloud SQL (SQL Server) from a Go web app

This repo contains the Go source code for a simple web app that can be deployed to App Engine Standard. It is a demonstration of how to connect to a SQL Server instance in Cloud SQL. The application is the "Tabs vs Spaces" web app used in the Building Stateful Applications With Kubernetes and Cloud SQL session at Cloud Next '19.

Before you begin

  1. If you haven't already, set up a Go Development Environment by following the Go setup guide and create a project.

  2. Create a Cloud SQL for SQL Server instance by following these instructions. Note the connection string, database user, and database password that you create.

  3. Create a database for your application by following these instructions. Note the database name.

  4. Create a service account with the 'Cloud SQL Client' permissions by following these instructions. Download a JSON key to use to authenticate your connection.

Running locally

To run this application locally, download and install the cloud_sql_proxy by following the instructions here.

Instructions are provided below for using the proxy with a TCP connection or a Unix Domain Socket. On Linux or Mac OS you can use either option, but on Windows the proxy currently requires a TCP connection.

Launch proxy with TCP

To run the sample locally with a TCP connection, set environment variables and launch the proxy as shown below.

Linux / Mac OS

Use these terminal commands to initialize environment variables:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service/account/key.json
export DB_PORT='1433'

Then use this command to launch the proxy in the background:

./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<PROJECT-ID>:<INSTANCE-REGION>:<INSTANCE-NAME>=tcp:1433 -credential_file=$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS &


Use these PowerShell commands to initialize environment variables:


Then use this command to launch the proxy in a separate PowerShell session:

Start-Process -filepath "C:\<path to proxy exe>" -ArgumentList "-instances=<PROJECT-ID>:<INSTANCE-REGION>:<INSTANCE-NAME>=tcp:1433 -credential_file=<CREDENTIALS_JSON_FILE>"

Testing the application

To test the application locally, follow these steps after the proxy is running:

  • Install dependencies: go get ./...
  • Run the application: go run cloudsql.go
  • Navigate to in a web browser to verify your application is running correctly.

Deploying to App Engine Standard

To run the sample on GAE-Standard, create an App Engine project by following the setup for these instructions.

First, update app.standard.yaml with the correct values to pass the environment variables into the runtime. Your app.standard.yaml file should look like this:

runtime: go116

Note: Saving credentials in environment variables is convenient, but not secure - consider a more secure solution such as Cloud KMS to help keep secrets safe.

Next, the following command will deploy the application to your Google Cloud project:

gcloud app deploy cmd/app/app.standard.yaml

Deploying to App Engine Flexible

To run the sample on GAE-Flex, create an App Engine project by following the setup for these instructions.

First, update app.flexible.yaml with the correct values to pass the environment variables into the runtime. Your app.flexible.yaml file should look like this:

runtime: custom
env: flex



Note: Saving credentials in environment variables is convenient, but not secure - consider a more secure solution such as Cloud Secret Manager to help keep secrets safe.

Next, the following command will deploy the application to your Google Cloud project:

gcloud app deploy app.flexible.yaml

Deploy to Cloud Functions

To deploy the service to Cloud Functions run the following command:

gcloud functions deploy votes --gen2 --runtime go120 --trigger-http \
  --allow-unauthenticated \
  --entry-point Votes \
  --region <INSTANCE_REGION> \
  --set-env-vars DB_USER=$DB_USER \
  --set-env-vars DB_PASS=$DB_PASS \
  --set-env-vars DB_NAME=$DB_NAME

Take note of the URL output at the end of the deployment process to view your function!